Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


with Mrs Baldini

Welcome to the English Class

Hi! My name's Anna Baldini.

Let's line up!

Everybody stand up in a circle. Now please line up in first name alphabet order.

Everyone now please tell their first name in alphabet order.

Let's line up!

What's the Italian for.......?

Work in groups of 4/5.Write on your notebooks at least 2 examples of questions with each WH word. You have 10 minutes.

Wh Questions

Work with a partner: match the question to the right answer.Use your notebook. You have 5 minutes.
get up
favourite celebrity
favourite food

Work in pairs: create 5 questions you can ask to get the following information.

The interview

get up
favourite celebrity
favourite food

Now change partner: interview your new partner andmake notes of their answers on your notebook.

The interview

Now introduce your partner to the teacher.

Each team then chooses a spokeperson who interviews the teacher.

Work in groups of 4/5.Create at least 2 questions you would like to ask the teacher.You have 5 minutes.

To conclude.....


with Mrs Baldini

Che cosa abbiamo imparato oggi

  • _______________
  • _______________
  • _______________
  • _______________
  • _______________

Compiti descrivete in inglese un personaggio famoso senza dire il suo nome.

Thank you!