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Échappe-toi de la classe de

Madame Scott.



You've been trapped in the French classroom! Find clues around the room to help you escape. Bonne chance !

It's dark in here, find the switch...

I think there might be a key somewhere in this classroom... Try to find it by clicking on different elements.

Hey, if you want to get out, you're going to have to work a little bit... Read the text below

Je m'appelle Fabrice ! En général, je suis assez sympa et très drôle, mais je ne suis pas patient.

What is Fabrice's first quality? Click on it in the text

Je m'appelle Fabrice ! En général, je suis assez sympa et très drôle, mais je ne suis pas patient.

Great ! What does it mean?

Je m'appelle Fabrice ! En général, je suis assez sympa et très drôle, mais je ne suis pas patient.





What is his other quality ?

  • he's a little funny


Je m'appelle Fabrice ! En général, je suis assez sympa et très drôle, mais je ne suis pas patient.

  • he's rather funny


  • he's very funny

Is Fabrice a patient person?


Je m'appelle Fabrice ! En général, je suis assez sympa et très drôle, mais je ne suis pas patient.


Turn to the back! What does he say about his teacher?

ps: Je déteste mon prof de maths! Il est pénible et arrogant. Il n'est pas intéressant.

  • he is annoying

  • he is not arrogant

  • his class is interesting

We must find it ! Keep looking in the room...

Can you see anything there?

Ahahahaha !Non, essaie encore !

Which of these sentences expresses a positive opinion ?

  • Ma meilleure amie est adorable!

  • mon frère est timide

  • ma mère est paresseuse

Which of these sentences expresses a negative opinion ?

  • Je déteste ma sœur.
  • Ma sœur est intelligente
  • Je suis créatif
  • Tu es sûr?

Which one means"My friends are great."

  • Mon copain est super

  • Mes copains est supers.

  • Mes copains sont supers.

  • Mon copain sont supers.

Which one means"I am not immature'

  • Je suis ne pas immature.

  • Je ne pas immature.

  • Je ne suis pas immature.

  • Je est immature.

Where is that key ?? Let's keep looking, I'm getting hungry...

Hmm, no, it's just someone's mess. Unless...

It looks like you found my key !But we are not done yet.Click on the appropriate word to complete each sentence.(Careful, failing will take you back here!)

Tu fais quoi avec ___ copains?





It looks like you found my key !But we are not done yet.Click on the appropriate word to complete each sentence.(Careful, failing will take you back here!)

Tu fais quoi avec ___ copains?





Impressive ! How about this one ?

On ____ de sports





You're really good at this... Let's see if I can trick you here

On ___ de la musique





I wonder if you remember that one...

On joue à ___

des jeux vidéos

du shopping

en ville

One more ...

on va ___ ville



à l'

à la

Bravo ! You found the key, we can go but we must turn off the projector first, we don't want to waste electricity.

Oh come on, we were almost out, what's that on the board ?

I miss you guys, I hope you are safe and well!

Choose the right picture according to the description. Choose wisely or you will come back to this point...

Avec mes amis on rigole

Choose the right picture according to the description. Choose wisely or you will come back to this point...

Quand il fait beau, on va au parc

Choose the right picture according to the description.

Quand il neige, on regarde des dvd

Choose the right picture according to the description.

S'il fait froid on va au parc

Finally at the door ! This classroom is a mess. Let's pick up that piece of paper before we go, that'll help miss Mouriere ! :)

You're too kind, you shouldn't have ... But since we're here, let's do one more :)

Click on the audio to play the recording, then, choose the most appropriate statement. Ready ?Mistakes will take you back here...

Écoute !

  • I like geography
  • My favourite subject is geography
  • I love geography

Choisis la bonne réponse :

Écoute !

  • I love sciences, it's interesting
  • I like sciences, it's interesting
  • I hate sciences, it's boring

Choisis la bonne réponse :

Écoute !

  • Spanish is easy, I love it
  • Spanish is great, I love it
  • French is nice, I love it

Choisis la bonne réponse :

Écoute !

  • I love PE but I don't like chemistry
  • I like chemistry but I hate French
  • I love chemistry but I don't like PE.

Choisis la bonne réponse :

Écoute !

  • math is easy but French is hard
  • French is hard but PE is fun
  • French is easy but Spanish is hard.
  • French is hard but English is easy

Choisis la bonne réponse :

Félicitations !!!You escaped !Take a screen shot of this page and attach it to your assignment :)