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Building Blocks of Government

These are ...

These Citizens are fighting against what type of government?

Imagine if the world was made out of legos, then Legos would become the ____.

This Dude. Aka King Louise XIV

This political theory wants poor people to overthrow the wealthy and then everyone will share ownership of all property.

"I give the government permission to organize our communities & protect our interests by voting!"

1. This is an economic and political system. 2. Industry is controlled by individual people or companies.

There are 195 countries. Another word for country is a ________.

Bonus Point: Who was breaking up with whom?

What doc is this?

IF you are a small buissness owner, you might also be called this

What's this an infographic for?

Vote workers party!

Vote Batman!

Vote Star Wars party!

Pick your Party....

There once was a time where really smart people started to wonder why our countries were the way they were. They began writing about freedom, individualism, and bunny suits....wait no that last one isn't right.

All lego pirates deserve to have equal rights and should help decide where they pilage next!

What are these pirates looking for?

Bonus Point: Name them!

Who are these guys?




When the branches of the Government all do different jobs, its called...

These pirates all agree it would be uncivilized to not wear an eye patch.

LEt's return to the pirates...

Mufasa is a _______. No the answer is not a lion.

This character lives in a univese that has a Gallactic republic, however we know that it was more like what type of government?

They came over and set Themselves a few rules before getting off the Boat!


In Switzerland, they have this type of government. Fun fact: Mrs. Bruce is a Swiss citizen


President can either sign or _____ the bill.

Congress passes bill

Bill is written



FOr a bill to become a law (but like in simple terms)

the US, Germany, India, and Australia all have this type of govenrment.



This is what event?


When you have to share power with all your brothers but you don't like them.


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