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Nonfiction Narrative

It's all about you


Your requirements

Art Essay

Traditional Essay

Oral Essay


Photo Storybook

MLA Format

Your choices

Pick one of these

You must review these

Spelling and Grammar

Welcome! For this project, you will complete one of the choices below. Click on a choice to continue.

Once you've chosen a project, click on each of the requirements below to help you succeed!

> Choose this option if you don't mind recording yourself (won't be shared during class unless you are OK with that).

You will write a three-paragraph essay and record a video of yourself reading it.

> The recording will be through edio (you'll need to use your CCA computer's camera) OR present it live to your teacher in zoom.> The essay will be submitted as a Word file.

Oral Essay

Use these buttons to navigate

> Choose this option if you don't mind recording yourself (won't be shared during class unless you are OK with that).

You will write a three-paragraph essay and record a video of yourself reading it.

> The recording will be through edio (you'll need to use your CCA computer's camera) OR present it live to your teacher in zoom.> The essay will be submitted as a Word file.

Oral Essay

Use these buttons to navigate

mapping outthe project

Present essay (video recording)

Write three paragraphs

MLA Format needed

Creative writing needed

Figurative language

Sensory details

Proper header

Proper font type and size

Practice makes it better!

Make eye contact

Speak clearly, slowly

Oral Essay

Consider using props!


Think about onomatopoeia ("bang!") or other sensory details for how to start your essay. Consider alliteration (Sally sells seashells)Example of first sentence:"Crash! The ball smashed through the glass window ending what had been a delightful day.

+ info

How to write it

2nd paragraph: What happens next?

Continue your story. Make sure to include lots of sensory detail or figurative language and sound devices, such as similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia.

3rd paragraph: What did you learn?

Conclude your essay. Be sure to explain how it's a milestone. Example: "This experience changed me because _______."

Goal (Why am I doing this?!)

The purpose of this assignment is to practice presenting information about yourself. Also, reflecting on a milestone - an event that changed who you are or how you see the world - can be helpful to understanding the milestone, yourself and future milestones!

> Please do not use previous assignments from another class. > Please do not plagiarize or use an artificial intelligence chatbot.Doing either of these will result in a grade of zero.

Topic, did you stay on topic and talk about a milestone?


Content, did you write three paragraphs? Did record you yourself? Did you include AT LEAST three examples of sensory detail, figurative language or sound devices?


Organization, did you use MLA format for the written essay? Did you speak clearly, slowly and make eye contact during the presentation?


Conventions, did you have grammar mistakes? Did you have spelling errors? Did you have pronunciation mistakes?


Evaluation criteria. These are the questions I'll ask while grading.

Oral essay Rubric (how Mrs. lei wIll grade it!)

That's a wrap

Be sure to check out the requirements!

Choose this option if you like creative writing! While there will be more writing, this option avoids drawing, presenting and organizing pictures. There will be a requirements for more detail and more creative elements. > Your essay will be submitted as a Word file.

Traditional Essay

You will write a five-paragraph essay.

Use these buttons to navigate

mapping outthe project

Write five paragraphs

MLA Format needed

Creative writing needed

Figurative language

Sensory details

Proper header

Proper font type and size

Choose a topic with lots of detail!

Make sure it's a milestone!

Make sure you have strong memories of it.

Traditional Essay


Think about onomatopoeia ("bang!") or other sensory details for how to start your essay. Consider alliteration (Sally sells seashells)Example of first sentence:"Crash! The ball smashed through the glass window ending what had been a delightful day.

+ info

How to write it

3rd paragraph: What happens next?

Continue your story. Make sure to include lots of sensory detail or figurative language and sound devices, such as similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia throughout the essay.

2nd paragraph: Now the beginning

The first paragraph hooks the reader and introduces the topic (skateboards, funerals, championship games). The second paragraph is where the story begins.Example: "My day started with _______."

4th paragraph: Conclude your story

Conclude your story. What happened last? Did anything change regarding the event or situation after then?

How to write it, Cont.

5th paragraph: What did you learn?

Explain how it's a milestone and what you learned. Would you do anything differently? Give yourself advice! Example: "This experience changed me because _______."

Goal (Why am I doing this?!)

The purpose of this assignment is to practice presenting information about yourself. Also, reflecting on a milestone - an event that changed who you are or how you see the world - can be helpful to understanding the milestone, yourself and future milestones!

> Please do not use previous assignments from another class. > Please do not plagiarize or use an artificial intelligence chatbot.Doing either of these will result in a grade of zero.

Topic, did you stay on topic and talk about a milestone?


Content, did you write AT LEAST five paragraphs? Did you include AT LEAST five examples of sensory detail, figurative language or sound devices?


Organization, did you use MLA format for the written essay? Is there a clear purpose to each paragraph?


Conventions, did you have grammar mistakes? Did you have spelling errors?


Evaluation criteria. These are the questions I'll ask while grading.

Traditional essay Rubric (how Mrs. lei wIll grade it!)

The end

Be sure to check out the requirements!

You will write a three-paragraph essay.

Choose this option if you have experience with drawing either by hand or using digital art tools.Do not choose this option for photography.

You will draw a picture that represents the topic.

> Your essay will be submitted as a Word file. > Your art will be submitted as either a separate file or embedded in the Word file. > Handdrawn art should be scanned in.



Art Essay

Use these buttons to navigate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

mapping outthe project

Drawing representing topic

Write three paragraphs

MLA Format needed

Creative writing needed

Figurative language

Sensory details

Proper header

Proper font type and size

Use whatever art form you enjoy!

Feel free to brainstorm ideas with Mr. S

Make sure it can be submitted online

Art Essay


Think about onomatopoeia ("bang!") or other sensory details for how to start your essay. Consider alliteration (Sally sells seashells)Example of first sentence:"Crash! The ball smashed through the glass window ending what had been a delightful day.

+ info

How to write it

2nd paragraph: What happens next?

Continue your story. Make sure to include lots of sensory detail or figurative language and sound devices, such as similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia.

3rd paragraph: What did you learn?

Conclude your essay. Be sure to explain how it's a milestone. Example: "This experience changed me because _______."

The drawing must relate to the topic

> If you're writing about a sports milestone, perhaps it's a self-portrait of yourself playing the sport.> If you're writing about how getting a dog changed your life, perhaps it's a picture of you playing with your dog.> Important: It doesn't matter what style you use for the art, just that it represents the essay topic you've chosen.> Having said that: Scribbling or quick, careless sketches will cost you points.

How to Draw it

Goal (Why am I doing this?!)

The purpose of this assignment is to practice presenting information about yourself. Also, reflecting on a milestone - an event that changed who you are or how you see the world - can be helpful to understanding the milestone, yourself and future milestones!

> Please do not use previous assignments from another class. > Please do not plagiarize or use an artificial intelligence chatbot.Doing either of these will result in a grade of zero.

Topic, did you stay on topic and talk about a milestone? Did your art represent the topic?


Content, did you write three paragraphs? Did you include AT LEAST two examples of sensory detail, figurative language or sound devices? Did your art include detail that shows effort?


Organization, did you use MLA format for the written essay? Was the art submitted in a way that makes it easy to view?


Conventions, did you have grammar mistakes? Did you have spelling errors?


Evaluation criteria. These are the questions I'll ask while grading.

Art essay Rubric (how Mrs. lei wIll grade it!)

The end

Be sure to check out the requirements!

You will submit a PowerPoint presentation

Understanding how to manipulate design in PowerPoint will be important.

You will write three paragraphs

You will include photos that represent your story

There will be four slides, three of which will showcase your story.

There should be AT LEAST one photo on each of the four slides.

+ press here for template

Photo Storybook

You do not need to use the template. It's only a guide to help you.

Use these buttons to navigate

mapping outthe project

Find/take photos that represent the topic

Write three paragraphs

MLA Format needed

Creative writing needed

Figurative language

Sensory details

Proper header

Proper font type and size

Be as creative as you want!

Feel free to brainstorm ideas with Mr. S

It must be visually interesting

Photo Storybook

Design the PowerPoint


Think about onomatopoeia ("bang!") or other sensory details for how to start your essay. Consider alliteration (Sally sells seashells)Example of first sentence:"Crash! The ball smashed through the glass window ending what had been a delightful day.

+ info

How to write it

2nd paragraph: What happens next?

Continue your story. Make sure to include lots of sensory detail or figurative language and sound devices, such as similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia.

3rd paragraph: What did you learn?

Conclude your essay. Be sure to explain how it's a milestone. Example: "This experience changed me because _______."

The photos must relate to the topic

> Feel free to use your own photos or find photos online.> If you're writing about a sports milestone, perhaps it's a photo of you playing the sport. Or a photo from online of a kid playing.> If you're writing about how getting a dog changed your life, perhaps it's a photo of you playing with your dog.> Important: It doesn't matter what style you use for the photo, just that it represents the essay topic you've chosen.> To find photos: > Go to Google. Type what you're looking for.> After the search, click "Images" below the searchbox to look at the photos.> If you can't save or download the image, click on the "Start" Windows button on your computer and type "Snip". This tool will let you save images on your screen.

How to find photos

Goal (Why am I doing this?!)

The purpose of this assignment is to practice presenting information about yourself. Also, reflecting on a milestone - an event that changed who you are or how you see the world - can be helpful to understanding the milestone, yourself and future milestones!

> Please do not use previous assignments from another class. > Please do not plagiarize or use an artificial intelligence chatbot.Doing either of these will result in a grade of zero.

Topic, did you stay on topic and talk about a milestone? Did your photos represent the topic?


Content, did you write three paragraphs? Did you include AT LEAST two examples of sensory detail, figurative language or sound devices? Did you have AT LEAST four photos?


Organization, did you make the PowerPoint visually interesting? Did you choose a unique design? Did you choose varying slide layouts?


Conventions, did you have grammar mistakes? Did you have spelling errors?


Evaluation criteria. These are the questions I'll ask while grading.

Storybook Rubric (how Mrs. lei wIll grade it!)

The end

Be sure to check out the requirements!

MLA Format



Mla format is required!

Think about an envelope you're going to put in the mail. What would happen if you put the mailing address in the wrong place? It won't get where you need it to go!Many things in life have standards, or a set of rules. Try playing soccer or rock, paper, scissors without a ruleset!MLA format is the set of rules to follow so every essay looks the same.


Things to know about MLA

...unless you choose the Photo Storybook project.

Header, in the upper left corner, write: Your Name Mrs. LeibowitzEnglish Language Arts 8 Date


Double space, highlight your entire essay. In the search at the top (by the lightbulb), type line spacing and click 2.0.


Indent, at the beginning of every paragraph, hit the “tab” key on the keyboard once.


Font, the style should be Times New Roman. The size should be 12.


Make sure to follow these rules while writing your essay in Microsoft Word.

MLA Ruleset


Title, should be after your header. It should be centered and the same font type and size as your essay.

Grammar & Spelling



For this project, you will be graded on your use of grammar and spelling.

While I don't typically grade for spelling or grammar in writing assignments of written-response questions in quizzes and tests, essays are different. You have to picture essays as if they are works that will be published for tens of thousands to see (your work won't be published in this class ... but maybe your future writing will be one day!).Treat your essay writing with the respect it deserves. Always reread your work (out loud if possible). Have someone else read it, if possible.


Things to know about grammar & spelling

Spelling, do you see the red lines under words? That tells you there is something wrong! Blue lines might indicate a grammar problem.Also: in the search at the top of Word (by the lightbulb), type Spelling and you can have it search for errors.


Sentence fragment, be sure that every sentence has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. If you read it out loud and it sounds like it needs more ... it probably does!


Paragraphs, be sure you are separating your essay into sections using the "enter" key on your keyboard.


Run-on sentences, the most common mistake in eighth grade. Two complete thoughts should be separated by a period or a conjunction such as "and", "or", "but". Do not separate with just a comma.


Things to watch for:

Grammar & Spelling


Capitalization, be sure to use an uppercase letter only at the start of the sentence or for a proper noun.

Do you know what you need to complete the project?



Umm, no. I should review the project section for that.

Yup, I'm good!

I know how long the essay portion of my project needs to be.


Umm, no. I should review the project section for that.

Yup, I'm good!

I know how many examples of sensory detail, figurative language or sound devices I need.


Umm, no. I should review the MLA Format section for that.

Yup, I'm good!

I know the formatting requirements for this project.


Umm, no. I should review that section.

Yup, I'm good!

I reviewed the tips for getting full credit for grammar and spelling.


Heck yes I did!

Uhhh, no, I'm good! But thanks.

I yelled out loud, "LET'S DO THIS".


Great work. I believe in you. Believe in yourself! You've got this!


Well, I'll do it for you. I believe in you. Believe in yourself! You've got this!

Whomp, Whomp

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua?

Write thecorrect option hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod

Write thewrong option hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod

Write thewrong option hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod


His audiam deserunt in, eum ubique voluptatibus te. In reque dicta usu. Ne rebum dissentiet eam, vim omnis deseruisse id. Ullum deleniti vituperata at quo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua?

Write the wrongoption hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod

Write the correctoption hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod

Write the wrongoption hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod


His audiam deserunt in, eum ubique voluptatibus te. In reque dicta usu. Ne rebum dissentiet eam, vim omnis deseruisse id. Ullum deleniti vituperata at quo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua?

Write the wrongoption hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod

Write the correctoption hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod

Write the wrongoption hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod


His audiam deserunt in, eum ubique voluptatibus te. In reque dicta usu. Ne rebum dissentiet eam, vim omnis deseruisse id. Ullum deleniti vituperata at quo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua?

Write the wrongoption hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod

Write the correctoption hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod

Write the wrongoption hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod


His audiam deserunt in, eum ubique voluptatibus te. In reque dicta usu. Ne rebum dissentiet eam, vim omnis deseruisse id. Ullum deleniti vituperata at quo.




You have answered everything correctly

What knowledgehave you acquired?

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit nunc taciti luctus consequat ultricies turpis,
  • Lobortis nulla vehicula ultrices egestas. Eu metus quam luctus rutrum eleifend ornare egestas dictumst velit.
  • Vulputate mauris lacinia commodo diam dignissim nisi tempor quis integer fermentum lobortis imperdiet.


Question 01 - Correct answer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lacus elementum aenean nisl class, suspendisse euismod? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit nunc taciti luctus consequat ultricies turpis, lobortis nulla vehicula ultrices egestas. Question 02 - Correct answer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lacus elementum aenean nisl class, suspendisse euismod? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit nunc taciti luctus consequat ultricies turpis, lobortis nulla vehicula ultrices egestas. Question 03 - Correct answer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lacus elementum aenean nisl class, suspendisse euismod? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit nunc taciti luctus consequat ultricies turpis, lobortis nulla vehicula ultrices egestas. Question 04 - Correct answer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lacus elementum aenean nisl class, suspendisse euismod? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit nunc taciti luctus consequat ultricies turpis, lobortis nulla vehicula ultrices egestas. Question 05 - Correct answer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lacus elementum aenean nisl class, suspendisse euismod? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit nunc taciti luctus consequat ultricies turpis, lobortis nulla vehicula ultrices egestas.

Try again!

oh, oh!

This answer is not correct...
