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Choice Board


Project 1Writing Assignment Required

Project Option 2Mixtape

Project Option 3Set Design

Project Option 4Wardrobe Design

Additional Resources

Project Rubric

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Video References


SWBAT determine the theme of the Odyssey IOTanalyze how the setting of a text can transform both the characters and the momentum of the plot.



9-10.RL.KID.1 Analyze what the text says explicitly and draw inferences; cite the strongest, most compelling textual evidence to support conclusions. 9-10.RL.KID.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development; provide an objective or critical summary. 9-10.RL.KID.3 Analyze how complex characters, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text to impact meaning.

Project 1 Writing Assignment Required

Explain how one of the settings in The Odyssey transformed Odysseus or transformed his journey. Use evidence from the text to support your claim.

Your Writing Prompt Is:

Click to see writing requirements

Writing Assignment Requirements

What do I need?

You will create three paragraphs: introduction paragraph body paragraph conclusion paragraph

Each paragraph should be between 5 - 10 complete sentences and include proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling.

Make sure to: use Microsoft Word to type your analysis include a title and heading (MLA format)include one in text citation in your body paragraph to support your claim include a Works Cited page

Click to see EXAMPLE



  • Create a playlist or soundtrack for the different books of The Odyssey.
  • Consider how the different settings Odysseus and his crew experience would transform the mood and rhythm of the songs you select.
  • Imagine that each new setting Odysseus encounters marks a transformation in the mood of the epic.
*Pick one school appropriate song for each setting (Island of Lotus Eaters, Cyclops' Cave, Land of the Dead, Sirens' Island, passing by Scylla & Charybdis, and finally the Island of the Sun God)

Your Mixtape Project is:

Click to see requirements!

MixTape Assignment ReQuirements

Pick one fitting song per setting. (6 total songs) Create a power point presentation with 7 total slides:

  • One title slide (Including your cover art)
  • 6 slides including the name of the song the artist important lyrics that tie in with the setting from the epic an explanation of why this song fits in with how this setting has transformed Odysseus

Click to see example

Example PowerPoint

SEt Design PRoject

Design the different settings that Odysseus and his crew transition through during the epic. You can use your art skills and draw the sets for three of the settings in The Odyssey OR you can show off your tech skills and design all 6 of the sets in Power Point or Google Slides. Options for settings are: Island of Lotus Eaters, Cyclops' Cave, Land of the Dead, Sirens' Island, passing by Scylla & Charybdis, and finally the Island of the Sun God

Your Set Design Project Is:

CLick to see Drawing requirements

CLick to see Virtual requirements

Drawing Option

Choose three settings to draw Use your amazing art skills to sketch these settings Take a picture of each drawing Create a Power Point or Google Slides presentation including A title slide One slide per scene you drew (with the uploaded sketch included) One slide with text (3-4 sentences) explaining how this setting transformed Odysseus in some way

Virtual Option

Create a Power Point or Google Slides Presentation including A title slide 6 slides designed with your technology skills to represent the 6 settings Odysseus and his crew traveled through Each slide should have a caption (1-2 sentences) about how this setting transformed Odysseus or his journey A Works Cited slide to cite websites you used for your images if applicable

Click to see example!

SEt Design Example

Wardrobe Design

Your Wardrobe Design Project is:

Design the costumes or wardrobes for Odysseus and/or his crew for at least 4 of the 6 settings that they travel through. Consider what kinds of costumes they would wear and why they would change into different outfits as this journey transforms them. Explain in writing why these costumes would be appropriate for the changing settings.

Click for project requirements!

Choose 4 of the 6 settings that Odysseus travels through during his journey. Sketch outfits/costumes that Odysseus might wear while he is in each setting Take a picture of each drawing Create a Power Point or Google Slides presentation including

  • A title slide
  • One slide per costume set you drew (with the uploaded sketch included)
  • One slide with text (3-4 sentences) explaining how these settings transformed Odysseus in some way.
Options for settings are: Island of Lotus Eaters, Cyclops' Cave, Land of the Dead, Sirens' Island, passing by Scylla & Charybdis, and finally the Island of the Sun God

Wardrobe Design Requirements

Click to see example!

Wardrobe Design

Additional Resources

Literary Texts Excerpts from Mythology by Edith Hamilton 1040L (link) Excerpts from The Odyssey, Pearson Textbook Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell (link) An Ancient Gesture by Edna St. Vincent Millay (p. 1129 of Pearson textbook) Siren Song by Margaret Atwood (p. 1130 of Pearson textbook) Ithaca by Constantine Cavafy (p. 1135 of Pearson textbook)

Informational “Greek Society” by Mark Cartwright, 1280L (link) “The Psychological Comforts of Storytelling” by Cody C. Delistraty, 1250L (link) Preparing to Read the Odyssey (p. 1040A of Pearson textbook) “The Truth About Being a Hero” by Karl Marlantes (link) “Back from War, but Not Really Home,” by Caroline Alexander (link)

Project Rubic

Organizers: Get it together

Video References

  • Nonprint Texts (Fiction or Nonfiction) Homer Biography (1:18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnxVv1JDUuA
  • Crash Course: The Odyssey (12:06) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS4jk5kavy4
  • The Odyssey film clip (23:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S_l12WM_KM
  • Waterhouse TedEd Video on Background for The Odyssey: https://youtu.be/8Z9FQxcCAZ0
  • The Hero’s Journey (7:39): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGV1BvnyvGo