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Designed by Sofía Méndez




1. Concept

2. Decade of the 40s

3. Decade of the 50s

4. Decade of the 60s

5. Decade of the 70s

6. Decade of the 80s

7. Decade of the 90s

8. References


"Aviation has an impact on the foreign relations of countries, its facilitating role in international economic activity, and its contribution to the development of mass tourism, around its last 100 years"(Sebastià, 2019)

decade of the 40s


Civil Aeronautics Board


Safe transport


Boeing B-29 “Superfortress





After the end of the Second World War, the two western blocs (capitalist USA) and the east (communist Soviet Union) came into conflict due to their different ideologies. The cold war began.

On April 20, 1941, American A. makes an announcement that it has transported 1 billion passengers in five years without registering any human loss, thanks to technological advances in radio, meteorology, and engine reliability.

Decade of the 50s




Douglas DC-7C "Seven Seas"



In the 50s the Warsaw Treaty was signed and then the world was divided by the Iron Curtain, and the Korean War also began when the communists from North Korea invaded South Korea, ending at the end of the 1950s. the space race.




Bea inaugurated the first airplane for civil use that had a piston engine. turbocharged and that would enable the new business called “Viscount”

Douglas DC-7C "Seven Seas", the first transatlantic aircraft since it became the first to fly non-stop in Europe, and is also called intercontinental since it eliminates many technical stops.

Creation of "European Civil Aviation Conference" for continuous, safe, efficient, and sustainable development for European tourism.


In 1960, the first precautionary measures were taken to mitigate noise with the introduction of minimum heights for approach and takeoff, avoiding populated areas.

decade of the 60s


Certain airlines were certified for commercial use, “affinity” trips, packages and military flights generated an increase in air traffic.

Aviation trade

Cold War

The Berlin Wall was built in 1961, the invasion of Cuba by the United States which failed, in 1962 the missile crisis happened, they entered the Vietnam War while the US supported South Vietnam, the USSR supported Vietnam from North.



The same plane began to be used for both passengers during the day and cargo at night as the Boeing 727-QC by United A.


In 1960, the first precautionary measures were taken to mitigate noise with the introduction of minimum heights for approach and takeoff, avoiding populated areas.

decade of the 60s


Certain airlines were certified for commercial use, “affinity” trips, packages and military flights generated an increase in air traffic.

Aviation trade

Cold War

The Berlin Wall was built in 1961, the invasion of Cuba by the United States which failed, in 1962 the missile crisis happened, they entered the Vietnam War while the US supported South Vietnam, the USSR supported Vietnam from North.



The same plane began to be used for both passengers during the day and cargo at night as the Boeing 727-QC by United A.

Cold War


decade of the 70s

In the 1970s, the United States and the USSR signed a Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, but Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan, causing the United States to support Afghanistan against the Soviet invasion.


People Mover

The people mover, that is, the automatic train, was installed inside the Tampa airport


Lockheed SR-71

Lockheed SR-71 aircraft built to fly at high speeds to escape missiles operated by the US Air Force and NASA with an absolute speed record of 3,530 km/h


Commercial Aviation

Starting in 1978, the normalization and globalization of the industry began until it reached all social classes, including developing countries as key to future development with the main activity of commercial aviation.

decade of the 80s Cold War


Boeing 767 changes transatlantic flights with its twin-engine capable of long-haul operation without making stops, thus opening a new segment to the market.


The Rutan Voyager flight makes the first non-stop trip around the world, Piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, it took off on December 14, 1986, and landed at the same place after 9 days, 3 minutes and 44 seconds.


The Antonov An-225 was a military transport aircraft, originally designed in Ukraine to transport the failed Soviet Buran space shuttle. With: length: 84 m wingspan: 88.4 m maximum weight: 640 tons

Boeing 767


The biggest Plane

+ info

The Regan doctrine was formed, which advocated the right of the United States to defeat existential communist governments, and the Berlin Wall fell.

decade of the 90s Cold War


Concerning common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports


The Boeing 777 became the first airplane designed entirely by a computer, as well as having a fly-by-steer system.


On March 21, 1999, Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones were in a hot air balloon for 19 days, 21 hours and 55 minutes, traveling around the world with a total of 40,814 km.

Boeing 777


+ info

The Soviet Union fell and the Cold War ended. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was signed between Russia and the United States and finally, Russia formally recognized the end of the Soviet Union.


Academia Play. (2017, 9 agosto). La Guerra Fría en 7 minutos [Vídeo]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXijvhBQ-u8Conocimiento, V. A. (2023, 23 mayo). Historia de la aviación ️ ⏱️ | Cronologías OpenMind. OpenMind. https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/ciencia/fisica/cronologia-interactiva-aviacion/Root, & Root. (2023). The Cold War timeline. History. https://www.historyonthenet.com/the-cold-war-timeline-2Sebastià, S. B. (2019, 20 febrero). Historia de la aviación comercial desde 1909 hasta nuestros días. http://hdl.handle.net/11201/149004

Roosevelt signs the “Civil Aeronautics Act”, after this signature the regulation of air transport is carried out, creating CAB which would regulate routes, tariffs and restricted competition to promote the industry.

Civil Aeronautics Board

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The Boeing B-29 “Superfortress" used mainly by the USA to launch atomic bombs had a pressurized cabin and autonomy of 9,382 km.

Boeing B-29 “Superfortress"

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