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"It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change."Queen Elizabeth II

Middle school - thompsonNewsletter

September 8, 2023


Time Management

Set expectations with your students to help them to stay on pace and complete the quality of learning that meets your standards, as well as Epics.

Supplemental Curriculum

All students have required supplemental curriculum outside of Epic Ed. Please make sure the supplemental curriculums listed on page 4 are a priority over everything else.

Parents Must:

Click Here

parent engagement

  1. Check school work with the student present.
  2. Review all Completed Work.
  3. Review all 4 gradebooks in Epic Ed.
  4. Open and Check All Supplements.
  5. Check Due Dates, Grades, and work Quality.
Things to watch out for:
    1. "Click Happy" Students Rushing to Complete
    2. Skipping multiple days of work.
    3. Jumping into quizzes without completing assignments.

5 Minute CheckParents are required to check their students work a minimum of 3 days a week. Parents are responsible for ensuring students are staying on pace in completing their curriculum

Click each one for more details

required Supplements


Click Me
Click Me

Drop off & pick up procedures

Tuesday'sEdmond Unplugged

Thursday'sI-35 & Waterloo

Please review these with your students

School rules

Be Appropriate - Hoodies or Face Masks that cover the face - such as a Halloween or Character Mask can't be worn in class.

Be Compassionate towards other students' learning styles and help each other when you can.

Be Courteous to each other. We don't hurt each other with words or actions. Correct the behavior as soon as you are made aware.

Be Mindful Digital Citizens. We don't share inappropriate comments or images of ourselves or others in class or on the internet.

Be Thoughtful of other people's personal space and belongings. We don't take other people's things or play "keep away" with things that don't belong to us.

Be Respectful to each other. Repeated unwanted words or actions (teasing, pestering, or belittling) will be dealt with very seriously.