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What is the aim of these sessions?

What sessions can I attend and how can I book a place?

What lecturers have said about our sessions

SeminAr Skills

ASkE: Academic Skills in English

What students have said about our sessions

What is the aim of these sessions?

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Our aim in these sessions is help you feel more comfortable and better prepared for seminars by developing the skills to:

  • communicate fluently & interact effectively in an academic context
  • listen actively through use of questioning and responding to peers/tutors
  • understand & apply a critical approach
  • support claims and arguments with evidence
  • use a range of appropriate language for seminars/debates
  • ask for clarification when meaning/message is unclear

Most academic courses require students to take part in seminars, or group discussions. However, they may not be an activity that you are used to doing.

What sessions can I attend and how can I book a place?

Please see below for the topic of the sessions and to book a place:

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Discussing problems & solutions

Introduction to academic cultures

Analysis and evaluation from different perspectives

Comparing & contrasting; drawing conclusions & evaluating

To be confirmed

What lecturers have said about our sessions

‘…you can really build your confidence when you discuss topics with others….’

‘…talking about your subject with others can really help you understand it better….’

'It’s so important to be able to express yourself clearly. It shows how much you are engaging with your subject’

‘…being able to take part in group discussions is extremely important skill for students….’

What students have said about our sessions

Academic Communication sessions helped me overcome some difficulties in communicating in English to a certain extent, such as lack of self-confidence, nervousness, etc. Let each of us participate in it, and the teacher's teaching atmosphere is also very active!’

I learned to make my expression more natural in different contexts, and also more confident.

‘the interaction and learning to use specific phrases when communicating [were useful]’