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A "brief" introduction to many aspects and curiosities of our hole universe


an introduction to the

By Alejandro Z. & Mariano A.





Life in space



the ending



Black holes

dark matter

our place


the Study








The theories about how the universe began

The beginning of the



There was no 'before' the beginning of our universe, because once upon a time there was no time.

Jonh D. Barrow

The most popular theory

The beginning

The big bang

The explosion of a singularity.

Some other theories

The beginning

A simulation

A black hole

a cycle

A Simulation theory.Says we are living in a colossal simulation.

The Black Hole Theory.Says the Universe popped out of a black hole from another universe.

The Conformal Cycel and the Big Bounce.States a cycle of expansion and contraction. There's no beginning.




The process of the Universe formation and it's expansion

The expansion of the



The Universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

Muriel Rukeyser

a year

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The expansion

+ Info

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+ Info

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Our levels of organization and the map of the Universe

The organization of the


Does the Universe has a limit?

what's the shape of the



There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of, and that's your own self.

Aldoux Huxley

Infinite or finite?

the limit

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How the Universe will end or die

The end of the


How the Universe will die

The End

big crunch

big freeze

Big Rip

Gravity will eventually halt the expansion, causing the Universe crash back inward, perhaps transforming into a gargantuan black hole.

The universe will reach a state where all energy and therefore heat is uniformly distributed. The final temperature of the entire universe will hover a smidge above absolute zero.

Dark energy will get stronger over time and eventually overcome any forces of attraction, everything will be torn apart.


What is exactly dark matter?

The concept of

Dark matter

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thank you


You are the Universe experiencing itself, very briefly, as a human.

Alan Watts / Eckhart Tolle


Because our entire Universe is made up of consiousness, we never really experience the Universe directly, we just experience our consiousness of the Universe, our perception of it, so right, our only Universe is perception.

Alan Moore

  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • Theories of the beginning
  • The expansion of Universe 1
  • Theories of the beginning/end 2
  • Theories of the end 1

Some of the sites where we got information


  • Theories of the beginning 1
  • https://hubblesite.org/resource-gallery/articles
  • https://www.astronomy.com/?s=the+universe+has+a+limit
  • https://ciencia.nasa.gov/cinco-fenomenos-extranos-que-ocurren-en-el-espacio-exterior
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQBbDqj7AjQ
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLAFqzYyEpU

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Theories of the beginning
  • 5 Alternatives to the Big Bang theory and why it still trumps rivals. From Interesting Engineering. Google. 09/16/2023: https://interestingengineering.com/lists/5-alternatives-to-the-big-bang-theory
  • Origin Of The Universe: 8 Different Theories. From RankRed. Google. 09/16/2023: https://www.rankred.com/origin-of-the-universe-different-theories/
  • What Is The Big Rip? From Universe Today. Google. 09/16/2023: https://www.universetoday.com/107316/what-is-the-big-rip/
  • The Beginning to the End of the Universe: The Big Crunch vs. The Big Freeze. From Astronomy.com. Google. 09/16/2023: https://www.astronomy.com/science/the-beginning-to-the-end-of-the-universe-the-big-crunch-vs-the-big-freeze/


Theories of the end
  • ¿La entropía destruirá el universo? - CuriosaMente 139. De CuriosaMente. Youtube. Google.
  • Todas las teorías sobre el origen del universo. De Esquire. Google. 09/16/2023 https://www.esquire.com/es/ciencia/a40751461/teorias-origen-universo/


Theories of the end

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