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Homeroom Advisory Calendar 2023-2024


Vibrant Victory


Falling Forward


Hopeful Hobbies


Transcendent Traditions


Vibrant Victory

  • What part of your personality makes you feel victorious:
    • in life?
    • in school?
    • with friends?
    • with family?
    • at work?
  • Is there a part of your personality that you feel needs to change for you to find "victory"?

Virtual Locker

That's an odd question. Let's dive a bit deeper. For the next few minutes, you are going to answer some questions that will help you understand YOU. Be honest! When you are done, you will be assigned a color and an explanation of what makes you. When you are done, click on the green icon below to add your color. Let's see the rainbow of colors that makes our Homeroom so special!

What is Your Color?


Falling Forward

  • What Motivates you to "fall forward" as:
    • a student?
    • a worker?
    • a gamer?
    • an athlete?
  • What happens when we lose our motivation to keep going forward?
  • How do those moments of "falling forward" help you as a person?
  • How do you help motivate others to keep going and fall forward?

October 4th - Inspiration

What reflections do you have after watching the video?What are you looking forward to in October? Do you like Halloween?

6 things about


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October Homeroom Notes



- If you HAVE taken your i-ready, I will be sending your data to you and your caretaker by the end of next week-If you have NOT taken your i-ready, please make sure you do so on your own. If not, you will be asked to do an i-ready make-up session in a zoom room.


  • Nulla pulvinar vitae orci sagittis pellentesque.
  • Etiam dictum scelerisque augue, nec pulvinar turpis elementum id.
  • Etiam rutrum imperdiet odio, dignissim varius tortor.
  • Mauris accumsan ante nisl, id faucibus lacus tincidunt at.


Clubs are going active soon! -Check the community tab in Edio starting on October 9th to sign up for clubs -Some clubs are virtual only, some hybrid, some in-person, check the descriptions for more info!


  • Nulla pulvinar vitae orci sagittis pellentesque.
  • Etiam dictum scelerisque augue, nec pulvinar turpis elementum id.
  • Etiam rutrum imperdiet odio, dignissim varius tortor.
  • Mauris accumsan ante nisl, id faucibus lacus tincidunt at.

9th Grade

9th Grade Commitment Day Friday, October 13 @ 1pm Family Service Centers or Virtual optionConnect with other 9th grade students Snacks, music, games, and more! Commit to having a successful year! Caretakers can register learners through the Field Trips tab


  • Nulla pulvinar vitae orci sagittis pellentesque.
  • Etiam dictum scelerisque augue, nec pulvinar turpis elementum id.
  • Etiam rutrum imperdiet odio, dignissim varius tortor.
  • Mauris accumsan ante nisl, id faucibus lacus tincidunt at.

12th Grade

Cap and Gown Orders Log into your student Edio account. While logged into Edio, open a new tab in your browser and copy and paste the following link: https://sis.ccaeducate.me/publicClick on “Forms” in the left menu. Click on “2024 Graduation Cap and Gown Order Form” under the heading “Graduation”. Complete the form and click “Submit”.


  • Nulla pulvinar vitae orci sagittis pellentesque.
  • Etiam dictum scelerisque augue, nec pulvinar turpis elementum id.
  • Etiam rutrum imperdiet odio, dignissim varius tortor.
  • Mauris accumsan ante nisl, id faucibus lacus tincidunt at.

Let's have some fun! Often society looks at celebrities and thinks, "They have it all". But, in reality, they are just everyday people who stay motivated to fulfill their goals. In this game, we will talk about some celebrities who had to have patience and grit to FALL FORWARD and achieve their dreams!

Would You Rather?


Hopeful Hobbies

  • What is your favorite hobby?
    • Is it:
      • something you do outside?
      • something you do alone or with others?
      • artistic?
      • athletic?
      • seasonal?
      • healthy?
      • something you can see yourself turning into a career?

Would You Rather?

Have some fun playing "Would You Rather?" and see if any of YOUR hobbies fit into one of the questions!

Think about what you want from this year or for your future. Use the "+" link to create a vision board for yourself. Think about your hobbies, obstacles and what you want for your future.If a Vision Board isn't for you, click on the link below to read more about famouse celebrities who failed at first and then found success.

Create a Digital Vision Board




Transcedent Traditions

  • What traditions do you celebrate:
    • with friends?
    • with family?
    • at your job?
  • Do you have a favorite tradition?
  • If you don't, what tradition would you like to start?

When you are done, add your favorite tradition or one you'd like to begin on the Nearpod below.


+ Info

Watch the video above about traditions from around the world shared by students just like you!

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  • Labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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