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Eric CarreiroEDLE 518-AW1September 17, 2023

The Essentials of Assessment

Stakeholders are engaged and purposes identified

Every method doesn’t have to be implemented immediately or every year

Timing Assessment

Plans can be simple and emphasis should be on the process and discussion that produces the plan

Creating a Written Plan

Formative Assessment – during program gaining feedback to modify, shape, and improveSummative Assessment – after program judging quality or worth

Designing a Thoughtful Approach to Assessment Planning

Guides the selection of assessment instruments and facilitates the use of assessment results

Establishing Purpose

Academic leaders establish learning outcomes and objectives, trustees and staff provide feedback and establish complementary outcomes, students translate into terms that peers will understand, accreditors set standards and expectations

Engaging Stakeholders


Leadership and resources are made available through all levels of the institution

Outcomes need flexibility to be displayed in multiple formats to suit the intended audience

Sharing Findings

Implementing Effective Assessment

Budget for staff time and relevant materials

Providing Resources

Reviewing processes leads to improving the outcomes

Assessing Resources and Process as Well as Outcomes

Multi-session or sustained learning initiatives are most effective

Educating Faculty and Staff

Direct measures include objective tests selecting responses and performance measures generating their own responses; Indirect methods ask reflective responses versus demonstrating skills

Selecting or Designing Data Collection Approaches

Leaders convey message that they value the assessment process and will sustain it

Providing Leadership

Leaders ensure findings are examined, shared, and acted on when warranted

Effective assessment needs both direct and indirect assessment

Obtaining Credible Evidence

Meta-assessment rubrics (MARs) can assess the plans and reports of individual departments of programs Assessment program should have continuity over time for comparison and flexibility for encouraging experimentation

Reexamining the Asessement Process

Outcomes should be seen as beneficial data for informed and strategic decisions

Ensuring the Use of Assessment Findings

Improving and Sustaining