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Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities


Learning Disability

'A learning disability affects the way a person learns new things throughout their life' - NHS

A difficulty constitutes a condition which creates obstacles when learning.

A disability is a condition that affects learning in all areas of life.

Learning Disability Vs Learning Difficulties

  • Lack of Food
  • Post Traumatic Birth
  • Vaccinations

Before Birth

  • Lack of Oxygen
  • Premature
  • Poverty/Medical Access

During Birth

Before Birth

  • Drugs & Alcohol misuse
  • Twin Trauma
  • Development Process

Causes of Learning Disabilities

According to the British Institute for Learning Disabilities


Individuals with a Learning Disability 'Cause Not Known'

  • High Divorse Rate
  • Tiredness, Guilt
  • Constantly fighting their corner



  • 'Glass Children' - siblings of a person with a disability, only focus on the individual who has the disability.
  • Miss out on opportunities
  • Putting up with behaviour

Impact on a Family - individual with LD

The SEND Code of Practice is statutory guidance for organisations that work with and support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities - (The National College)

  • Legal document to follow
  • Educational Health Care Plan
  • Personalised outcomes linking to four areas
  • Support young person & their families

SEN Code of Practice 2014

It provides a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and promote equal opportunities for everyone - HFT.

  • We are governed by this act in regards to Learning Disabilities.
  • Meeting the needs of learners.
  • Protects all from discrimination.
A physical or mental impairment includes:
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Mental Health Conditions
  • Medical Conditions
  • Hidden Impairments - Autism, Speech & Language Difficulties

Equality Act 2010

9 Protected Characteristics

KCSIE statutory guidance that schools and colleges in England must have regard to when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children - GOV.UK

  • Safeguarding Protocols - How we report incidents
  • Registers - Legal Document
  • Following EHCP's
  • Filtering System
  • Sharing of information - connections with home

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

  • Model created with the person in mind/by the person
  • How to further support the person
  • Removes barriers to living/accessing day to day life

Social Model of Disability

  • Highlights that the problem is the disabled person
  • Considered very 'outdated'
  • Focuses on what the person can't do

Medical Model of Disability

Thank you!

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