Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Welcome to English class!



Lesson 1

Placement test tutorial and homework

Ice breakers

Certifications and useful resources

Course presentation


20 minutes

Course presentation

Listen to your teacher's presentation. (≈3 minutes)What do you understand?

Office / Campus hours: Office 113 @335, but you can usually find me at building 425 on Monday / Tuesday mornings.

Emma PILLARD (emma.pillard@universite-paris-saclay.fr)🇫🇷 (my Dad) // 🇺🇸 (my Mom) English teacher at the F2S of Paris-Saclay University since September 2021. I used to be a student here myself!👩‍🏫 I am also the F2S head teacher of English (coordinatrice de l'enseignement "Anglais") and I handle the organization of 2 certifications for the F2S (référente certification anglais pour la F2S).

Me as a teacher...


💃 2 years of dancing // 🏉 2 years of rugby🐴 My favorite sport (yes, it is a sport!): 20 years of horse riding! Both as a leisure and competitive rider. I have had my Galop 5 since 2010.

and as an "athlete"...

Voir le document "L3 ES 2023-2024S5 Syllabus"

🏋🏻 You are going to learn the basics of professional English.

🗣️ We will mostly focus on oral communication.

⌛ 15h total (1h30 per week, from S37 to S47)

information about this course

📧 Please send me an email whenever you are absent.

✔️ Make sure that the emails / homework you send are correctly formulated.

⏲️Please be on time.

Class rules

On your class Padlet

Course contents

On eCampus: all lessons will be accessible >> L3 Entraînement sportif 2023-2024>> ENGLISH S5

We have also created a Padlet with some useful resources to help you improve your English; check it out!

Course contents

Please refer to page 7 of the syllabus for explanations about your assessment this semester.

Course Assessment

10 minutes

Certifications and useful resources

Pour rappel... Niveau visé en fin de licence => B2+

C2 = Je suis aussi à l'aise en anglais que dans ma langue maternelle.

Je suis assez à l'aise pour vivre dans un pays anglophone. Je maîtrise toutes les situations, j'ai juste encore un léger accent.


Je suis indépendant et je me débrouille tout seul dans toutes les situations de la vie quotidienne.


Je peux me débrouiller dans toutes les situations simples de la vie quotidienne.


Je peux m'exprimer avec des phrases très simples. Je comprends des phrases très simples.


Je commence tout juste à apprendre.


We offer 2 certifications here at the F2S (TOEIC / Linguaskill). You may take one of them for free if you are in L3!

Take a placement test - Le test de positionnement SELF (en L1 et en L3), à faire en 1h=> Test effectué à la maison lors du TD n°2 de L3

Take a certification - Les certifications en anglais (L1 à Master)

How can I know my English level?

La certification est gratuite pour nos étudiants de L3 !Pour les autres étudiants, possibilité de la passer pour une quarantaine d'euros sur présentation d'une carte d'étudiant.

Les certifications proposées à la F2S : TOEIC / Linguaskill

About certifications

La certification n'est pas une obligation, mais nous vous recommandons fortement d'en passer une pendant votre cursus à la F2S.D'autant plus si vous souhaitez étudier / travailler à l'étranger : on vous demandera sûrement une certification !

20 minutes

Ice breakers

=> Get into teams!How many of the following sports pictograms can your team identify?Find the name of the sport in English!


Bonus pictogram

Placement testtutorial and homework

"SELF" Placement test

Homework for Lesson 2!

  • You are going to take this test at home, next week, during your English class slot.
  • You should take no longer than 1 hour to complete the test!
  • Read the "Tutoriel SELF test" document on eCampus (voir dossier "Lesson 2") before you start; it will explain everything!

Don't worry, this test will not be graded; it is just an indication of your current level in English.

Read the text about how to give a pep talk to your athletes.(voir dossier eCampus "Lesson 1" - "Reading - Pep talks")=> Be ready to answer questions about this document!

Homework for Lesson 3!
