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The last day of September is the end of Monsoon season. October sees a well-watered desert with flora that, after a brutally hot summer bursts with life, in what has been called "Second Spring" by some. Many animal species also shift their behaviours around this time, including people! Autumn is the busiest season for visitation at the Conservation Area.

Event Calendar

Monarchs on the Move

Bright Eyed & Bat- Tailed


Ripe Prickly Pears means Monsoon season Close

Raptor Celebration Month!

Tarantula Season

Fields of Gold

Nature's NewsOctober 2023

@ Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada, USA

Everything on this page is interactive! Each clickable item will show you an (hopefully) interesting fact, open a relevant webpage in a new window, provide further information, or show a video/photo. Enjoy! Happy Spooky Season!

Many people have a fear of spiders, but have you ever wonder what a tarantula might be afraid of??

Click the link to find out, but fair warning, it is much creepier than these crawlies!

Desert Tarantulas are out & about looking for love

Throughout October, it is not uncommon to find (usually) male tarantulas roaming across the landscape looking for a receptive female with whom to breed. The males will walk substantial distances searching, while the females usually stay close to a familiar shelter.Males live an average of 1 year while females can live 25...might have something to do with the fact she usually eats her mate after breeding.

Click if you dare



A desert tarantula scurries across Creosote bush-scrub

Threatened & Endangered!

Differentiating Raptors

Vulture Culture

Raptor Appreciation Month

In High [Flying] Regard, our Nevada Birds of Prey:

Hypercarnivorous predators with keen eyesight, sharrp talons, and curved beaks, Raptors were designed to be the best hunters on the planet.

More Raptor Vids

At Risk Raptors

Primarily due to habitat loss from humans, several raptor species are considered threatened or endangered with extinction, are on the BLM Sensitive Species list, or have another protected status

Golden eagle, Short-eared owl, long-eared owl, burrowing owl, verdin, ferruginous hawk, swwainson's hawk common nighthawk peregrine falcon, bald eaglem flammulated own arizonba bell vireo

Did you know that a group of vultures (one of the few raptor types that prefer company) is called a Committee or a Volt? The Far Side













































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October repeatedly has the highest density of Monarch sightings in Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area!

Monarch Migration:


butterfly flutters by

Bat to the Bone!


Frenetic F lyers of the Evening

Red Rock is home to over 17 bat species, all isnectivores. Some of these can only be found within the Conservation Area, as far as we know. These mammals are more closely related to humans than rodents (cotnracy to popular beliefe) and are the only mammal that can fly!Click each question mark to guess on our most charismatic little insectivores!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a ultrices tellus. Sed eu lorem ac ipsum feugiat vestibulum vel sit amet erat. Integer sed velit pretium, eleifend felis sed, scelerisque mi. Nunc a imperdiet mauris. Ut gravida pulvinar ipsum, mollis egestas felis scelerisque et. Phasellus faucibus augue nec tincidunt feugiat. Donec feugiat purus sed massa iaculis, quis convallis dolor dapibus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec mollis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet lorem id ante tincidunt ullamcorper. Pellentesque risus magna, lobortis sed justo id, lacinia vestibulum tortor. Sed eros turpis, aliquam in nisl ac, pulvinar aliquet dolor. Nam nulla est, imperdiet a mauris id, tempus aliquam nunc. Phasellus finibus luctus urna, ac maximus magna tincidunt ut. Cras mattis risus orci. Integer eu malesuada mauris. Curabitur metus augue, malesuada eget purus ac, elementum mattis tellus. Sed gravida erat eu dictum maximus.

Fields of GoldPlant Profile: Chinchweed

A sunny & bright native winter annual forms dense carpets in RRC,' following late-summer rainfall, as far as the eye can see.


Chinchweed aka limoncilloPectic Papposa Family: Asteraceae (sunflower)Description:low-lying rounded mounds, dandelion-like flowers, zesty lemon odorLocation: American SW. valley floors, <6,000 ftEthnobotany: food (condiment-fresh/dried), laxative, perfume

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a ultrices tellus. Sed eu lorem ac ipsum feugiat vestibulum vel sit amet erat. Integer sed velit pretium, eleifend felis sed, scelerisque mi. Nunc a imperdiet mauris. Ut gravida pulvinar ipsum, mollis egestas felis scelerisque et. Phasellus faucibus augue nec tincidunt feugiat. Donec feugiat purus sed massa iaculis, quis convallis dolor dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec mollis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet lorem id ante tincidunt ullamcorper. Pellentesque risus magna, lobortis sed justo id, lacinia vestibulum tortor. Sed eros turpis, aliquam in nisl ac, pulvinar aliquet dolor. Nam nulla est, imperdiet a mauris id, tempus aliquam nunc. Phasellus finibus luctus urna, ac maximus magna tincidunt ut. Cras mattis risus orci. Integer eu malesuada mauris. Curabitur metus augue, malesuada eget purus ac, elementum mattis tellus. Sed gravida erat eu dictum maximus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a ultrices tellus. Sed eu lorem ac ipsum feugiat vestibulum vel sit amet erat. Integer sed velit pretium, eleifend felis sed, scelerisque mi. Nunc a imperdiet mauris. Ut gravida pulvinar ipsum, mollis egestas felis scelerisque et. Phasellus faucibus augue nec tincidunt feugiat. Donec feugiat purus sed massa iaculis, quis convallis dolor dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec mollis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet lorem id ante tincidunt ullamcorper. Pellentesque risus magna, lobortis sed justo id, lacinia vestibulum tortor. Sed eros turpis, aliquam in nisl ac, pulvinar aliquet dolor. Nam nulla est, imperdiet a mauris id, tempus aliquam nunc. Phasellus finibus luctus urna, ac maximus magna tincidunt ut. Cras mattis risus orci. Integer eu malesuada mauris. Curabitur metus augue, malesuada eget purus ac, elementum mattis tellus. Sed gravida erat eu dictum maximus.

When the Prickly Pears are ripe, Monsoon season has come to a close


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Monsoon season or "churaskca", which generally runs from 15 June to 1 Septenber, is characterized by torrenrial rain, flash flooding, synapse-like lightning across the sky, and the final hurrah if wildflower blooms for the year.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec mollis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet lorem id ante tincidunt ullamcorper. Pellentesque risus magna, lobortis sed justo id, lacinia vestibulum tortor. Sed eros turpis, aliquam in nisl ac, pulvinar aliquet dolor. Nam nulla est, imperdiet a mauris id, tempus aliquam nunc. Phasellus finibus luctus urna, ac maximus magna tincidunt ut. Cras mattis risus orci. Integer eu malesuada mauris. Curabitur metus augue, malesuada eget purus ac, elementum mattis tellus. Sed gravida erat eu dictum maximus.

Tarantula Hawks

To Humans, the most painful sting in the world. To Tarantulas, a dreaded foe. To the ecosystem, an important player in it's proper functioning.

Eric Januszkiewicz

  • Species of tarantula hawks have been seen as far north as Utah and as far south as Argentina, with more than 250 species living in South America.
  • Fifteen species of Pepsis are found in the United States, most of them residing in the desert.
  • They are generally active during the summer months. They avoid the hottest part of the day (mine was out in early evening).
  • Due to their extremely large stingers, they have very few predators; only roadrunners and bullfrogs will take them on.
  • The tarantula hawk is the state insect of New Mexico.

Weird n Wild Wiki

This is the best week of the month (due to the New Moon on the 14th) to view and photograph the Galactic Center of the Milky Way, visible jsut above the horizon after moonset. If you miss it, you can try again at winter;s end.

Galactic Center of the Milky Way at it's most visible.

What's a Galactic Center?

  • The Galactic Center is a supermassive black hole
  • The blackhole weighs the same as about 4 million of our Sun

Galactic Center of the Milky Way and a Meteor, as seen from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

source: Brocken Inaglory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactic_Center#/media/File:Milky_Way_Galaxy_and_a_meteor.jpg

Vultures, a.k.a. "buzzards", are one of the few raptors that enjoy the company of others, choosing to mingle in groups instead of living solitary lives.

Did You Know....

  • A group of vultures is called a committee, a venue, or a volt.
  • If they are eating, the group is called a wake.
  • In flight, it is a kettle of vultures!