SEND Information Report
Rebecca Rhodes
Created on August 4, 2023
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SEND Vision and Information Report 2023/2024
Most common need is ******* compared to nationally
???? children on SEND Register compared to nationally
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Children with SEND 2023/2024
Inclusion Team
My vision for children with SEND at Hazel is.......... What is yours? Spend 5 minutes writing this down. You do not have to write your name but you are very welcome to. You could do it like mine or as single words / pictures.
Phoebe Brewin (EYFS/Year 1) Naomi Toogood (Year 2/Year 3) Jacinda Toogood (Upper Key Stage 2) Shailen Chauhan (Sports Coach) Kaushar Raje (Speech and Language support in Y2-6) Vikki Mann (Family Support Worker) Rebecca Rhodes (SENDCo)
The most common reason for a child receiving an EHCP is Autistic Spectrum Disorder which is the same picture seen nationally.
Most common need is speech, language and communication which is the same picture seen nationally
We have 15% of children on the SEND Register currently (SEND Support or EHC Plan).
Children with SEND 2023/2024
Inclusion Team
My vision for children with SEND at Hazel is that adapted teaching means all staff take appropriate and timely action to ensure that difference does not become disadvantage; reducing challenge, limiting aspirations or potential achievement. All staff that work with children from the moment they arrive to the moment they leave treat children with SEND in a way that builds them up and ensures they know their strengths and individual qualities. Playtimes for children are happy, relaxed and with friends that value difference. A broad, relevant, carefully considered curriculum is delivered and adapted where needed. Interventions are evidence-based, effective and delivered routinely. Parents feel empowered to celebrate their child's individual successes (that are often different to those of their peers) yet safe and comfortable enough to be open and share the challenges being a parent of a child with SEND can bring. What is yours? What is yours? Spend 5 minutes writing this down. You do not have to write your name but you are very welcome to. You could do it like mine or as single words / pictures.
BRP Over 1/3 of children on the SEND Register benefited from at least one BRP intervention this academic year. Some children had two rounds over the year and many became expected readers. This is in addition to the many more informal 1:1 reading opportunities. On average, children moved up 4 PM levels in this time. Our school prioritises the teaching of reading. All children that I interviewed in the spring term as part of pupil voice saw themselves as good readers. Many of those children acknowledged the hard work it had taken to make that happen. SALT 20 children received daily, tailored speech / language support or weekly Lego Therapy to develop their communication and interaction skills.
SEND Register 5 children have been removed from the SEND Register this year due to the progress they have made meaning they no longer need 'over and above reasonable adjustments'.
Right provision 5 successful EHCP applications in the last 12 months. 1 successful transfer to special school. Awaiting placement at special school for 1 child.
We have made the decision to employ permanent SEND teaching assistants at Hazel. Part of the SENDCo role is to apply for funding from the local authority to contribute towards these salaries. Some schools choose to do temporary contracts that are for one year or attached to a child being at the school. A ‘helicopter TA’ prepares a child for learning by ‘dropping down’ the strategies and resources needed. Then they lift off and ‘hover’. They can drop down again when the support is needed to re-focus or remind the child to use the strategies and resources available before leaving again. This approach means that TAs can both provide children with the support they need and the opportunity to learn independently.
Creating independence There are no children in our school currently who need round-the-clock support for safety. Our strongest successes over the last year were when a team supported the child and each other. It is a lonely job working 1:1 with a child who has significant communication / behaviour needs and this is not terminology we want to use. Evidence shows that a child having an allocated member of staff as a '1:1' can often be limiting.
Our choices as a school
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The EEF’s ‘Five-a-day' principle to support pupils with SEND, taken from their ‘Special Educational Needs in Mainstream School’s’ guidance report, is illustrated in the diagram opposite.
SEND 5 a day
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Research Project summary
Number of BRP children seen and how on average how many book bands they move up ** children moved from WTS to EXS because of BRP. I think some things that make it really clear about the impact of the work our TA’s do – this would follow on nicely from general “why is reading important” message. Only 6 children left Y2 below the phonics standard (one was Sofija etc..) 95% of children on the send register attended an extra out of school event in 2022-23 13 children who were on the SEND register for more than 3 years have now come off it because of our provision and inclusive curriculum Success of SEND children in the MTC - those children can do some of it Nath 8 etc Fai Phonics / FAP SEND Policy - share this SEND letters/consent / templates - where Data headlines What's next
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