Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Bienvenue en 5e4

Partie 1: les objectifs

look at the characters, do you know them?what do they have in common?

regarde les personnages, est-ce que tu les reconnais? Qu'est-ce qu'ils ont en commun?

Now listen, and guess who they're talking about

Now it's your turn to describe them!! wb p.4

Spot the characters

she / he is

a boy

a girl




not very slim

He/ She has

_____ eyes

_____ hair

_____ pants_____ tshirt______ jacket______ jeans______ sweater______ sneakers______ shoes

glassesbracesa necklaceearrings

she / he is

Take your wb p.101, cut the mémo grammaire BE et Have, stick it in your copybook and try to fill it!

who's who?

Listen and play along : wb p.5

Guess who they're talking about! only use the 1st column (description 1)

élimine les personnages au fur et à mesure de l’écoute en cochant les cases correspondantes dans ton workbook.

practice questions!

Is it

a boy

a girl




Does she / he have

_____ eyes

_____ hair

_____ pants_____ tshirt______ jacket______ jeans______ sweater______ sneakers______ shoes

glassesbracesa necklaceearrings

Is he / she





who's who?

Now it's your turn!! come to the board and answer yes/no questions until the class finds the character you secretly picked!

Class: listen to the questions to cross out the characters in your workbook