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Community Engagement Team Email: CEL@refuge.org.ukWest London Community Engagement Coordinator Contact Details: lauren_healey@refuge.org.uk




We are excited to be able to work with services and organise activities and sessions for the women and children you are supporting. These events will begin in September 2023. We would ask that if you are able to, as much notice is given as possible when sessions/activities are organised so we can let the services who are kindly helping us know. If you have any concerns, please get in touch!


Welcome!Please find a list of Therapy, Counselling and support services which the Community Engagement team are working with, local services and online resources outlining information we hope you will find useful and should make referrals smooth. Lauren Healey will be your point of contact - lauren_healey@refuge.org.uk. We hope these services will be wonderful for the women and children you are supporting. Please be aware this book will continue to grow, so please keep a look out and Lauren will update you regularly via email.Please let Lauren know if you are having any issues with referrals/significant delays in hearing back.Please do give a ring or email at anytime for any questions, feedback and ideas!

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FAITH BASED COUNSELLINGChristian Counselling Centre (Pending).............................Page 16CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE THERAPY/COUNSELLING AND TOOLSHounslow Youth Counselling Service (Pending).........................Page 18Kooth.......................................................................................Page 18Purple Elephant Project............................................................Page 19Youth Employment...................................................................Page 20PARENTING CLASSES AND TOOLSFamily Lives.............................................................................Page 22Learn Hounslow........................................................................Page 22Let's Talk Programme (Pending).................................................Page 23


UPCOMING EVENTSUpcoming Events with staff......................................................Page 4ADULT THERAPY, COUNSELLING AND MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORTAnchor Counselling..................................................................Page 5Free Wellbeing Apps.................................................................Page 6Happy Baby Community............................................................Page 7Hounslow IAPT.........................................................................Page 8London Friend..........................................................................Page 9Qwell.......................................................................................Page 9HARMFUL PRACTICES AND SPECIFIC COUNSELLINGListening Place......................................................................Page 11Survivors Gateway..................................................................Page 12The Havens............................................................................PageWomen and Girls Network-Harmful Practices..........................Page 13Woman's Trust Counselling.....................................................Page 14

Please contact Lauren Healey for any questions! Phone: 07823 685 228 Email: lauren_healey@refuge.org.uk

HOUNSLOW PARENTING CLASSES AND SUPPORT- LET'S TALK PROGRAMMEWhat will we be doing?Who will be attending? Date?Time?Cost?Can children attend? Where to meet? What shall I bring?When do I need to let the Community Engagement Team know?

UPCOMING EVENTS- September 2023