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Muesum of Segregation

Brought to you by Frannie & Julia

Room 03

Room 02

Room 01




Room 01

Rosa parks & The Bus boyycott.

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Our first artifact is this Bus. This isnt any ordinary bus, this is the Bus Rosa parks got asked to leave the bus to give up her spot to a white person. She refused and went to jail which will bring you to the next artifact.

This is our 2nd Artifact. This is a photograph of rosa parks Jail photo. She got sent to jail since she refused to give up her spot to a white person. This shows how racist and how "Seprate but equal" Was Not Fair!

This Photograph is signifiget because this is rosa parks giving a speech, after her story went around her community didnt ride the bus for the next 13 months!

Room 02

Little Rock Nine

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This is Central high. During 1954 schools needed to desegregate. This high school had problems with it they had to put everyone's thoughts in this decision. They came up with an idea to have nine honorable students to Central high for a test run. This will bring you to the next artifact.

This is a photograph of what it looked like when the nine students walked in the school. President Eisenhower he sent troops to the nine students to make this transition as safe as possible.

Our last artifact for Little Rock Nine is these statues of the students. This is significate since they are honoring these students to take the next step in the community to make a change.

Room 03

Greensboro Sit-Ins

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Tis artifact is a picture of the kitchen counter at their school. Its signiicant since its wherre they hosted some protests.

This is a picture of the resturnat that they had some of their protests in.

This picture is just to show how cruel they were during the sit ins. The people who did the sit in protests didnt say anything didnt fight back just sat.

Summary:Greensboro sit ins were a protest to unsegregate resturants. They sat down at the counter and didnt leave untill they were served. They didnt fight back, they didnt talk back they purely sat down. We rate this a 3.5/5 since they were treated horribly but they got what they came for.

Summary:A community in Little Rock, AR. Had a high school that needed to figure out what they were going to do about the desegregation in schools law. After a little bit of discussing everyone's point of view they decided to send 9 honorable students from the black school to do a test run. The president sent troops to make sure this transition was smooth and safe as posible. We rate this a 4/5 from having blacks in the school but that transition wasnt so smooth wiyth other kids being mean and trashy towards them.

Summary:Rosa Parks was on a full bus, Rosa Parks was asked to leave since a white person wanted to sit there instead. She refused and was arrested. After she went to jail her story was told in her community and they decided to start a protest and not ride the bus for a full 13 months. When the 13 months came up the bus drivers/owners realized with out them they lose money. So trhey made the buses not segregated. We rate this a 3/5 since they got what they wanted but it took 13 months.