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talent developement

It's a systematic evaluation of the performance of employees, and it helps us to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development.

Performance appraisal

It is a tool for talent management and succesion planning which helps companys to evaluate their existing talent, identifying high-potential and high-risk employees and determine future talent candidates within the company

Talent Map

Sucession Plan




Is the tool which identify key and critical job positions in the company to anticiapte and determine future talent needs.

Download an interactive PDF file of this document


In Azbil Telstar Group it has been stablished that the performance appraisal is to be done systematically every year (January- February), in order to evaluate the past year performance and to stablish the objectives and individual development plan for the current year.Performance Appraisal is one of the key factors to develop the TALENT MAP

competencies by profile




Significantlly below target






Below target

On target

Above target

Significantly above target

It is a tool for talent management and succesion planning which helps the company to evaluate their existing talent, identifying high-potential and high-risk employees, and determine future talent candidates within the company.Azbil Telstar uses the 9 box Matrix below, a well-known tool for talent management and succession planning.


Check an exemple of a Talent Map










High Potential / Low Performance (4)

High Potential / Average Performance (2)

High Potential / High Performance (1)

Average Potential / Low Performance (8)

Average Potential / Average Performance (5)

Average Potential / High Performance (3)

Low Potential / Low Performance (9)

Low Potential / Average Performance (7)

Low Potential / High Performance (6)







How do we know the potential of our employees?

How do we know the performance of our employees?


Is the tool in which we identify key and critical job positions in the company to anticiapte and determine future talent needs. Evaluate the viability of our current staff to meet those needs and develop a strategic plan to map the best candidates for those jobs. Thanks to our Talent Map we can have a clear view of our Key employees (1, 2, 3 boxes) and work with them to prepare them for new key positions or challenges.





Identify the Critial Positions

Identify an Emergency succesor for each position

Identify a successor in one year period


Action Plan to fill up the gaps

The succesion plan it's a CONFIDENTIAL document that it's only shared with General Management, CEO and P&T Management.

Check an exemple of a Succesion Plan

2. Identify an Emergency succesor for each positionBased on the requirements (competencies, attitude, knowledge,...) of each Critical Position, we can begin to nominate an emergency successor for this position. This person would know that he or she have been appointed as a successor of emergency as it's someone who would only take the lead in case the current occupant is temporarily indisposed.

Below TargetPerforms some of the key attitudes, aptitudes or competences but without reaching the expected execution of them.

Average Potential - Average Performance

  • They are key workers with a promising future despite being average. Most employees could be placed in this group, since potential and performance are in balance. Given this, it is necessary to observe their behavior in detail to separate the gold from the chaff..

How do we know the potential of our employees?

  1. Historic performance appraisal information - in case we have it, we focus on the consistency year after year:
    • High Potential/ High Performance (box 1) = 3 years with AT or SAT
    • High Potential/ Average Performance (box 2) = OT this year but AT or SAT last year.
    • Average Potential/ High Performance (box 3) = AT or SAT this year and AT, SAT or OT last year.
  2. Talent Review meetings – Meetings that are taken place with the Managers to discuss and define those employees within the team with a High Potential and/or High Risk, based on their Manager's subjective information. Results of these meetings will confirm the position of the employees in the 9 box Matrix.

Average Potential - High Performance

  • They represent a profile of a consistent hard-working person, with excellent performance and a great weight in the projects in which they participate. They are key when it comes to achieving goals, but their potential is limited. They do not show qualities to support leadership roles and if the company wants to retain them, it will have to keep their motivation high

High potencial – Average performance

  • Those belonging to this quadrant demonstrate leadership attitudes, which is why they could lead a work group. They still need to develop their skills to achieve a higher job performance and degree of responsibility. It is important to encourage the improvement of their skills and give them roles where they are leaders. They are future stars who have already shown that they have potential, but who need to polish their skills. Their promotion will depend on the attention paid to them, how motivated they are and the chances the company has to offer.

Low Potential - High Performance

  • The professionals in this group are characterized by their long experience, but they do not show interest or leadership skills. Care must be taken when facing this type of profile. If they are moved, performance may drop considerably.
  • They are used to carry out their tasks, something that they are very good at, so they should continue with their specialization, maintain their motivation or carry out good talent management. Despite their low potential, they are workers whose capacity for work and effort is very useful for any project in which they are involved.

Competencies by profile

Each profile has specific competencies that are key to the performance of their tasks and that must be evaluated to help all people develop their potential.

Low Potential - Low Performance

  • They may not identify themselves with the company values and their commitment to their work leaves a lot to be desired. Once again, we must trade it carefully. They will be provided with adequate feedback to check their reaction, hold interviews to find out their situation and draw up an emergency training plan.

On targetMeets with the key actions that define the value or the competence.

Above targetPerforms all the key attitudes, aptitudes and/or comptences and some of them above expectations.

High Potential - Low Performance

  • They are considered rough diamonds. Although their growth potential is high, their performance is low, so it is important to discover why. It is possible that the employee is not motivated, his/her position is not appropriate or he/she does not agree with the company's ideals.
  • Losing these employees is a mistake, since, with enough time and preparation, they could reach positions of leadership and high responsibility. It is advisable to follow his/her work, design a good incentive plan or analyze if there is a position more suitable for his/her skills.

Find below an example of a succession plan and the circumstance in which an action plan should be immediately activated to fill up the main gaps.

Succession plan example

Dowload here a succession plan excel form

Talent Map example

Find below an example of a Talent Map. This matrix below should be the final result of the analisis of the performance appraisal and the potential evaluation of each employee.

Dowload here a Talent Map form

List Surname and Name of each employee in the box

add names

add names

add names

add names

add names

add names

add names

add names

add names

Surname, Name (employee 1)

Surname, Name (employee 1) Surname, Name (employee 2)

Surname, Name (employee 1)

Surname, Name (employee 1) Surname, Name (employee 2) Surname, Name (employee 3)

Surname, Name (employee 1) Surname, Name (employee 2) Surname, Name (employee 3) Surname, Name (employee ...) Surname, Name (employee ...) Surname, Name (employee ...) Surname, Name (employee 21)

Surname, Name (employee 1) Surname, Name (employee 2) Surname, Name (employee 3) Surname, Name (employee 4) Surname, Name (employee 5) Surname, Name (employee 6) Surname, Name (employee 7)

Surname, Name (employee 1) Surname, Name (employee 2) Surname, Name (employee 3) Surname, Name (employee 4) Surname, Name (employee 5)

Surname, Name (employee 1) Surname, Name (employee 2) Surname, Name (employee 3) Surname, Name (employee 4) Surname, Name (employee 5)

Surname, Name (employee 1) Surname, Name (employee 2) Surname, Name (employee 3) Surname, Name (employee 4)

Low Potential - Average Performance

  • His/Her performance is appropriate for his/her position by meeting expectations. However, they do not show qualities to develop to occupy a position of greater responsibility. There are several explanations for these results. On the one hand, could be a new hiring who still has to acclimatize, so it is necessary to give him time, support and adequate training. On the other hand, it could be a worker who has been in the company for years, but who has suffered a downturn from other factors. It is possible that external factors are affecting he or she or that he or she is unmotivated. We must trade it carefully.

Significantlly below targetDoes not perform most of the attitudes of the value, aptitudes or competences.

4. Action Plan to fill up the gapsIn case that some of the positions in the succession plan (Critical positions) have no one as a successor of emergency and neither as a potential successor in one year period, an action plan should be immediately activated to fill up those gaps with and ideal candidate.

Digital competencies

Digital technology knows no limits and it is becoming increasingly present in all aspects of our life, both personally and professionally levels. Therefore all Telstar employees must develop digital competencies that will help to work with digital tools and optimize their day to day work.

Significantly above target Exceeds in the execution most key actions and is an example to follow in that competence and/or values.

3. Identify a successor in one year periodThe next step would be to nominate a potential succession candidate for the position. The ideal is to have someone that, regarding his/her competencies, attitude, knowledge,... could be ready in one year to take the position. Only once the current ocupant leaves the position, an assessment tool and an action plan to help him/her to develop the proper level of knowledge and competencies to take the job, should be immediately activated.

High potencial – High performance

  • The employees in this group are those with high performance, achieving results that meet or exceed expectations consistently year after year.
  • To be considered a high-performer/ high-potential, employees must be able to meet and surpass the goals and objectives set with and for them, more over he or she combines abilities, knowledge, and motivation that allow him or her to excel in each role or responsibility.
  • This high-potential could be determined by previous experience, education, or a natural aptitude. Anyhow those employees have the high potential to grow and develop into leadership roles within your company, therefore and action plan for them should be boosted to keep them motivated and let them gown within the company.

How do we know the performance of our employees?

  • Performance appraisal - Taking the final result of the latest performance appraisal will give us the performance box in which the employee should be placed
      • SAT and AT = High Performance = box 1, 3 or 6
      • OT = Average Performance = box 2, 5 or 7
      • BT and SBT = Low Performance = box 7, 8 or 9

Average Potential - Low Performance

  • Employees in this group show potential to grow, but their performance is not adequate for their position. They are a bit inconsistent, but not insurmountable. They may require a training plan, a change of position or a boost that encourages their motivation.

1. Identify the Critial PositionsThe first step in the succession planning process is to identify those key roles our organization should target based on urgency and importance to the business operations and know how. These roles are called “Critical Positions”.

The essence of Telstar is represented in the 5 values that every employee must know and develop in their day to day. Telstar Values must be present in all the people employed since they mark the way of being and doing of the organization.


Goal & Development Plans

It is the time to review the achievement of the goals and development plans set for the previous year. Once reviewed, new goals should be defined and SMART objectives should be set up (Specifics, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound).