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Which button when?

It's important we use the correct button when logging calls so the client can see what action we have taken.

Cold Call

+ info

Silent Call

+ info

Wrong Number

+ info

No Message

+ info

Info Given

+ info

Client Call

+ info

MP Divert

+ info

The No Message button is used when there is no value in the message. We should always try to obtain the callers name and what the call is regarding, however, this isn't always possible! Try to think of each scenario before you send anything using the No Message button, you could have managed to capture a name and hear that they spoke to someone yesterday, but nothing else. The client is likely to remember the caller, so this should still be emailed.

Sometimes the client may come through to Moneypenny on their own screen to give us some call handling instructions. You will know this as they will be detailed as an employee and their record will be green. Choose any diary then type up your message to reflect the call and click the Client Call button in the plus.

The only time you use the Silent Call button is when you haven't spoken to anybody at all, even a simple 'Hello' needs to be logged - "A Lady called but the call disconnected." Remember to say the strapline three times before pressing F11 to end the call, then choose any diary and click the Silent Call button in the plus. If the call disconnects and is under 5 seconds long, Rita will leave you logged in, rather than going into FAM so no action is needed, simply wait for the next call to come through.

MP Divert is to be used when someone from Moneypenny is on the line.They could either be testing the line or attempting to transfer the caller back to the client.To log the call - You need to leave the caller name box empty, select any diary and then click the MP Divert button in the plus.

MP Divert is to be used when someone from Moneypenny is on the line.They could either be testing the line or attempting to transfer the caller back to the client.To log the call - You need to leave the caller name box empty, select any diary and then click the MP Divert button in the plus.

Info Given is used when you have given information to the caller. This could be opening hours, the company address, an email address, or an instruction, like another number to contact for example. Type up your message including what information you have passed on before clicking the Info Given button.

"Are you looking to introduce your services?" When you feel you may have a potential sales caller on the line, our first place to look is the Cold Calls 1 diary, which lets us know if the client accepts them or not. However, not all clients will have this diary. The Cold Call button is to be used when following the normal cold call procedure. Always ensure you have obtained the callers name and company name before clicking the button, as this will then detail them - should they call in again! There is no need to type up a message.

If you have a caller who has dialled a wrong number, check if there is a Wrong Number 1 diary as this will have instructions to provide to the caller. If there is no Wrong Number 1 diary, politely advise the caller that they have the wrong number. Choose any diary and type your message including the company they were looking for - "Sarah Jones called for Tesco's", then click the Wrong Number button in the plus. You may not have taken a name from the caller, so replace this with A Lady/A Gentleman.