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Welcome in Edinburgh

Hi,i'm in Edinburgh! It's a beautiful city and is a very touristic place. I love its castle, the Queen's residence and the atmosphere that you breath.It's a place full of culture and the people are very friendly. I like eat in its pubs, amazing big potatoes cooked in the horn with butter and salt.

Edinburgh is a capital of Scotland.It's a city in the south est of Scotland.Edinburgh castle is so amazing, it's around 900 years old. Edinburgh is also the queen's official residence and the scottish parlament. Edinburgh Cathedral,St. Giles', was build in 1124 by King Davide I . Royal Mile is a long road that divides the old city.Connects Edinburgh Castle to Holyrood Palace.Holyrood Palace was founded by King Davide I in 1128,it is well know because it was the summer residence of queen Mary Stuarda.