Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


We travel with Julius Caesar through Italy and Spain.

the rethoric of politics

Came, saw , lived.

What is eTwinning?eTwinning is the community for schools in Europe. eTwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by providing support, tools and services for schools.

We are 3 schools from Spain and Italy. Our project is related to the main objectives of our schools’ Erasmus plan: Inclusion and Diversity,Digital Transformation, Participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement Common cultural heritage. Our students will make a digital journey from Spain to Italy following the Roman footprints of Julius Caesar and discovering our common cultural heritage and its origin in classical culture (natural parks, archaeological remains, legends, folklore, the Mediterranean diet, traditional jobs, art and literature…)





Through the study of Julius Caesar´s life the students will reflect on the rhetoric of politics, the nature of “ambition” and the problem of “ goodness and honesty in people having public roles”, as well as on the role of the European union as regards democracy and strong power. This virtual journey will be the perfect support for the physical Erasmus mobilities.

Each school chose in an internal contest 2 logos and then we celebrated a videoconference to choose the winner

In order to get to know each other better, we introduce ourselves in a padlet


We have investigated about the topics of debates and created the rules for a good debates

Debate 1: The ambiguity of clemency: social peace or humiliation of enemy?

We have celebrate 2 debates in Vibo Valentia

Debate 2: Bellum iustum: legitimacy of conquest. Killing of Caesar: is it right to kill the tyrant?

Our youngest students create a collection of useful resources to know better the cities of this journey

researchings on cities of the itinerary from hispania to italia



They created quick guides of the cities with useful information for travellers

Quick guides of the cities

They created a dictionary for young travellers recording their voices in 3 languages

Romans, Gauls, Germans and Spaniards: the foreigners. Is the meeting of the foreigners a danger or an opportunity?

During the mobility to Almería 2 debates were organised

29 may 2023 We travel with Julius Caesar through Italy and Spain. Romans, Gauls, Germans and Spaniards: the foreigners. Isthe meeting of the foreigners a danger or an opportunity?


In Comentarii Caesar tells the story from his point of view (to justify his choices): reliability of source and fake news


Can you give us your opinion about this project?

Let's play!

Here you can read the memories and feelings of the students after the meeting in Vibo Valentia

thank you very much