Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Classwork Objectives :1. Introduce unit 42. Warm-up!3. Video time 4. Vocabulary 5. Reading 16. Reading skill 7. Project advance # 3

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Unit 4 Leading Business


Brainstorm some characterisctics of good leaders!

Activity # 1

In pairs, write down a definition of leader.

How can his invention be useful ?Do you know any famous entreprenours ? What are they famous for ?

Look at the photo and answer :

+ info

Watch the following video and make guessings about it!

Watch the video again and answer questions on page 70.

Book page 71

Vocabulary time!!

+ info

Look at the picture and the title.Make predictions about it.

Access the next link and answer the quiz.Do you agree with the results ?


WARM-UP!Are you a good leader ?

+ info

  • As you read, underline new words and the main ideas in each of the paragraphs.

Let's read... Book pages 73-75

Reading comprehension !Book page 75

+ info

Reading skill !!Find evidenceBook page 76

+ info

Today, we are going to work on ...1.Warm-up!2. Reading an article 3. Reading comprehension 4. Reading skill 5. Interpret graphics and charts 6. Get ready for our oral evaluation

Welcome to class !


In today's session, We will work on .....1. Listening to some presentations 2. Listening practice # 4

Welcome to Class!!!


Let´s listen to some presentationsAs you listen, complete the following chart with the information presented

Today:1. Warm-up!2.Vocabulary 13.Speaking 4. What kind of leader are you ?5. Listening Practice # 46. Grammar 7. Grammar practice

Welcome class!!


Warm-up!You will listen to a video that explains "How to Establish Yourself as a Leader".Create a mind-map using the information given.

Listen to some words and write them down.

Vocabulary 1

Let's play !!!

Game time!Match the sentences with the correct answers.https://es.educaplay.com/recursos-educativos/18046621-listening_4.html

Listening time!BS - Listening Practice # 4

Homework Book pages 77-80-81- Sunday at midnightSpark Unit 4 - Sunday at midnight Correction Essay - Saturday at midnightCoil planning-Saturday at midnight

You must complete this chart with 4 presentations

Read the following sentences, try to explain the meaning of the words in bold.

+ info

Match the previous sentences with the correct complement.

Listening Practice # 4

Brightspace - Evaluations -Listening Practice # 4

+ info

Today, we will work on :1. Warm-up!2. Grammar time 3. Book4. Final project advance 5. Written Evaluation

Welcome to class!


Warm-up!Listen to the song and make a list of the relative pron0uns you hear.


Relative pronouns


Let's practice!!https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-video-lessons/grammar-practice/general-grammar-practice/snack-attack-relative-pronouns/500355



Relative clauses!!Let's learn more about them.Document




*Spark unit 4 - Closes tomorrow at 9:00p.m*Written Task # 2- Final version today before midnight.* Tomorrow written evaluation.What factors make entrepreneurs successful?Check book pages 82-83-87-88

Dates to keep in mind!!!


Let's practice!Book page 86

  • For this last project advance: You are going to work on your final project delivery.
In one PDF, add the following information :Include the following order :1.Cover page 2. Index 3. Introduction 4. Problem5. Background 6. Objectives 7. Justification8. Process9. Description of the Product 10. Personal Conclusion 11. Glossary 12. Sources

Project Advance #4

  • For this last project advance: You are going to work on your final presentation.
You can use Canva, PPT, Genially, etc.Do not add text, just headings , subheadings and images Include the following order :1. Introduction 2.Problem3. Background 4. Objectives 5. Justification6. Process7. Description of the Product 8.Conclusion

Project Advance #4

Oral presentation

You will be called one by one to present your oral individual evaluation.

+ info

Today, we will work on .....1. Grammar review 2. COIL preparation

Welcome to Class !!!


Let's practice!Book page 86

Instructions for the final phase of the COIL project, "Weaving Cultures Through Sustainable Fashion":1. Finalize Design and Pattern:-Review and refine: Carefully review your design concept and storyboard together. Make any final adjustments or modifications based on feedback or further inspiration.-Create a pattern: Collaborate to create a detailed pattern for your garment, ensuring the use of appropriate pattern-making techniques or software, considering your chosen materials.-Consider construction details: Ensure your choices align with sustainability principles and design aesthetics.

Coil project preparation

2. Construct the Garment:Divide tasks: Assign specific construction tasks based on skills and preferences. Communicate effectively and work collaboratively to achieve a cohesive and well-finished garment.Ensure quality: Pay close attention to detail, neatness, and durability. Maintain open communication and troubleshoot any challenges together.

Coil project preparation

3. Document and Reflect:Capture the process: Take photos and videos of your construction journey to showcase your collaborative efforts and creative process.Write reflections: Individually and collaboratively reflect on your learning experiences, cultural insights, challenges faced, and the significance of sustainability in fashion design

Coil project preparation

4. Create a presentation that includes the following points :a) Introduction b) Describe the proverbs chosen (history, meaning etc.)c) Describe the typical Mexican and Colombia garments d) Describe the most important cultural elements in each garmente) Describe the sustainability of your materials selectionf) Describe the final garment g) Conclusion

Coil project preparation

Send your presentation, and be ready to present on Thursday 7th.Check the rubric attached in Bs.

Coil project preparation

Reading quiz!!

Today, we will work on:1. Grammar review 2 Analyse an essay 3. Writing techniques 4. Writing an outline5. Oral Presentation

Welcome to Class!


What is a relative pronoun?What is a relative clause?What is a defining relative clause?What is a non-defining relative clause?Let's play a game !!!https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/60005f30ba5921001c36eae6/defining-and-non-defining-relative-clauses?fromSearch=true&source=


Reduced relative clauses !


What factors make entrepreneurs successful ?

Today, you will organise an outline to write an essay answering this question :

Let's analyse an example

Book page 80.

+ info

Writing skill!!Let's practice on page 84

+ info

Let's plan !!Book 87

+ info


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Individually, you will pick an entrepreneur that you admire.

In your presentation, you have to add:1. Entrepreneur's name2. Story behind success ( how the business started / when / where /who )3.Kind of business4.Size 5.Customer profile 6.Location 7.Purpose 8. Falls ( Was it successful at the beginning ? )9. Lessons learnt 10. Business' future In your presentation, just add the person's picture. You will have 2 minutes to present your oral exam.

Oral presentation!

+ info

Dates to keep in mind*Wednesday May 15th Final Evaluation

+ info

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