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a persistent problem

Tax Fraud

Tax fraud or tax evasion is an illegal action that occurs when a person willfully falsifies the informations of the tax return to gain less expenses on the taxes. These liabilities changes from individual to individual.

What is it?

Why is it illegal?

Taxes are fundamental for the economy of a state. Each person that works, owns an house, owns lands or an enterprise and much more must pay taxes. Taxes that are paid are given back to the citizen in different services. In italy taxes are collected by the revenue agency(agenzia delle entrate) which collects each month a certain amount of cash that changes with IRPEF, IVA(VAT), ecc., which determinates the quantity of taxes that must be paid. Among the services that are obtained there are for example infrastructure, healthcare and transport


The consequences are very negative. The sentences goes from 1 to 3 years + the amount of taxes that weren't paid

