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English class syllabus

BTS Banque- 1st year

Warn me if you’re late : Teams , email bsoulas@carrel.fr You won’t be accepted in class after 10/15 minutes if I haven't received an email or a message


Article presentation1 Group: present an article in EnglishBank-related

Class structure

  • THE GUARDIAN (banking section)
  • BBC News ( banking section)
  • CNN
  • CNBC

Where to find your article

  • DURATION: 10 min ( max)
  • INTRODUCING : title, source, publication date
  • Ex: The article we chose is entitled "xxxx", it was published by The Guardian on 7th September 2020
  • IDEAS: presenting the main ideas of the article
  • Ex: the journalist presents the idea that...
  • INTEREST : this article is interesting because.....
The article should be put on teams before the class

Presenting an article

G1 - 3rd November G2 - 1st DecemberG3 - 6th December G4: 8th December

Presenting an article -Groups

UNIT 2 - Basics of Banking

UNIT 1 - Basics of Business

Business situations

Being able to introduce yourselfBeing able to talk about habits Being able to talk about working abroad Being able to talk about workplace expectations Methodology: oral exam ( text ) Vocabulary quiz: basics of business (Google Form)

Unit 1 - Basics Business

Methodology : oral exam (video) Vocabulary : Google form quiz ( Vocab 2 - Basics of Banking)EVALUATION : article in English to sum up in French

Being able to talk about basic banking operations (credit card, loans, mortgage) Being able to structure a summaryBeing able to give your opinion

Unit 2 - Basics of Banking

8th December

G4: article presentationIntroducing yourself & your companyMethodology - oral exam ( video)


6th December

G3: article presentationSetting up a meeting Vocab quiz 1 - Basics of businessWorking abroad (text)

3rd November

1st December

Assessment (coef1)Assessment (coef 2)

Curriculum - 1st semester

G2: article presentationMethodology: oral exam ( text)rStructuring the summary





G1: article presentationWorkplace expectations (text)Methodology: exploiting the doc