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languageunit plan





Learning sessions


Learning situation










Look at the pictures. All these people had something interesting to say about learning. Do you know who any of them are? Why are they famous? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

Prior knowledge


1 "I'm always ready to learn although I don't always like being taught." (Winston Churchill)2 "I didn't get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it." (Estée Lauder)3 "You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over." (Richard Branson) 4 "The content of a book holds the power of education and it is with this power that we can shape our future and change lives". (Malala Yousafzai)5 "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." (Louisa May Alcott)6 "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." (Nelson Mandela)7 "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." (Benjamin Franklin)8 "The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." (Dorothy Parker)

Look at what the people in Activity 1 said. Who do you agree with? Who do you disagree with? Why?

a. Do not be anxious about challenges.b. Be open to learning.c. Learn by doing.d. Learn from making mistakes.e. Read to increase your knowledge.f. Study hard for success.g. Use knowledge to change things.h. Ask questions.

The list below shows eight approaches to learning. Which of the quotations matches each approach?

5 - a. Do not be anxious about challenges.1 - b. Be open to learning.7 - c. Learn by doing.3 - d. Learn from making mistakes.4 - e. Read to increase your knowledge.2 - f. Study hard for success.6 - g. Use knowledge to change things.8 - h. Ask questions.


a. Which of the approaches to learning in Activity 1 do you use? Which don't you use?b. What other techniques do you use to help you learn? For example, do you use sticky notes to help you remember things, or listen to music while studying?c. On your own, make a list of the top five approaches to learning that you use. Share and compare your lists as a class. d. Now that you know who all the people in the pictures are, what can you add to your discussion about them? Which person would you most like to meet? Why?

Answer these questions in pairs.

Look at the pictures. what learning tool does each picture show? which of the tools do you use? which don't you use and why?














Listen to a conversation between David and Jessie about how to be an effective learner. At the end of the conversation, some questions will be asked about what was said. Then read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.

1. A) He thought it was a useful course.B) He thought one could simply practise writing by oneself. C) He thought writing was equal to reading.D) He thought it was a complicated course.2. A) A person's thinking patterns are shown in his writing. B) Thinking is much more complicated than writing.C) There is no direct link between thinking and writing.D) A vague essay means a stupid mind.3. A) The writer's purpose in writing the essay. B) The writer's ability to know who the readers are. C) The writer's critical thinking. D) The writer's reading ability.

4. A) How to make an attractive opening. B) How to organize the structure. C) How to collect information. D) How to put writing skills into practice.5. A) He will begin to practise writing essays.B) He will register for an essay-writing course. C) He will apply the rules to practise writing. D) He will not be late for the writing course any more.

1. Look at the two pictures. How would you describe the students attitudes to learning? What causes students to behave In these different ways? Which type of student are you?2. You are going to read an online article about active and passive learning. In small groups, discuss what you think are the characteristics of each type of learning.3. Look at these phrases from the article. Which phrases do you think are associated with active learning and which ones with passive learning? Why? Do any of them match your ideas from Activity 2?a. participate to learn. b. without making much effortc. reduces our understanding d. doing something with the informatione. engage with information. f. nor do we receive any feedback

Before reading

4. The words in the table below all come from the article. Use any resources available to match each word with its definition.

Before reading

4. The words in the table below all come from the article. Use any resources available to match each word with its definition.

Before reading











Read the article. Check your answers to Activity 3. Then work out which word from Activity 4 goes in each gap. Active or passive learning: Which do you prefer? [1] Let's start with two questions. Firstly, What did you learn yesterday? If you are finding it difficult to answer this with any (a).... try the second question: What have you learnt today? Are you still not sure? If like most people you (b)...... to recall the things that you've learnt, you are facing the (c).......... of the information age. We are (d)...... to be able to access information any time, anywhere-but there are also disadvantages to this wide availability[2] According to (e)... research, we consume information equivalent to 174 newspapers every single day. That's more than 63 000 newspapers a year. While everyone is different in the way that they (f)..... information, it's clear that we are all suffering from information overload. This limits our capacity for learning, since our brains cannot (g)... such a huge amount of information in such a short period of time. The human body takes far longer to adapt and change than technology does, and our brains are constantly trying to catch up [3] The result is that we have become passive learners. In other words, we take in information by reading, listening or watching something, but we don't do anything with that information, nor do we receive any feedback. It's a quick way to gain knowledge - or think we're gaining knowledge - without making much effort. Unfortunately, passive learning actually (h).... reduces our understanding of what we take in, so a large part of any learning goes to waste. If everything is just a click away, our brain will forget or (i)... most of the information because it doesn't recognise that it has any value. As a result, we feel like we are learning and growing, but we aren't really. We develop a fake confidence based on information that we can't even recall. Unless we change this approach, human learning may stagnate.

[4] What we need is active learning. This is a process in which we actively participate to learn by engaging in tasks while reading, listening or watching something. A task could be note-taking. matching ideas, completing a diagram, etc. This means that we are doing something with the information we receive and then getting feedback.[5] One example of this is experiential learning. This means going out into the real world, observing and experiencing the things around you and then (j).......... on the experience to improve both performance and understanding. Experiential learning is a natural process-it's how children learn things. If you are prepared to engage with information and face challenges, you become smarter. Fact.[6] In active learning, you can choose the approach that works best for your own needs. It doesn't matter if you and your friends choose different approaches for the same task or the same approach for different tasks-there is no right or wrong. The trick is to choose the one that will lead to understanding and success for you. So, which do you think is best- active or passive learning? And what have you learnt by reading this article?


a. Too much informationb. Experience the worldc. Make the right choicesd. How children learne. Engaging with learningf. The worst way to learng. Two important questions

Read the text again. Match paragraphs 1-6 with headings a-g. There is one extra heading that you do not need.

2 - a. Too much information5 - b. Experience the world6 - c. Make the right choicesd. How children learn4 - e. Engaging with learning3 - f. The worst way to learn1 - g. Two important questions

Read the text again. Match paragraphs 1-6 with headings a-g. There is one extra heading that you do not need.

Decide if the following information is true or false. Correct any statements that are false.

a. Most people can easily remember the things they have learnt. b. Information overload helps us to learn more quickly.c. Passive learning is not the best approach. d. Active learning requires you to do something.e. Risk is not part of learning more efficiently.f. Every learner should take the same learning approach.

discuss the following questions in small groups.

a. Which type of learning have you experienced most-active or passive? Does it vary with different teachers and different subjects? If so, why do you think this is?b. Would you describe learning online as active or passive? Why? c. What challenges have you faced in your learning? What was the result? In what ways has this helped you to face other challenges?


Learning session













Present your findings

whole class discussion

more info

1. We get most of our education at school.2. Education can occur in a local shop when travelling.3. Students at school usually use similar textbooks.4. Only at school can you get new information and skills.5. Education is always with us throughout our whole lives.

Listen to a talk on education and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

Discuss the following questIons in groups

1. What do you expect to learn at university?2. What can you learn in society?3. Give a list of factors that you think are important for your college life.

Look at the following pictures. What can you see in each one? What do you think they might have in common? Discuss your ideas with a partner and write any words or phrases that you know. Example: grand buildings, young people, university


a Athens, Greeceb Beijing, Chinac Bihar, Indiad Cambridge, United Kingdome Paris, France

All five pictures show places that were or still are famous for education. What famous educational establishments do you know of? Do you think any of them are the ones in the pictures? Look at the locations below and match them to the pictures:


a. If you had to choose, which of the five places would you like to visit? Why?b. Would you prefer to go to university in a large town or city, or somewhere quieter? Why?c. Which aspect of university life appeals to you most: the social side, the academic side or the recreation side? Why?d. How do you think university education has changed over the years? Has this made education better or worse? In what ways?

Discuss these questions in small groups.

Listen to an interview between a news reporter and Jeremy Gypton, a history teacher at Empire High School in Vail, Arizona. Then fill in the blanks with what you hear.

Reporter: In Vail, Arizona, a new school with a new idea: no textbooks. While other students might be reading books, Empire students will read on their laptops. Jeremy Gypton, a history teacher at Empire High School in Vail, Arizona. Mr. Gypton, tell us about the assignment that you've already given, that might otherwise have involved a textbook, but 1)____________a computer.Mr. Gypton: Well, with the, with history I try to use as many primary source documents as possible. I actually just recently had my students, studying... my American History students, studying the French-Indian War and its 2)_________. And that sort of document is just not 3)_________ in a traditional textbook, I would have to say, "Go online or go to a library and find a copy", whereas with the laptops and with the 4)_____________ they're using, they have immediate access to it.Reporter: 5) ____________ here? Is it to get to primary sources or is it to use a 6)_____________ that youngsters today are more familiar with? How do you, how do you describe what you are doing?Mr. Gypton: When it comes to our, I guess, our 7)_____________, these are the for the students who've grown up with the computer, with the Internet, er, as, as kind of organic to their environment. It's not an add-on, like it, like it was to me. And this is 8)__________ for them. And so, limiting them, by like sort of a traditional, maybe thousand-page textbook is, 9)__________. I think a little bit abnormal, because they are used to being able to reach out, and view one topic from 20 different angles, as 10)___________that a textbook would present.Reporter: Jeremy Gypton, thank you very much for talking with you. Mr. Gypton: Thanks so much for your time.

Listen to the interview again and answer the following questions. After you finish the task, check your answers with your partner.

1. How does the history teacher at Empire High School teach his class?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using computers to follow a history course? 3. What do you think of the teaching method that this history teacher uses?

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Learning sessions


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• Describe what you see in these pictures.• In your opinion, why education is very important for societies and individuals?• Which one gives you more freedom, university or school? Explain.

Work in groups of 3-4 and discuss the following (10 minutes):

Prior knowledge


  • Which life do you prefer, university life or school life? Why?
  • Talk about university life taking into consideration classes, textbooks, the average class size, homework, etc.
  • What has been your biggest academic challenge so far?
  • How do you manage your time between classes, assignments, and personal activities?
  • What social activities or clubs have you participated in? How have they enriched your university experience?
  • How do you handle stress during exam periods?
  • In what ways do you think university will contribute to your personal growth?
  • Tell your partner about university life if you think that it was a “turning point” in your life. Why was it a turning point for you?

Work in groups of 3 or 4 and discuss the differences between learning at university and learning at school.


  • demonstrate
  • contrast
  • responsibility
  • schedule
  • assignments
  • stress

Check the following vocabulary items using a monolingual dictionary.


learning session 2

learning session 2

Match the following expressions with their suitable meanings

  • In your opinion, what are the differences between school life and university life?
  • What are the reasons that make university students have more responsibilities than high school students?
  • Who has more flexibility regarding the schedules, school or university students?


learning session 2


  • Who has more responsibilities, university students or school students? Give reasons for your answer.
  • Who are more open to the real world, university students or school students? Why?



  • Why is educational change so difficult even when creating better educational systems? What is the problem with creating an effective educational system?
  • Mention some of the positive qualities that students learn at university.
  • What are the benefits of being a high school student?
  • Can you mention two drawbacks of the high school students’ way of learning?
  • Why do we need to look at the benefits of each kind of students’ way of learning?

learning session 2



  • You will be writing a letter to your future selves, reflecting on your expectations for university life and your aspirations for personal and academic growth.
  • You will read the letter at the end of their freshman year.
  • Include thoughts about what you hope to achieve academically, socially, and personally during this year.


Reflective Activity: Letter to Your Future Self (15 minutes):


Learning sessions











  • Review what we saw in class.
  • Reflect on today's discussion and write down one specific action you plan to take to improve your university experience.



You've donea wonderful job!


  • Distribute the University Life Bingo cards to each student.
  • Explain the rules: Students need to talk to their classmates to find someone who fits each description in the bingo squares. Once they find someone, that person signs the corresponding square.
  • The goal is to fill a row, column, or diagonal on their bingo card.
  • Allow 10-15 minutes for students to interact and complete their bingo cards




  • Distribute the University Life Bingo cards to each student.
  • Explain the rules: Students need to talk to their classmates to find someone who fits each description in the bingo squares. Once they find someone, that person signs the corresponding square.
  • The goal is to fill a row, column, or diagonal on their bingo card.
  • Allow 10-15 minutes for students to interact and complete their bingo cards

good job!!!

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