Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Session 1

Session 4

Session 5

Session 2

Session 3

Introduction to Study Group's Digital English Courses

Session Introduction

Activity Guide and Feedback Provision

Routine Platform Actions

Localisation and Differentiation

Session Introduction

Marking and Standardisation

Course Components: Synchronous & Asynchronous Delivery

Session Review

Session Introduction

Course Assessments

Course Documents & Additional Resources

Introducing Students to the Platform

Session Introduction

Session Introduction

Platform Overview

Session Review

Marking Writing Assessments

Session Review

Marking CW1 Source Report Assessment

Standardisation and Moderation Processes

Marking Speaking Assessments

WISEflow exams

Editing Integrated Skills Screens

Adding Supplementary Screens and Materials

Session Review

Session Review

Try It Yourself: Discussion Activities

Writing Effective Newsfeed Posts

Starting & Managing Forum Threads

Feedback Provision and Asynchronous Tutor Participation

Suggested Timeline

Try It Yourself: Independent (off-screen) Activities

Editing live class preparation, narrative and general feedback

compulsory/core lessons

optional/spoke lessons/elements

Platform Activities: Overview


Try It Yourself: Lead-in & Brainstorming Activities

All: 3hrs 40 minsCore: 3hrs 15 mins

10 mins

10 mins

10 mins

Localising the Platform

10 mins

15 mins

15 mins

15 mins

30 mins

30 mins

10 mins

60 mins

30 mins

60 mins

45 mins

60 mins

30 mins

40 mins

60 mins

30 mins

45 mins

15 mins

15 mins

30 mins

45 mins

30 mins

30 mins

45 mins

60 mins

30 mins

45 mins

30 mins

45 mins

45 mins

30 mins

Try It Yourself: Private Activities

Using Learning Analytics

Configuring Turnitin Tasks

All: 3hrs 55 minsCore: 1hr 15 mins

All: 2hrs 55 minsCore: 2hr 30 mins

All: 2hrs 55 minsCore: 2hr 30 mins

All: 4hrs 35 minsCore: 4hr 10 mins

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

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This session, essentially, enables participants to complete network standardisation (compliance requirement) for all AES assessments. While it may be of value for participants to go through the lessons in one go on the back of completing the first four sessions (particularly if the participant is a new hire onboarded mid-term and thus expected to start marking immediately/in the first few weeks of teaching), it may be of more benefit to do these in lesson-sized chunks coinciding with the assessment points in the participants' academic year calendars. As the circumstances will differ between Centres/Colleges/Learning Hubs and from one participant to another, the completion deadline for this session will be agreed between the participants and their line managers.