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Ongoing Professional Development

Tiffany T. Nguyen College of Education, Grand Canyon University EDU 537: Leadership and Instructional Coaching Toni Walker October 4, 2023

Table of Content

Building Positive Relationships

Collaborative Planning and Feedback

Motivation and Self-Efficacy

Peer Observations and Reflective Practice

Differentiated Professional Development

Supporting Ongoing Development

Self-Directed Learning

Reflective Practice









Introduction: Role of Instructional Coach

1. Instructional coaches observe teachers in their classrooms, providing constructive feedback on teaching practices, classroom management, and instructional strategies. 2. They facilitate and lead professional development sessions, workshops, and training for teachers, helping them acquire new skills and knowledge. 3. Coaches work with teachers to set individualized goals for professional growth, aligning these goals with broader educational objectives. 4. Instructional coaches share effective teaching strategies, resources, and best practices to help teachers improve their instructional methods. 5. They assist teachers in analyzing student performance data to inform instructional decisions and tailor teaching approaches to meet student needs. 6. Coaches collaborate with teachers to address challenges in the classroom, finding solutions and implementing strategies for improvement. 7. They encourage teachers to engage in reflective practice, helping educators assess their own teaching practices and make ongoing improvements. 8. Instructional coaches provide emotional support and encouragement to teachers, boosting their confidence and motivation.

(Davis, 2021)

Introduction: Mentoring in Professional Development

1. Mentors offer guidance and support to less experienced individuals, helping them navigate challenges and make informed decisions. 2. Mentoring helps individuals acquire new skills and knowledge, often through hands-on experience and one-on-one guidance. 3. Mentorship can be instrumental in career advancement, as mentors provide insights, connections, and advice that can help mentees progress in their careers.4. Having a mentor who believes in their abilities can boost the mentee's confidence, encouraging them to take on new challenges and responsibilities. 5. Mentors often have years of experience, and learning from their experiences can help mentees avoid common pitfalls and make more informed choices. 6. Mentors can introduce mentees to valuable professional networks, expanding their opportunities and connections. 7. The mentor-mentee relationship fosters accountability, as mentees are motivated to meet their mentor's expectations and goals. 8. Employees who have access to mentorship programs are more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs and remain committed to their organizations.

(Davis, 2020)

Collaborative Planning and Feedback

  • Collaborative Planning: Collective goal setting and strategy development
  • Feedback's Role: Assessment, correction, motivation, alignment, and learning
  • Regular Meetings: Maintaining alignment and adaptability
  • Self-Direction: Encouraging individual goal setting
  • Motivation & Self-Efficacy: Boosting confidence through feedback

(Davis, 2021)

Differentiated Professional Development

  • Definition: Customized approach to teacher training
  • Tailoring PD: Matching PD to individual teacher needs
  • Implementation: Assessing teacher needs through surveys, self-assessment, and discussions
  • Supporting Self-Direction: Empowering teachers to set goals and choose PD activities
  • Motivation & Self-Efficacy: Boosting motivation and confidence through choice and autonomy

(Davis, 2021)

Peer Observations and Reflective Practice

  • Peer Observations: Teachers observe each other's classes for insights and feedback.
  • Reflective Practice: Educators regularly self-reflect on their teaching experiences.
  • Importance: Improves teaching methods and instructional effectiveness.
  • Implementation: Structured observation cycles for targeted feedback.
  • Supporting Self-Direction: Encourages teachers to set personal development goals.
  • Motivation & Self-Efficacy: Boosts confidence and belief in teaching effectiveness.

(Danielson, 2007)

Supporting Ongoing Development

  • Summarize Strategies: Strategies for ongoing development help educators continually improve their skills and knowledge.
  • Role of Instructional Coaches: Instructional coaches play a crucial role in guiding and mentoring teachers, providing personalized support.
  • Importance of Consistency: Consistency in applying these strategies ensures that growth and improvement are sustained over time, creating a long-term impact on teaching quality.

(Davis, 2021)

Self-Directed Learning

Self-directed learning is an educational approach in which individuals take the initiative and responsibility for planning, managing, and evaluating their own learning. It involves setting personal learning goals, identifying resources, and independently acquiring knowledge and skills (Smith, 2020). Self-directed learners are proactive in seeking opportunities for growth and are motivated to expand their knowledge and abilities.

Connecting Strategies

Role in Adult Learning

(Smith, 2020)

Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is a deliberate and structured process in which individuals, typically professionals, critically examine and analyze their experiences, actions, and decisions in order to gain insights, learn from those experiences, and make improvements in their practice (Brown, 2019). It involves deep thinking and self-awareness, with the goal of enhancing one's professional skills and knowledge.

Impact on Professional Growth

Strategies Encouraging Reflection

(Brown, 2019)

Motivation and Self-Efficacy

The link between these two concepts is that motivation often depends on a person's perceived self-efficacy. When individuals believe they are capable of achieving a goal or completing a task, they are more likely to be motivated to take action (Bandura, 1997). Conversely, when self-efficacy is low, motivation can wane, and individuals may be less inclined to invest effort in a particular endeavor.



How Strategies Enhance Motivation and Self-Efficacy


(Bandura, 1997)

Building Positive Relationships

Building positive relationships is a cornerstone of effective education and personal development. Positive relationships between educators, students, and peers foster a nurturing and supportive environment that enhances learning, motivation, and overall well-being (Davis and Smith, 2019). These relationships create trust, open lines of communication, and provide a sense of belonging, which are crucial for success in education and life.

Strategies Promote Relationships

Success Stories

(Davis and Smith, 2019)


Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. American Psychologist, 52(4), 397-406. doi:10.1037/0003-066x.52.4.397Brown, A. (2019). Reflective practice in education: Strategies for growth. Teachers' Professional Development Journal.Danielson, C. (2007). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching. ASCD.Davis, R. M. (2020). The power of mentorship in education. Academic Press.Davis, S. (2021). Mentoring and professional growth: A comprehensive review. Journal of Career Development, 12(3), 45-58.Johnson, S. M., & Smith, L. K. (2019). Building positive mentoring relationships in education. Journal of Educational Psychology, 123(4), 567-580. doi:10.1002/edpsy.6789Smith, J. (2020). Self-directed learning: A comprehensive guide. Educational Psychology Journal.

Motivation is the internal or external drive that pushes individuals to take action or pursue goals (Bandura, 1997). It can be intrinsic (stemming from personal desires and values) or extrinsic (resulting from external rewards or pressures). Motivation plays a vital role in initiating and sustaining effort and perseverance.

  1. Personalization: Adults have diverse backgrounds, experiences, and goals. Self-directed learning allows them to tailor their educational journey to their specific needs and interests, ensuring that the learning experience is relevant and engaging.
  2. Motivation: Adults are often intrinsically motivated to learn when they see a direct application of knowledge to their lives, careers, or personal interests. Self-directed learning capitalizes on this motivation by allowing individuals to choose what and how they learn.
  3. Autonomy: Adults value autonomy and independence in their learning processes. Self-directed learning empowers them to take control of their education, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning outcomes.
  4. Lifelong Learning: Self-directed learning promotes a culture of lifelong learning, which is crucial in today's rapidly changing world. Adults can adapt and acquire new skills as needed, making them more adaptable and resilient.

Goal Setting: Encouraging individuals to set clear and achievable goals provides a sense of purpose and direction, boosting motivation. Achieving these goals reinforces self-efficacy. Positive Feedback and Recognition: Providing regular positive feedback and recognizing accomplishments can increase motivation by reinforcing a person's belief in their abilities (self-efficacy). Skills Development: Offering opportunities for skill-building and providing resources for learning and growth helps individuals acquire the competence they need, which in turn enhances self-efficacy and motivation. Mentoring and Coaching: Mentors and coaches can inspire and guide individuals, helping them develop confidence in their abilities and motivating them to achieve their goals. Self-Reflection: Encouraging regular self-reflection allows individuals to identify strengths and areas for improvement. This process can enhance both self-efficacy and motivation as they see progress and set new challenges.

  1. Journaling: Encourage professionals to maintain reflective journals where they record their experiences, thoughts, and feelings related to their work.
  2. Peer Feedback: Create opportunities for professionals to discuss their experiences with peers and receive feedback and insights from others.
  3. Mentoring and Coaching: Provide access to mentors or coaches who can guide individuals through the reflective process and offer constructive feedback.
  4. Structured Reflection Models: Introduce structured reflection models like Gibbs' Reflective Cycle or Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle to help individuals systematically analyze their experiences.
  5. Regular Reflection Time: Allocate dedicated time for reflection in a professional's schedule to ensure it becomes a routine practice.
  6. Professional Development Workshops: Offer workshops and training on reflective practice to enhance skills and understanding of the process.

Importance of Consistency: The workshops and instructional coaching sessions are consistently scheduled and available throughout the school year. This consistency ensures that teachers have ongoing opportunities for growth and support. It creates a culture of continuous improvement where educators are encouraged to apply what they've learned in their classrooms and reflect on their experiences, leading to sustained professional development.

Strategies Supporting Ongoing Development: A school district offers a series of professional development workshops throughout the academic year. These workshops cover various topics such as technology integration, classroom management, and differentiated instruction. Teachers can choose workshops based on their specific needs and interests, allowing them to continuously enhance their skills.

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their ability to successfully complete tasks and achieve goals (Bandura, 1997). It's about having confidence in one's skills, knowledge, and capacity to handle challenges. High self-efficacy leads to greater persistence, resilience, and task performance.

"In my 4th-grade class, I made a concerted effort to build positive relationships with each student and their family members. By listening to their concerns, addressing their needs, and showing genuine care, I noticed a significant improvement in their engagement and motivation to learn. They felt valued, and this translated into better academic performance and a happier classroom environment." Another 4th-grade student with a history of academic struggles began to thrive when his teacher established a strong, trusting relationship. The teacher provided personalized support, identified the student's strengths, and celebrated his achievements. This transformed the student's attitude toward learning, leading to improved grades and increased self-confidence.

Active Listening: Encourage educators to actively listen to their students and colleagues, showing empathy and understanding. This fosters trust and opens the door to meaningful communication. Effective Communication Skills: Teach effective communication techniques, including non-verbal cues, to ensure that messages are clear and misunderstandings are minimized. Building a Supportive Classroom Culture: Create a classroom environment that promotes collaboration, respect, and inclusivity. Students and educators should feel valued and respected. Parent-Teacher Collaboration: Facilitate regular communication between parents and teachers to create a strong support system for students. This partnership can enhance a child's educational experience. Conflict Resolution: Equip educators and students with conflict resolution skills to address issues constructively and maintain positive relationships even during disagreements.

  1. Goal Setting: Encourage adult learners to set clear, specific, and achievable learning goals that align with their interests and needs.
  2. Resource Identification: Teach individuals how to identify and access a variety of learning resources, including books, online courses, mentors, and peer networks.
  3. Metacognition: Foster metacognitive skills, such as self-assessment and reflection, to help learners monitor their progress and adjust their learning strategies as needed.
  4. Problem-Based Learning: Present learners with real-world problems or scenarios that require them to seek out information, analyze it, and apply it to find solutions.
  5. Feedback and Reflection: Encourage regular feedback and reflection on their learning experiences. This helps learners identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.
  6. Time Management: Teach time management skills to help learners allocate time effectively for self-directed study and skill acquisition.
  7. Collaboration: Promote collaborative learning opportunities, such as group projects or peer discussions, to enhance knowledge exchange and peer support.
  8. Technology Integration: Integrate technology tools and platforms that enable self-directed learners to access a vast array of digital resources and online courses.

  1. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Reflecting on one's experiences and actions fosters greater self-awareness. Professionals gain a better understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs, which can inform their practice.
  2. Improved Problem-Solving: Reflective practitioners develop better problem-solving skills. By analyzing past experiences and decisions, they can identify patterns, make more informed choices, and address challenges more effectively.
  3. Increased Learning: Reflective practice promotes continuous learning. Professionals are encouraged to seek new knowledge, seek feedback, and adapt to changing circumstances, ensuring that they remain up-to-date and adaptable.
  4. Better Decision-Making: Reflective practitioners are more likely to make well-informed decisions. They consider past experiences and their potential impact on current situations, leading to more thoughtful and effective choices.
  5. Enhanced Communication: Professionals who engage in reflective practice often become better communicators. They are more adept at articulating their thoughts and sharing their insights, which can improve teamwork and collaboration.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Reflective practice creates a culture of continuous improvement. Professionals are motivated to seek opportunities for growth, refine their skills, and strive for excellence in their field.

Example 1: A student who initially struggled with math develops a strong belief in their ability to excel in the subject after receiving positive feedback from their teacher and achieving improved grades. This increased self-efficacy leads to a higher level of motivation to continue working hard in math.Example 2: An employee who sets achievable work-related goals, receives regular recognition for their efforts, and undergoes relevant training not only becomes more skilled but also experiences increased motivation to excel in their role.

Role of Instructional Coaches: In addition to workshops, the school district employs instructional coaches who work closely with teachers. These coaches provide one-on-one guidance, observe classroom practices, and offer personalized feedback. For instance, if a teacher is struggling with incorporating technology effectively, an instructional coach can provide targeted support and resources to help them improve.