Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Project registration required

Login to System 43

  1. What is a project?
  2. What is a kit list?
  3. When do I need to create a project?
  4. How do I create a project?
  5. How do I edit a project?
  6. How do I submit a project for approval
  7. What do I do if my project is rejected?
  8. How do I submit an order?
This icon: indicates interactivity, please click it to get additional information

Course Overview

  • System 43 or "S43" is a project registration and order placement tool for the channels
  • It is the replacement to System 42
  • As a sales channel user you will be creating a quote for your customer in your own quoting tool, when this becomes an order you'll have to go through System 43 to either upload your quote or manually input your quote as a kit list for order placement

What is System 43?

  • Project criteria is the same as current S42 system
  • Projects are needed when:
    • The value is greater than or equal to £15k
    • VRF products
    • Applied products
  • If the kit list doesnt fit into any of these categories, then a project is not needed and a kit list can be orderered without having to attach it to a project
  • It is possible to have a project approved without having a kit list attached by clicking the "No kit list required" button
  • Kit lists are new to S43
  • The replacement to the previous "Quote" system within S42
  • Provides improved visibility
  • There is the option to manually create kit lists or upload them via CSV
  • Every project will need at least one kit list, but not every kit list needs to be a part of a project
  • Projects within S43 perform the same role as the previous system
    • Store details for all projects
    • Allow evidencing of influence

Projects and Kit Lists

  • Next we will do a full walkthrough of a "Project required scenario", starting from this sales channel dashboard page which you will see following your log-in to S43
  • In this example we will be creating the kit list first, however in the live S43 you are able to create the project first and then create the kit list after if that is the preferred option
  • The 1st step is to click on the "Kit Lists" button or the side panel - you can click this now to proceed

Project required scenario

Hover over this icon to explore the Kit list page functionality. Click on the "Create New Kit List" button to proceed

Kit list page

New Kit list

  • To reach this page you click on the "create new kit list button mentioned in the previous page
  • Clicking on the "add product row" brings up the "find product search"
  • Within the product browser you're able to search and select the various products that you want to add to the kit list
  • When you've added your items to your kit list, you are able to click on the model name of the item to open up additional info about the product

Adding a product to the Kit List

  • Once you've created your kit list, you can save it as a draft.
    • When it is in draft status, the kit list can be freely edited within S43
  • You can also download the kit list as a CSV file

Draft kit list

  • As well as creating a kit list, you also have the option to upload a kit list via CSV
  • There are 2 ways to do this
  • The first way is to go into the kit lists menu and click on the "Upload Kit List" button in the top right hand corner

Uploading a Kit List via CSV

  • The 2nd way is to open up a project, scroll down and click on the "Add kit list" button
  • You then are able to click on the "Upload Kit List" button to then be taken to the file browser.

Uploading a Kit List via CSV

  • The fields that are needed are the model code, the description and the quantity - see below screenshot for details.
  • Any other data outside of these 3 first columns will be ignored.
  • You are able to download a CSV template directly from S43

Uploading a Kit List via CSV

  • This is the screen you see upon successfully loading a kit list from CSV into S43
  • Here you have the options to:
    • Edit the kit list, add/remove items, delete the kit list.
  • If there is an error with the kit list, such as in the case of a Product ID mismatch, there will be a banner stating this - seen below in orange

Editing a Kit List before CSV upload

  • As with manually created kit lists, these will be added to the list of kit lists
  • While in draft status, kit lists can be edited as many times as you like

Draft Kit List

If you go over the threshold or add either VRF or Applied products to your kit list then the system will alert you that it is necessary to create a project. In this scenario we have gone over the limit so we will need to create a project for our kit list.

Surpassing the kit list threshold

  • Returning to the Kit Lists page, you should now be able to see the kit list that you have created
  • If you have an existing project that you would like to attach your kit list to you can do this now

Attaching Kit List to existing project

  • Now that our Kit List has been created and we know that it needs a project, the next step is to actually create the project
  • To do this we need to click on the "Project" button or the side panel - you can click either to proceed
  • You also have the option to create the project first and then add the kit list after.

Creating a Project

Click on this icon to discover what functionality exists within the projects page

  • The projects section shows all current projects, as well as some information about them
  • To create a new project, simply click the "Create New Project" button

Projects Page

  • In the new project screen you add in the project details and upload evidence
  • The fields marked with a red star are mandatory
  • Scrolling down, there is also the ability to add notes to the project for future reference

New projects page

  • At any point, you can press the "Save Draft" button to save the details you have entered.
  • If you are not yet ready to add a kit list to the project you can come back at a later time
  • You can find this project in the projects navigator

Saving a draft project

  • The project that you've just created should now show up in this dashboard with "Draft" status
  • The next step is to attach your kit list to this project, to do this there are a few different options
  • You don't need to add the kit list to the project until you are ready to place the order.
  • The first option is to open up the draft project

How to attach your kit list to your project

  • If you scroll down within the draft project to this "Kit Lists" section
  • Here you have the option to upload a kit list via csv, create a new kit list or use an existing kit list
  • Pressing the "Use existing kit list" will allow you to attach the kit list that we created earlier
  • You can also directly create/upload a kit list into a project at this point

Attaching a kit list from within the project

  • The 2nd way to attach our kit list to a project is to go back into the Kit Lists page within S43.
  • You can click the 3 dots icon on the right of the page to optn up the Kit List menu
  • Here you have the options to view the kit list, attach it to a project, duplicate the kit list or delete
  • Click the "attach to a project" button to choose which project

Attaching a Kit List to a project from kit lists

  • When the kit list has been attached to the project and mandatory Project fields have been filled in, you will be able to submit the project for approval by the MEUK team by clicking the "Submit for approval" button. The status will change to "pending"
  • You will not be able to submit the project for approval unless all mandatory fields are filled in and at least one kit list is attached

Submitting the Project for approval

  • Following the submission of a project with a kit list attached, the MEUK team will review the project to make sure that all the neccessary information is present
  • They will then either approve or reject the project and the project creator will be notified on their dashboard. In this example our project has been rejected, so we need to open the project to see why

Revising Projects

  • Within the rejected project, there will be a message from the MEUK team member that has reviewed the project as to the reason why it hasn't been approved
  • As well as the rejected message, the Sales and Projects team may also leave additional comments in the "Notes" section of the project
  • You need to click the "Revise Project" button to go into the project and update the information to correct this issue and then resubmit it for approval

Rejected Projects

  • Only once the project has been approved by the MEUK team will the option to place the order appear
  • There may also be an approval message from the Sales and Projects Tracking team

Project Approval

  • The next step after our project has been approved is to go back into our project
  • Kit lists are ordered individually
  • Once the kit list is marked as "Won" status, then it is able to be ordered

Placing the order

  • At this point you are able to click the place order button and order your selected kit list

Placing the order

  • Upon pressing the "Place Order" button, you will be taken to the Place order screen
  • This is where you add in the Delivery Date, Delivery Address, as well as any voucher codes such as Trade Plus or Corporate Deals (if customer is eligible)
  • For these vouchers, you need to select the voucher type from the dropdown menu and then enter in the customer name and post-code (eg. Mitsubishi SW1A 2AB)
  • If your order contains a corportate deal, this will need to be reviewed and approved by the MEUK team

Placing the order

  • Once the Kit list has been ordered, its status will update to reflect this within both its Project and the Kit Lists page
  • You are able to create and order multiple kit lists within a project

Kit List ordered

During this course we have covered:

  1. What is a project?
  2. What is a kit list?
  3. When do I need to create a project?
  4. How do I create a project?
  5. How do I edit a project?
  6. How do I submit a project for approval
  7. What do I do if my project is rejected?
  8. How do I submit an order?
