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Case study:When to implement RTI

Christine Reilly

case study. Approach to the situation Identify and Describe


Student A14 year old freshman

Key facts


Background information

Context in which the action occurs

Concerning behaviors

  • Head down
  • Checked out/not participating in class
  • Has the ability but cannot push himself to action
  • Wants to be left alone









academic concerns

  • Low district assessment scores
  • Failing/low grades in multiple classes
  • Inability to focus or organize materials
  • Not taking notes or following along





The student has not been previously evaluated for special education services

Student is displaying similar academic and behavioral concerns in all classes. Multiple teachers have reported similar observations.

The current situation vs the goal for this student


Student is not academically successful in classes



case study: Define and analyze

  • Placed in lower level classes
  • Intervention period for extra help

  • MTSS
  • Co-Teacher
  • Parental involvement

  • Student does not want to ask for help
  • Student not taking responsibility
  • Doesn't understand

RTI Intervention Plan

  • Student will attend a support group every other week with peers who are in s similar situation
  • Psychologist will meet with the student weekly

Case Study: Design

Support group

  • Student will be enrolled in the Career Center (KACC), which has more hands on courses involving a trade where students learn skills necessary for a particular job they are interested in

Career center

  • If all of thea above interventions do not yield the desired results, then the student should be tested and evaluated to see if he qualifies for special education services



  • Rewards that are meaningful to the student
  • If student achieves X, then the reward is Y

student contract

An awesome title

Contextualize your topic

How do you know if your plan is working?

Data must be collected regularly!




Progress shown through:

What to do if the plan is not working

If the RTI plan that has been put in place is not working, then the next step would be to provide testing to the student to see if he qualifies for any special education services. The parent should also take her son to their regular physician to rule out physical issues and to seek any recommendations.



Case study: evaluate the plan

  • Bulleted list
  • Bulleted list

  • Bulleted list
  • Bulleted list

  • Bulleted list
  • Bulleted list

  • Bulleted list
  • Bulleted list

  • Improved grades
  • Head up in class
  • Increased engagement
  • Social interactment
  • Asking questions
  • Completing work



Andrew M.I. Lee, J. (2023, June 15). Evaluation rights: What you need to know: Idea: Evaluation process. Understood. https://www.understood.org/en/articles/evaluation-rights-what-you-need-to-know Essential components of RTI – a closer look at response to ... - ed. (n.d.-a). https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED526858.pdf Identifying struggling students. NCLD. (2019, November 21). https://www.ncld.org/research/state-of-learning-disabilities/identifying-struggling-students Morin, A. (2023, June 15). Progress monitoring in response to intervention. Understood. https://www.understood.org/en/articles/how-rti-monitors-progress RTI Classroom Progress-Monitoring Worksheet: Guidelines. (n.d.). https://www.interventioncentral.org/sites/default/files/rti_tier_1_teacher_data_collection_form.pdf

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Student has gone through all 3 Tiers of support. The English and math classes he has been placed in have co-teachers who offer one on one assistance and check in on him when he puts his head down.Teachers are communicating weekly with his mother. She is on board and responsive.


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Student is not asking questions or asking for help despite the smaller class size and the addition of a co-teacher.Student says he doesn't understand the work but does not have any specific examples or reasons why.Student is not responding to any of the supports put in place.


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What are your rights and what do you need to know as a parent when it comes to evaluating your child for special education services

Parent Information

Academic Interventions

Student was signed up by teachers to attend extra help and support sessions during schoolwide Boiler Block time. Student has also been placed in foundations of math and English classes which offer support for struggling students who have not been identified as qualifying for special eduation services.

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