Inst. Specialists
Created on September 8, 2023
More creations to inspire you
Breakout Rooms & Group Work
Identify methods to manage breakout rooms and limit distractions for learners.
Collaborative Planning
Set up a time that we can collaborate on ways to integrate breakout rooms into an upcoming lesson.Together we can plan, implement, and reflect on the strategy...
UDL Considerations
View the foundational principals of UDL.
Discover new ways to analyze and improve learner engagment during breakout sessions.
Instructional Strategies
Explore a variety of instructional strategies that lend themselves to effective breakout sessions
Universal Design forLearning
Optimizing teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learnPlanning focuses on
- WHY learners should learn the content.
- WHAT content needs to be learned and assessed.
- HOW content and learning is presented.
Engage Learners
Three Key Elements to
Provide Support
- Identify and address barriers to learning in planning
- Move between groups
- Ensure enough time to visit all groups
- Provide feedback on progress and redirect as needed
- Let learners know they can ask you for help
- Address learners as a group & individually
- Create a "Help Room" that learners can go to for one on one support.
- Create a "Break Room" for learners who are away from computer
Establish Expectations
- Create and reference breakout room guidelines
- Clarify purpose & tasks
- Use deliverables wisely
- Set a timeframe and stick to it.
- Consider learner Groupings
Put Learners in Control
- Most of the teachers work is done BEFORE the lesson starts
- Use technology tools to structure lesson and guide learners
- Provide ways for learners to give feedback
- **NEW** Use polls to push to BO rooms!
Tiered Instruction
Topic Selection
Web Quest & Gallery Walk
Jig Saw
Peer Tutors
Instructional Strategies
Questions to Ask When Planning1. How will I interact with learners?2. How will learners interact with me?
- Pre-record your own instructional material
- Start your own traditions
- Make camera's an expectation
- Create ways to increase and individualize feedback
- Utilize tools for multiple ways to respond
The design, facilitation and direction of cogitive and social processes for realizing personally meaningful and educationally worthwhile learning outcomes.
Teaching Presence
- Create collaborative space for learning (what tools will support this format?)
- Identify tutors for the topic
- Meet with tutors before class to review content and highlight important tutor skills
- Determine how learners will be grouped; (random, poll, assigned)
Learners see each other's perspectives to help them progress.Teaching others helps learning reach a greater depthSocial interaction may help motivate learners to engage in the learning process.
Facilitate leadership development in advanced learners & support those who need additional practice
Peer Tutor
- Create collaborative workspaces to enable individuals to participate within their comfort level.
- Creating a list of roles creates structure and sets expectations.
- Consider method for group organization
Social Presence
The ability of participants to project themselves socially and emotionally as 'real' people through a medium of communication.
Facilitate Collaboration
- Incorporate learners interests
- Provide opportunities for learners to explore their understanding of content BEFORE being taught
- Ask tighter DOK questions.
The extent to which learners are able to construct and confirm meaning through sustained reflection and discourse.
Cognitive Presence
- Relate to prior experiences learners likely have (phenomena based learning is a powerful tool)
- Support learners to draw connections to prior content through interactive technology
- Design challenge activity allowing learners to apply new concepts
- Learners explore their own views on a subject
- Learners are asked to identify evidence to support an assigned view
- Learners collaborate to establish a view
- Discuss how virtual discussions feel different than in-person discussions
- Clearly establish expectations and mechanics.
- Discuss respecting opposing ideas
- Create guiding prompts, but allow space for fluid conversation
Before Breakouts
After Breakouts
- Allow group leaders and individuals time to share key conversation pieces
- Offer Mic Alternatives
- Create space for all to share
- Model respectful disagreement
learners grouped by on supports provided
- Challenge, light support, full support
- Ready harder questions, Needs additional practice, Requires reteaching
- Independent guided Instruction, learner led small groups, Teacher Lead group
- Same information- Varied levels of support
Tiered Instruction
- Provide learners with a set of tasks that need to be completed at each stage.
- Create Check in points
- Set a timeframe
- Assign learners leaders and/or roles
- organize content in one easy to navigate resource.
Groups of learners explore a variety of information
Web Quest & Gallery Walks
- Energy Exploration Webqust
- Language Arts sensory words Gallery Walk
Learners choose the media they prefer
Learners choose between different topics
- Life cycles;
- Cultural Music:
Allows learners to learn the same concepts through different topics or media
Topic Selection
Thailand's Country Music,
Music in South Africa,
Music of the Cherokee,
Benga Music,
Drums in traditional Nigerian Music
Read a Walkthrough,
Complete a simulation,
Watch a video,
Work in a small group with your teacher
Each group analyzes sub topic and brings infor back to the whole group.
Key Events of the Cold War
- Containment of Russia
- Arms Race between US and Russia
- Development of Hydrogen Bomb
- Space Exploration
- Fall of the Berlin Wall
Subgroups become "experts" in one component of a whole
Jig Saw
**Think about collaborative technology and group roles!