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Homeroom Advisory Toolbox






Welcome to the Homeroom Advisory Toolbox!

Follow the numbers IN ORDER to make all the adjustments you need. Any questions, feel free to reach out to Traci Uhrich at any time.

Press on the various tools for tech and other resources that can help you manage the time you have together as a group.

  • Take some time to look through the genially to see all it has to offer.
  • Next, make the needed adjustments by following the step-by-step directions.

Welcome to the 2023-2024 Homeroom Advisory

FIRST- PRESS the blue "REUSE THIS GENIALLY" button located at the bottom of the link below. This puts the genially DIRECTLY into your dashboard and it is now YOURS. All changes you make will be for your version ONLY

Everything you need for a successful homeroom advisory is here for you. Please use this toolbox to modify the genially to make it your own. Once all steps have been taken, you will be ready to go to BUILD those relationships with your learners.


You now have the Genially template on YOUR dashboard


The genially should be on your screen. Follow the numbers below to modify the first need (Slide 3- Mentimeter information)



Great work! You made your first (and probably most difficult) modification.


  • Go to Mentimeter.com (if you don't have an account, create a free one)
  • Press on "+New Presentation"
  • Choose the blank option
  • Choose "Word Cloud"
  • You will want to title the presentation at the top where it says, "Untitled Presentation"
  • You will see a box for a question. In that box type, " What Color are you?"
  • Adjust "Entries per participant" to 1
  • You may add an image if you like.
    • click on the blue "Click to add image"
    • choose image library
    • I put the word "colors" into the search bar and chose a picture from there.

Press the "Share" link at the top. You will need to do two things at this point. FIRST:

  • Copy the link under the option at the top for presentation
  • Go to slide three (titled "What is your Color?") on your Genially
  • Press on the blue pencil icon and then the link icon that pops up
  • Place YOUR COPIED Mentimeter link where it says "Add the link here" and then be sure to hit the BLUE save button at the bottom.
  • Press on the picture that says "BLUE" on it and delete it.
  • Go back to your Mentimeter and press on the "Embed live results" icon
  • In your Genially, you will go to the "insert" icon on the left and paste the embed code.
  • Adjust the results window that popped up on your screen to fit the blue box.

Move to Slide 11

You will need to insert your own Nearpod link:

  • Press on the "+" link to the right: "Transcendent Traditions Nearpod"
  • If you are new and haven't signed in, CCA has a full subscription to Nearpod.
    • Just sign in with your CCA Credentials
  • Press on "Add to My Library"
  • The lesson should now show up on YOUR Nearpod dashboard
  • Press on the Student Paced link
  • Choose the "Embed" option
  • Press on Copy
  • Go to your Genially
    • Press on insert
    • Choose other
    • Paste the link in the box and press insert
    • YOUR Nearpod should pop up (student paced) and students can complete
  • When/If you want to share the Nearpod with the class, just change to Teacher paced.

Move to Slide 5

You will need to insert your own Padlet link:

  • Press on the Padlet link that is attached to the "+" icon to the right.
  • Go to the three dots to the right

  • Press on the "Remake" option
    • Remove the word "Remake of" from the title
    • Hit the pink submit button

  • This is now YOUR Padlet
    • Go to the arrow to the right
    • Be sure to change the privacy to "Secret"
    • Be sure to change the visitor permissions to "Can Write"
    • Press "Save"
    • Press "Back"
    • Go down and press "embed in your blog or your website"
    • Press "Copy"

  • Go back to your Genially
  • Press on the CURRENT Genially and delete
  • Go to insert and enter the embed code
  • You will see YOUR Padlet in the Genially
  • Adjust the size and you are done

Move to Slide 9

You will need to insert your own Classkick link:

  • Press on the "+" link to the right: Share Assignment "Vision Board for 2023-2024"
  • If you need to, sign up for a free account
  • Press on the Green "Copy Assignment" button

  • Press on "+Assign a Roster"
    • Name the group "Homeroom Advisory"
      • Press on the Class Code Link
      • Copy the link below by pressing the green "Copy Link" button

  • Go to the Genially
    • Press on the Yellow + button
    • Press on the Blue "Link" button
    • Paste your link into the spacebar
    • Now the information is yours