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By Ale Osorio

Learn with stories

3. Internalise meaning, memory, and emotion with stories.

2. Learn how to immerse yourself in English in a fun, natural, and effective way.

1. Recognize the essential elements of story reading.

today's objectives

With stories, you learn how to live in the language, not just new words and grammar.

Put into practice what you have learned.

Investigate the grammar that you have glimpsed and that has interested you.

Obtain as much information as possible. Do not use translators, but monolingual dictionaries.

The 3-part "StoryLearning" method




If you're learning a new language, stories may hold the key to becoming fluent fast!

Watch this video

  • Use symbols for note taking
  • Wait until the end of a page to take notes so that you can better focus on what you are reading and so that you can try to summarize in your own words rather than copy.
  • Avoid over-highlighting. Highlighting doesn’t do much to actively engage the brain.
  • Use Cornell style notes
  • Write next to the unknown words simple English words to match them.
  • Use a notebook to take notes to write down words that caught your attention and sentences in which they are used.
  • Don't bother to understand every word you read. Some of them you can assimilate from the context.

For learning while reading


For American English: Merriam Webster

For British English: Oxford dictionary


Choose a reading lesson every day. Read the instructions and complete the tasks there.

Visit the British Council website

read one story per day and practice until you understand it all.

Download Langster


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