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Data Driven Results

Data driven results

  • Demonstrate the value of L&D initiatives to stakeholders and build a stronger case for future programmes and investments.
  • Continuously improve your L&D offering to increase learner engagement through data-driven evaluations.
  • Drive your L&D function using data-driven decisions to allocate resources within the L&D function more efficiently, deliver training based on validated feedback and results.

Regulation & Compliance



Regulation & Compliance

regulation & compliance

  • Be audit ready with certifications and legal documents within a centralised system showing the business commitment to industry standards, reducing the risk of fines or legal action.
  • The internal authoring tool and centralised record keeping reduces the dependency and associated costs of external vendors, external certifications and external audit trails.
  • Personal accountability of CPD hours for the individuals to take ownership of their own development and register records when required hours are reached or surpassed.


Data Security & Privacy


Data Security & Privacy

Data Security & privacy

  • A secure HRIS integration removes cumbersome administrative work of manual platform management, saving money and returning more time to the L&D function to prioritise learning programs and content production.
  • Save time and money during onboarding as new employees are granted access to relevant resources immediately, ensuring a smooth onboarding into their new role and setting them up for success.
  • Similarly, when employees leave the organisation, access can be revoked promptly to protect business sensitive information.

Regulation & Compliance
