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New Starter App


Retail Academy

Retail Academy

The following guide has been put together to walk you through using the New Starter App when you get into your shops. You will see how to;

  • Create an account
  • Complete your training
  • Complete Self Assessments and Quizzes
  • See an overview of your New Starter journey.

Retail Academy

Open up the Shops Portal and click on 'Shops'

Retail Academy

Click on 'Other Sites' and from the dropdown menu chose 'New Starter Training'

Retail Academy


You will then see this screen where you can create your account. Your shop name will already be populated with the shop you are signed in.

Retail Academy


Firstly start by clicking on 'Create Account'

Retail Academy

You will need to enter your Employee ID. You will find this on shopworks.

Retail Academy

If you have already created an account it will read 'Employee ID Already Exists'

Retail Academy

When asked to confirm your Employee ID, if you enter different Employee ID's it will read 'ID's do not match'

Retail Academy

Enter:> Employee ID> Confirm ID> First Name> Surname

Retail Academy


You have now successfully created an account and will be taken back to the login screen

Retail Academy


When you enter your Employee ID'Login' now turns GREEN

Retail Academy

You will now see the main screen of the training app.

Retail Academy

This gives an idea of how long this module should take you

Retail Academy

You are unable to see future Modules.

Retail Academy

Click on the headers of each document to open up the training.

Retail Academy

When you click on a header the training pops out for you to complete

Retail Academy

At the end of each module, you will close and return to your main menu

Retail Academy

The module is now coloured AMBER This means it has been 'Opened, but not signed off'

Retail Academy

To sign off, click inside the 'Check to Complete' box

Retail Academy

This message will then pop out.

Retail Academy

If you enter an Employee ID different to the one you are logged in as, the header remains AMBER

Retail Academy

If you select 'Disagree' to the training, it will remain AMBER

Retail Academy

To sign off. You must 'Agree' to the disclaimer and enter correct ID

Retail Academy

Header will then turn GREEN

Retail Academy

Once all modules complete and signed off, the tab 'View Quizzes' will appear.

Retail Academy

3 x quizzes to complete.Headers are links to the quiz.

Retail Academy

10 x multiple choice questions

Retail Academy

You will get Immediate results

Retail Academy

You are able to return to the main menu or retry the quiz

Retail Academy

You can retry a maximum of 3 attempts before being unable to complete again for 24 hours

Retail Academy

Once passed, you will be directed back to main menu

Retail Academy

The quiz header will turn GREEN

Retail Academy

You can see how many occasions the quiz has been attempted.

Retail Academy

Once all quizzes are passed, the Self Assessment button appears

Retail Academy

Once complete. Hit Submit.SSM Notified

Retail Academy

Complete the self assessment by selecting Yes or No. You can enter comments with every 'No' answer

Retail Academy

Once all training within the module is complete, quizzes are passed and the self assessment has been compelted, you can then Submit the Module for Managers Review

Retail Academy

Once Managers Review is complete, the next time you login you will be able to progress to the next module

Retail Academy

You can review past Modules

Retail Academy

You cannot see future modules.

Retail Academy

Works Exactly the same as the Previous Module

Retail Academy

Works Exactly the same as the Previous Module

Retail Academy

Works Exactly the same as the Previous Module

Retail Academy

Works Exactly the same as the Previous Module

Retail Academy

Training Guidelines

  • Module 1: 2 Weeks (Weeks 1 - 2)
  • Module 2: 4 Weeks (Weeks 3 - 6)
  • Module 2 : MS Teams Compliance Session (Tuesday 10am from home)
  • Module 3: 4 Weeks (Weeks 7 - 10)
  • Module 3 : MS Teams Security Session (Tuesday 10am from home)
  • Module 4: 4 Weeks (Weeks 11 - 14)
  • Module 5: 5 Weeks (Weeks 15 - 20)
Training cannot progress without the Sales Manager Reviews.Non attendance of the MS Teams sessions WILL delay progression onto next Module.

Retail Academy

Thank You