Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain. - Vivan Greene -


5. This allows teachers to still have a full 50 minutes to teach the edio lesson for that particular day. (they would also have their full 80 minutes on the days we are not pushing into their class)

4. The 30 minute blocks would look similar to a brick and mortar center rotation.

3. The length of time for each class would be 30 minutes, which allows us to have some wiggle room for both classes if needed.

2. We would meet with one class for the beginning of each period (2 classes each day) and then another class at the end of each period (2 classes per day).

1. Interventionist pushes into two classes per period- allowing us to reach four classes per day.


  • Prioritize the teachers you may need to see twice a week, once a week, or maybe you dont currently need to visit their class.
  • Look at student schedules and see if you are able to pull them at anytime during the week outside of the ELA block. If so, create some additional small groups.
  • Fridays are a great day to work with the students with the greatest needs for supports.
  • Data dive on iReady diagnostic to decide which students are in need of our help for the teams we were assigned to collaborate with.
  • Decide how many students in each class (if they all have some) need to work with you in small groups. Please prioritize your list from the most amount of need to the least amount of need.




  • Pull Students Who Qualify for Additional Supports
  • Create activities to use for remediation or support with your students
  • Progress Monitor
  • Help and supports with assessments
  • Do not take split an ELA class in half and teach
  • You can support the teacher with ideas, but you should not do all the planning alone (this is where collaboration comes in)
  • Do not support students with assessments that you do not work with.
  • Do not utilitze your time to make up overdue work

Push into classes a second time, pull small groups outside of the 80 minute block, plan activities for small groups times and remediation activities, analyze progress monitoring data.

Sample Schedule


Period 2 - Mr. Giantini @ 9:05-9:35 & Ms. Davin @ 9:55-10:05Period 5 - Mrs. Foley @ 12:30-1:00 & Miss Hockenbury @ 1:25-1:55


Push into classes a second time, pull small groups outside of the 80 minute block, plan activities for small groups times and remediation activities, analyze progress monitoring data.


Period 2 - Mrs. Butler @ 9:05-9:35 & Mrs. Belluscio @ 9:55-10:25Period 5 - Mr. Giantini @ 12:30-1:00 & Ms. Davin @ 1:25-1:55


Period 2 - Mrs. Foley @ 9:05-9:35 & Miss Hockenbury @ 9:55-10:25Period 5 - Mrs. Butler @ 12:30-1:00 & Mrs. Belluscio @ 1:25-1:55

