Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


What is the point of this presentation?

  • What is the point of this presentation?
  • What information are we trying to get across together?
  • Are there clear aims?
  • Does everyone agree on the objectives?

How & when will our group communicate?

  • How & when will our group communicate?
  • (When) will we meet to work on the presentation?
  • Should we collaborate in person? On teams? Via google docs? Some combination of methods?
  • How often should we meet?

Who will do what?

  • Who will do which tasks? How will the tasks be achieved?
  • What strengths do different members bring to the group?
  • Will someone take notes/minutes during group meeting(s)? Who?
  • How can we ensure transparency and clear expectations?

  • What is the point of this presentation?
  • What information are we trying to get across together?
  • Are there clear aims?
  • Does everyone agree on the objectives?

  • How & when will our group communicate?
  • (When) will we meet to work on the presentation?
  • Should we collaborate in person? On teams? Via google docs? Some combination of methods?
  • How often should we meet?

  • Who will do which tasks? How will the tasks be achieved?
  • What strengths do different members bring to the group?
  • Will someone take notes/minutes during group meeting(s)? Who?
  • How can we ensure transparency and clear expectations?

  • What is the point of this presentation?
  • What information are we trying to get across together?
  • Are there clear aims?
  • Does everyone agree on the objectives?

  • How & when will our group communicate?
  • (When) will we meet to work on the presentation?
  • Should we collaborate in person? On teams? Via google docs? Some combination of methods?
  • How often should we meet?

  • Who will do which tasks? How will the tasks be achieved?
  • What strengths do different members bring to the group?
  • Will someone take notes/minutes during group meeting(s)? Who?
  • How can we ensure transparency and clear expectations?