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Juciara Aleixo N- 261672Pathway 1 Ts4

Marketing strategies and development of a successful product in Brazil - The case of the Barbie doll.

The body of the essay: Through bibliographic research, interviews and observations, it is possible to identify the marketing strategies that contributed to Barbie's success in Brazil. on the market since 1959. One of the main strategies of the successful product is its established image that reaches its target audience. Since its launch, the doll has been associated with a world of beauty, wealth and adventure, which has made it attractive to children. In addition, Barbie has been expertly promoted as an aspirational role model for girls, encouraging the desire to be like the doll in different areas of life. By representing a model of femininity, Barbie may have changed concepts about the role of women in society. The company behind the doll has sought to represent more diversity in its dolls, launching models with different ethnicities, bodies and professions. By representing a model of femininity, Barbie may have changed concepts about the role of women in society. The company behind the doll has sought to represent more diversity in its dolls, launching models with different ethnicities, bodies and professions.

Dissertation instruction: This evaluative essay will analyze the marketing strategies used by the Barbie doll in Brazil, highlighting how these strategies contributed to its product success in the market.

Limitation: The essay will specifically discuss the marketing strategies applied to the Barbie doll in Brazil and their influence on the construction of children's identities, especially in relation to gender identity and cultural diversity.

It is important that companies continue to evolve their marketing strategies to reflect and embrace cultural diversity and emerging values in society, always aiming for a more inclusive and positive approach in the formation of children's identities.

Sales data of the Barbie doll in Brazil can be presented to prove its success in the market. It is also possible to cite studies and research that investigated the influence of Barbie in the formation of children's identities, evidencing its stereotypical representation of gender and the changes over the years to promote social inclusion.

Claims supported by data and other evidence:
  • removal of images: https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/710865122457118053/
  • The texts: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=pt-PT&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=quais+s%C3%A3o+as+estrat%C3%A9gias+de+marketing+e+desenvolvimento+mais+utilizadas+para+o+filme+da+barbie%C2%A0+&btnG=

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