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Setting review dates


No contact


Refund requests

Paylink referrals

Faulty Smart/ Academy

Metering Issues

Review dates


No contact Any complaint where you are following the no contact process should be reviewed every working day until the date on the no contact letter. This will allow you to ensure all the relevant contacts are made within the timescales set out and to review the complaint to see if it has prompted contact from the customer. When you get to the date from the letter, the complaint should be closed at 4:30pm on that day. Please ensure you are following the up to date no contact process, refer to your complaint focal/TL for confirmation

Appointments If an appointment has been confirmed, you should set the review date weekly on the complaint until a week for before the appointment. This will allow you to check over the account to make sure nothing has changed and also reach out to the customer to confirm the appointment and ensure nothing has changed up until the appointment. 1 week before the complaint, call the customer and confirm everything is okay for the appointment to go ahead. After you have done this, set the review date on the complaint for the day after the appointment to ensure everything went as planned and set any follow up expectations. If you are waiting for an appointment to be confirmed, then check in with your supervisor who can review the individual circumstances and advise you how often we need to review the complaint

Refund requests When waiting for a refund to be approved by finance, set the review date for every 3 days. This will allow you to catch any rejections from Finance quickly and stop any further delays to the customer. Once the payment has been approved by Finance (the payment tab should have the green tick next to it) you should set the expectation with the customer that it can take up to 6 weeks to arrive depending on the refund method. You should then set the review date for every 10 working days to check with the customer if it has arrived.

Paylink Referrals Any complaint where the customer has been referred to Paylink should have reviews every 10 days to line up with the timescales set by the Client.

Faulty Smart Meters/Smart Academy Once you have referred a complaint to the Smart Academy you should set the review date for every 3 days and check the Spreadsheet/Slack for any updates or extra information that is needed.

Metering Issues The review dates for any complaints that are around metering issues, such as complex meters, crossed meters, ET’s etc should be discussed with your supervisor before setting an agreed date. Once you have discussed this, ensure the customer is happy with this timescale and if not, set the review dates in line with what is agreed between you, the customer and your supervisor.

Review dates Before implementing any of the suggestions below, you need to confirm the customer is happy with the frequency of the updates and contact. If the customer feels the contacts are too far apart then you set the review dates in line with their request. However the timescales below are the maximum you should use depending on the complaint.

additional info If we are waiting for something from the customer (e.g meter picture/tenancy agreement) agree a timescale with the customer, set the review date for the timescale agreed, if nothing received call/send email etc and begin no contact process. Unless the customer states otherwise I would be setting this at no more than 3 days away.

Really Important - Please ensure... We must ensure that most of this applies as 'working days'. Never set review dates for weekends / bank holidays. Most departments for things like Smart or Metering don't work outside Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, so please ensure we are taking this into consideration when setting review dates