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5 Environmental warnings from the pandemic



Air pollution

Increased exposure to zoonotic diseases

Water pollution

Reducing the abundance of natural medicines

Reduced nutritional value and harmful substances in our food


Air pollution

During the containment period, CO2 levels in the air have fallen to historic lows. But as soon as these health emergency measures are lifted, we will return to the levels to which we are accustomed.Doctors suggest that long-term exposure to nitrogen dioxide, largely the result of burning fossil fuels, may be one of the main causes of death from COVID-19.

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Climate change, deforestation and the growth of industry are threatening this small fraction of freshwater. In addition, these major environmental problems are damaging water quality.

Against the current backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, the WHO stresses the importance of maintaining proper hand hygiene to prevent any kind of viral infection. However, it is the countries with the least resources that suffer the most from the consequences of water contamination and that are much more vulnerable to contracting diseases.

Water pollution

Reduced nutritional value and harmful substances in our food

One of the biggest problems is the intensive production of processed foods with low nutritional value. Sixty percent of food energy comes from just three cereal crops: rice, maize and wheat. In addition, 2 billion people lack the vitamins and minerals essential for growth and development.

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Increased exposure to zoonotic diseases

Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases that are naturally transmitted from animals to humans. Covid-19 is an example of a zoonotic disease. The spread of such diseases is due to the modification of natural habitats for our own benefit.

This situation is exacerbated by climate change, as rising temperatures, drought and humidity affect the survival of microbes. Scientists also believe that the loss of biodiversity is contributing to the increased transmission of these infectious diseases.

Reducing the abundance of natural medicines

The main environmental problems are overexploitation, habitat destruction and climate change, which are leading to a drastic decline in the world's wild plant resources. Currently, 15,000 species of medicinal plants are threatened with extinction, and future estimates suggest that these resources will continue to decline at a rate of one every two years.


In the wake of this global Covid-19 pandemic, there is an opportunity not only to raise awareness, but also to seek solutions to build a more sustainable society and address these major environmental problems.

By Alica Zambrano Pardo and Nagore Herrero Sánchez