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etwinning project Molare/ Vals-les-Bains

The project

Discover our guide over mediteranean area from Antiquity to present days !


Collège georges gouy à Vals-les-Bains

2 classes with their latin and italian teachers : Sebastiano Savini, Lise Biscarat

ISTITUTO COMPREnsivo di molare

2 classes with their french, history and music teachers : Marta Tallone, Giulia Cacciavillani, Serena Zucchi.

The project "MARE NOSTRUM"







The city of Athens is an open-air museum of enormous interest. Every step brings you closer to a piece of its history: world cultural heritage monuments, archaeological museums, art galleries.The first emblematic encounter with the ancient Greek civilization is more than enough to convince you of this: the Acropolis with the famous Parthenon. Crossing the city of Athens, starting from the historic center and neighboring areas, from Thissio to the Pnyx hill, from the pedestrian avenue of Dionysiou Areopagitou, to the Plaka, Anafiotika and Monastiraki districts, you can admire archaeological sites, temples, ancient and Byzantine monuments, as well as magnificent neoclassical buildings of great historical and architectural significance.


Museum of Cycladic Art

New Acropolis Museum

National Archaeological Museum

National History Museum

Menu Athènes

The Parthenon


Temple of Athena Nike

The most popular cultural attractions in Athens


Menu Athènes

L’histoire mythologique Athéna et Poséidon se disputent la région d’Athènes. Mais le roi dit que les villageois ont le pouvoir de choisir leur Dieu protecteur.Athéna offre un olivier et Poséidon fait apparaitre une source salée mais, d’après une variante on parle d’un cheval splendide.Les femmes sont toutes d’accord pour choisir Athéna car l’olivier sert à beaucoup de choses (faire la cuisine, soigner…). Poséidon est en colère, alors, les villageois lui construisent un temple portant son nom.

Marcelle et Lina


Athènes se trouve en Grèce. C’est la capitale et ses citoyens parlent le grec moderne. D’après la tradition mythologique le premier Roi s’appelait Cécrops (un monstre mi-homme mi-serpent). Parmi les rois célèbres d’Athènes, se trouvent : Érichthonios, Egée, Thésée. Les premiers habitants Les Athéniens pensent selon le mythe qu’ils sont nés de la Terre fécondée par le sperme d’Héphaïstos : ces enfants, premiers habitants d’Athènes, s’appellent les autochtones. Le symbole d’Athènes est la chouette qui représente la sagesse.

Menu Athènes




Saganaki: Fried cheese. Saganaki is made with thickly sliced cheese, breaded and fried. In general, saganaki is prepared with a typical local cheese, kesari, but given that all in all this cheese is rather difficult to find in our supermarkets, it is immediately good to know that kesari can be easily replaced with feta cheese and that it is very often prepared with the latter, which is why saganaki is sometimes also known as fried feta. Tipopita: Pasta filled with feta cheese.The saganaki or fried feta is prepared in just a few minutes and served still hot with a squeeze of lemon. Giorgio, Amelia e Jacopo

Menu Athènes

Qu’est-ce que la séparation ?7 nuits sur 7 Les 2 premières nuitsFumée et whisky La 3e et 4e Sortent du chemin La 5e, les photosSuppriméesIl n’y a plus de larmes La 6e est passéeLa 7e, la séparation Je l’ai vaincue

Paroles / Lyrics

Ιουλία ΚαλλιμάνηIoulia Kallimani7/7 - Εφτά στα Εφτά


Refrain : Σιγά τι είναι ο χωρισμός 7 στα 7 ξενύχτι Στις πρώτες 2 μέρες νύχτες Καπνός ,ουίσκι Στη 3 η κ στη 4 η Βγαίνουν τ’απωθημένα Στη 5η οι φωτογραφίες Στα διεγραμμένα Δεν έχει άλλο δάκρυα Στην 6η έχουν περάσει Στην 7η τον χωρισμό Τον έχω ξεπεράσει

Menu Athènes








Napoli è una città italiana, capoluogo della regione della Campania. Napoli è la terza città più grande d ́Italia con 117,3km2. Ci sono 3,085M di residenti. La città è dominata dalla presenza del Vesuvio, un vulcano ancora attivo alto 1281 metri. La città di Napoli è conosciuta per il suo cibo.



Una delle tappe da non perdere in città è una visita alla Napoli sotterranea che nasconde vere opere di grande ingegneria civile scavate nel sottosuolo.

napoli sotterranea

Dopo essere stati dimenticati per lungo tempo, un lavoro di recupero e valorizzazione ha reso possibile ammirare i luoghi sotterranei che risalgono sia al periodo greco-romano e che alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale, dove qui sono stati costruiti rifugi antiaerei.


Il Palazzo Reale fu fatto costruire a fineCinquecento dal viceré don Ferdinando per accogliere e ospitare Re Filippo III che sarebbe dovuto venire in visita Napoli.

Chiara, Lily, Yourib

Menu Napoli

1. Gattó di patate. 2. Mozzarella di bufala. 3. Salsiccia e friarielli. 4. Pizza di scarole. 5. Frittata di pasta. 6. Pizza fritta. 7. Zucchini alla scapece. 8. Melanzane al funghetto. 9.Casatiello. 10. I dolci tipici napoletani.

Nel cuore del centro storico di Napoli si trova l’antico Monastero di Santa Chiara fatto costruire dal re Roberto d’Angiò e dalla moglie Sancia di Maiorca, intorno al 1310. In questo complesso si trovavano due conventi : uno femminile per le clarisse e l’altro maschile per i frati minori francescani.



Naples is a southern Italian city with a port. It faces the Mediterranean Sea and is near Mount Vesuvius. Its name in Italian is Napoli which came from its Greek form Neapolis, meaning “new city”. It has a population of about 1 million inhabitants .About 3 million people live in this area. Ancient Greeks settled Naples in the 6th Century B.C. There were so many Greeks there, the Romans called it Magna Graecia, which means "Greater Greece."Later the Romans conquered southern Italy and took Naples. When the Roman Empire fell to invaders in the west, Naples came under the rule of the Byzantine Empire, the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman Empire.

Foundation of Naples

Naples:or you love it or you hate it! This city of southern Italy is really famous for a lot of things:the pizza,the theater,the colours and the perfumes that they characterize it. Who was born there would even die there,and who lived there would never forget it!

Menu Napoli

In the 19th century it was the capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The Duchy of Savoy, or kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont, conquered Naples in 1861. That kingdom became the Kingdom of Italy. Naples was heavily bombed when Italy fought in World War Two and British/American armies tried to capture it.Today Naples is the capital of Campania and the largest city in southern Italy.

Naples became independent later and but was combined with the Kingdom of Sicily during the Middle Ages. By 1500 it was ruled by Aragón, which was a kingdom in eastern Spain. Later Naples became part of Spain when Aragon and the other kingdom in Spain called Castile became one country. Naples was part of this Kingdom of Spain until the Austrian Empire got it in the War of the Spanish Succession in 1714.Ginevra, Ginevra e Tommaso

Menu Napoli



Canzone napoletana , sometimes referred to term for a traditional form of music sung in the Neapolitan language, ordinarily for the male voice singing solo, although well represented by female soloists as well, and expressed in familiar genres such as the love song and serenade. Many of the songs are about the nostalgic longing for Naples as it once was.The genre consists of a large body of composed popular music—such songs as "’O sole mio"; "Torna a Surriento"; "Funiculì, Funiculà"; "Santa Lucia" and others. The Neapolitan song became a formal institution in the 1830s due to an annual song-writing competition for the Festival of Piedigrotta, dedicated to the Madonna of Piedigrotta, a well-known church in the Mergellina area of Naples. The winner of the first festival was a song entitled "Te voglio bene assaie"; it is traditionally attributed to the prominent opera composer Gaetano Donizetti, although an article published in 1984 by Marcello Sorce Keller shows there is no historical evidence in support of the attribution. The festival ran regularly until 1950, when it was abandoned. A subsequent Festival of Neapolitan Song on Italian state radio enjoyed some success in the 1950s but was eventually abandoned as well. The period since 1950 has produced such songs as "Malafemmena" by Totò, "Maruzzella (song) [it]" by Renato Carosone, "Indifferentemente" by Mario Trevi and "Carmela" by Sergio Bruni. Although separated by some decades from the earlier classics of this genre, they have now become Neapolitan "classics" in their own right.

Menu Napoli



Si sy felice, tienatell pe te. … = If you are happy, keep it for yourself. -Vuless putess e facess er'n tre fess. … =To want ,to can and to do were three stupids. -’ A femmena pe' l'ommo addiventa pazza, l'ommo p' 'a femmena addiventa fesso. A women became full for men. Men became stupid for women

Buongior/ Buongiorno = Good morning Bonaser/ Buonasera = Goondnight Quant ven?/ Quanto costa = How much is it? Grazie Assai / Grazie = Thank you Nun’t capisc/ Non ti capisco = I don’t understand Aggia Capit/ Ho capito = I got it Scusat aro sta o gabinett?/ Scusi dove si trova la toilette? = Sorry where is the toilet? Accà/ Di qua = Allà/ Di làQuann pass o pullman? / Quando passa l’autobus? Aro se fann e bigliett?/ Dove posso comprare i biglietti? = Where can i buy the tickets ? A Maronn t’accumpagn/ Buona Giornata = Have a good day.






Andrea, Niccolo' e Marianna

Alexander the great founded Alexandria in 322 a.C. on the Nile delta; after him, all the various sovereigns contributed to make it always most important and rich. During his building, also a phare 290 a.C. and then conquered by Giulio Cesare. Alexandria is the second city of Egypt and has become an important center for the Hellenistic civilization. Alexandria has occupied for a long time in the populair imagination because of his association between Alexander and Cleopatra.Alexandria is the second-largest city in Egypt, It has the most significant harbor and it is the second-largest urban governorate in the country. It has around four and half million inhabitants and here 40% of Egyptian industries are concentrated, especially chemicals, food, spinning and weaving, and petrol industries and fertilizers. Here we can find two of the most ancient institutions of the Mediterranean sea: The University of Alexandria and the Great Library, both founded around 280 B.C. We can also visit the important lighthouse, the roman amphitheater and the greek- roman museum.


Menu Alexandria

Plus tard les Architectes tracent les limites de la ville avec de la farine : les oiseaux viennent picorer la céréale et Alexandre s’en inquiète. Les devins lui disent que c’est un bon présage et que les terres seront fertiles. Alexandrie sera bâtie sur un lieu qui présente beaucoup d’avantages (facile à défendre, fertile...) mais aussi quelques défauts comme le fait qu'elle offre un refuge aux brigands et qu’elle abrite des marécages. Alexandre le Grand y reste un an pour faire les plans de la ville. Il choisira un plan d’axe vertical/horizontal.

Torreto et Anonn


Alexandre le Grand fonda Alexandrie en Egypte Alexandre le Grand venait de Pella en Macédoine. Il parlait le grec et prétendait être le descendant d’Héraclès, Zeus, Achille et Priam. Il était connu pour être le plus grand conquérant de l’antiquité. ALEXANDRIE se trouve en Egypte, on y parle actuellement l’arabe. Homère est apparu en rêve au fondateur pour indiquer l’emplacement de la ville sur l'île de Pharos. C’était en – 331.

Menu Alexandria


Ful Medames

Alexandrian RECIPe

Ful Medames is a fava bean stew flavored with olive oil, lemon juice and spices. Usually served for breakfast, it's a popular vegan dish throughout the Middle East and the Levant and it is actually considered Egypt's national dish. It is served with warm pita bread and fresh veggies and herbs. Another traditional dish is Koshari, made by mixing chickpeas, pasta, fried onions, and zesty tomato sauce, served on top of a bed of rice and brown lentils.

Menu Alexandria

Paroles / Lyrics

Oum KalthoumSince you love then why do you deny?

Je m’en suis habillé jusqu'à ce que mes habits soient vieux J'ai récolté en ses jardins des fleurs et des épines Et j'ai goûté en son verre du miel et de la résine Mais, je n'ai pas vu meilleure justice que celle d'Allah Et je n'ai pas vu d’autres portes que celle qui mène à Toi Le bien est la meilleure chose dans cette vie Il reste, après la mort, le meilleur prix Le prophète du bien, nous a montré le droit chemin Il en a dressé une charte et guidé les humains Son discours, pour la raison, était voie à suivre Et ses chevaux, pour la justice, étaient fous ivres Il nous a appris comment construire la gloire Alors, la terre nous prîmes de force, et le pouvoir Jamais les acquis ne viennent par les souhaits Mais le monde, à la victoire, doit se plier

MUSIC from egypt

Questionne­z mon coeur le jour où il s'est éveillé Sur la beauté, si des choses on peut lui reprocher Seuls, à des gens censés, pose-t-on la question: "Est-ce que la beauté nous a laissé la raison ?" Et le jour où je voulais poser la question à mon cœur Les larmes se sont chargées d'être mon interlocut­eur Car j'ai entre les côtes du sang et de la chairQui sont un poison pour ma jeunesse et mon airIl s'est glissé dans mes larmes, j'ai dit : il est parti Il est passé entre mes côtes, j'ai dit : c'est fini Et si on venait à créer des cœurs en acier Jamais ils n’endurera­ient comme j'ai pu endurer Ne pourra t’informer sur la création des nuits Que celui qui a perdu les chers et les amis Que celui que la vie rend fier et arrogant sache que







Name commonly used by the Turks even before 1453, even if the official name was Constantinople until 1930 historically also known as Byzantium is the most populous city in Turkey and capital of the homonymous province, as well as being the main industrial, financial and culture of the state. With a population of over 15,000,000, Istanbul is the most populous municipal center in Europe ahead of Moscow and London. It is a megalopolis located in the north-west of the country, which extends along the Bosphorus strait, at the southern end of which is the natural port of the Golden Horn, and along the northern shore of the Sea of ​​Marmara. The city, divided by the Bosphorus, extends both in Europe and in Asia making it the only metropolis in the world belonging to two continents. Istanbul is considered a global city.


Menu Istanbul

The daily culture

In addition to the events related to this special occasion, below you will find articles that relate to Turkish culture in a more general way. Starting from the most picturesque, which can be considered the Nargile or fortune telling, to move on to the cultural aspects linked to the Turkish breakfast or to the tradition of the Hamam (the famous Turkish baths), to continue with the spiritual aspects linked to Sufism. Certainly there will also be mentions of what Turkey has been able to express in the field of the arts, with the poetry of Nazım Hikmet, the cinema of Fatih Akın and the novels of Orhan Pamuk.

Menu Istanbul

Emma et Louise

Poursuivi par l’insecte, elle s’enfuit à travers la Grèce et traverse le détroit qui prend ainsi le nom de “passage du bœuf”. Io aura pour fille Céroessa, mère de Byzas.Puis la ville a pris le nom de Constantinople, du nom de l’empereur romain Constantin en 330. Elle a été la capitale de l’Empire Romain d’Orient puis de l’Empire ottoman. Actuellement, Istanbul, actuelle Byzance, est située en Turquie et la langue qui y est parlée est le turc.

The foundation

ISTANBUL/ Byzance/Constantinople Istanbul s’est d’abord appelé Byzance. Elle a été fondée en 667 avant J-C par Byzas (fils de Poséidon et Céroessa) qui lui a donné son nom, dans la région de Thrace près du détroit de Bosphore. Les fondateurs étaient des colons qui venaient de Mégare, en Grèce continentale. Le nom de ce passage très important, le“Bosphore”, pourrait descendre de la légende qui réunit Zeus, Héra et la fille du roi d’Argos, Io. Zeus est tombé amoureux de Io et pour la cacher aux yeux de sa femme, il la transforme en génisse. Héra, qui n’est pas dupe et jalouse de l’attirance qu’éprouve Zeus envers Io, de colère, décide d’envoyer un taon tourmenter cette jeune mortelle innocente.

Menu Istanbul

turkish cuisine

For centuries the kitchens of the sultans have shaped Turkish gastronomy. Hundreds of cooks, the best in the empire, worked in Topkapi, the imperial palace now a museum in Istanbul, in the huge kitchens present. Eugenia de Montijo, consort of Napoleon III, almost fainted from pleasure when, at the court of Sultan Abdulaziz, she tasted a creamy aubergine puree with béchamel, the legendary hünkar beğendi, literally "she liked it very much". So much so that the empress's cook rushed to ask his colleague in the sultan's service for the recipe: "But which recipe?", he replied indignantly. “An imperial chef cooks with feelings, with his eyes, with his nose”. He wasn't entirely wrong… Melissa, Alessandro e Giacomo

Menu Istanbul

La musique "Dandini Dandini Dastana " a été interprétée par .Elle est sortie en 2004 et fait partie de l'album Bizim Ninniler. Les paroles en turc : Dandini Dandini Dastana Danalar girmiş bostanaKov bostancı danayıYemesin lahanayıEeee eee eee eeeEeee eee eee eee Biner atın iyisine nenniDüşer yolun kıyısına nenniHaber verin dayısına nenniŞeker alsın kuzusuna nenniEee eee eee eeeEe

Paroles / Lyrics

Mircan KayaDandini Dandini Dastana

Les paroles en francais : Dandini Dandini Dastana Les veaux sont entrés dans le verger Attrapez le veau bostancı, Ne le laissez pas manger le chouBonne chance avec mille chevaux , nenniNenni tombe sur le bord de la route Laisse son oncle savoir ce qui se passe Achetons des bonbons pour son agneau,nanni

MUSIC from Türkiye

Menu Istanbul


turkish proverbs

Coffee must be black as hell, strong as death, sweet as love.= Kahve cehennem kadar kara, ölüm kadar güçlü, aşk kadar tatlı olmalı.

Hello, how are you?= o nasılsın? Where is the station?= istasyon nerede? How much is it?= kaç para?Where is the restaurant?= Restoran nerede?How to do it?= nasıl yapıyorsun? Where is the bathroom?= tuvalet nerede?

Niccolo Del Ghianda, Aurora Risso,Michele Fratino







Carthage was a phoenician city, before the wars against Rome, she was the richest and strongest center. Founded in 814 B.C, from the phoenician queen, it was conquered by Alessandro Magno (332) A.C.


Selon Virgile dans l’Enéide, Didon tombe amoureuse d’Enée, le héros troyen en fuite de sa ville détruite par les Grecs. Enée quitte Didon pour fonder une nouvelle Troie (Rome), et elle se jette dans un bûcher car elle était folle amoureuse de lui. Selon les historiens grecs ou romains antérieurs à Virgile, elle meurt dans le bûcher car elle veut rester fidèle à son défunt mari.La ville de Carthage était une ville riche et importante dans l’antiquité. Au IIIe et IIe siècles avant J.C., le pire ennemi de Carthage était Rome. Le général Carthaginois Hannibal est resté très célèbre. Pour la troisième et dernière guerre punique les Romains ont détruit les murs de Carthage et ont semé du sel pour que rien ne repousse.

Menu Carthage

The foundation

Le peuple qui a fondé Carthage vient deTyr, une ville phénicienne. Il est réputé pour avoir inventé l’alphabet, la navigation, le commerce. Selon la mythologie, Carthage a été fondée au IXe siècle avant J.C. par Didon, qui venait de Tyr en Phénicie (actuel Liban). Elle était la fille du roi et son nom de naissance était Elissa puis, les Libyens (habitants de la région de Carthage, en actuelle Tunisie) lui ont donné le nom de Didon “L’errante“. Elle était en fuite car son frère avait assassiné son mari. Elle a accosté à Chypre puis sur les côtes d’Afrique du nord. Iarbas, le chef du territoire sur lequel elle pose le pied, lui promet une terre aussi grande que la peau d’un bœuf. Didon réussit à en faire une ficelle et délimite un terrain gigantesque. Ses traits de caractère sont donc la ruse et le courage : elle incarne une forme d’héroïsme féminin.

Menu Carthage

Tunisian RECIPe

Carthaginian porridge of cato. ingredients: 100 grams of white flour. 300 grams of cheese. 50 grams of honey and a egg Michele, Niccolo' e Aurora

Why won't you understand for once? Right when i loved (him/her)Right when i said thisWe looked from behind Come, don't get crazyCome but don't drinkFrom the affliction Oh god oh god... When it's pitch black at the nightWe admitted to the devilWe are probably going to return by walking the side roads.

One of your hands has poisonThe other one has the cureWe are probably at least going to die a thousand times... When it's pitch black at the nightWe admitted to the devilWe are probably going to return by walking the side roads.. Ohhh...Oh loveOh loveWhy don't you cry for once? Ohhh...Oh worldOh fake world

Ô amourDans une main le poison, Dans l'autre le remède Au moins dix mille fois Nous mourrons, je crois... Au plus noir de la nuit Nous avons obéit au démon Nous nous égarerons À nouveau, je crois... Ohh... Ô amour Ô amour Toi aussi, pleure pour une fois... Ohhh... Ô monde,Ô monde de mensonges

Menu Carthage

Paroles / Lyrics

MDemet Akalın Ah Ulan Sevda

Explique-nous pour une foisEn tombant amoureuxÀ cet instantOù nous nous sommes vusViens, ne deviens pas fouViens, ne bois pasDe tristesse...Mon Dieu, mon Dieu...Au plus noir de la nuitNous avons obéit au démonNous nous égareronsÀ nouveau, je crois...

MUSIC from Tunisia

Menu Carthage


Bonjour / صباح الخير / Salve/Hello/ BuongiornoWelcome - Marhbabik.Pardon /معذرة : Samahni/ ignosce/ excuse me/ scusiOù le musée se trouve-t-il ?/ اين يقع المتحف؟ : ayn yaqae almutahafi?/Ubi museum est ?/Where is the museum ?/ Dove si trova il museo?Comment vas-tu ? /كيف حالك /Quid vales/ How are you /Come staiMerci beaucoup. Au revoir/ إلىشكرا جزيلا اللقا : Shoukran. Besslama/ Gratias tibi.Vale ! /Thanks a lot. Bye /Molte grazie. Arrivederci !

Alya, Ana, Mily

Dove si trove Siracusa ?Siracusa si trova in Sicilia, nel sud dell’Italia.







La città : La città di Siracusa è considerata Patrimonio dell’Umanità dall’UNESCO perché Siracusa è la più grande e la più bella città greca. A Siracusa, troviamo bellissime spiagge,la Piazza del Duomo,il Teatro Greco,la Piazza Archimedean e il Castello Maniace. È tutto bellissimo !


Menu Syracuse

I monumenti di Siracusa

Piazza duomo

Santuario Madonna delle lacrime

Menu Syracuse


The tarantella is a Sicilian dance. Widespread throughout southern Italy, it was born in the 17th century. It originated in the province of Taranto and then spread in the whole region in the 19th century. The Taranta is a mix of dance and song, danced in couple,by snapping his fingers like castanets. The tambourine with rattles is used among the instruments and the tambourine player used to sing humorous or amorous verses, sometimes erotic.


Syracuse was founded in 734/733 by a group of Corinthaians that landed and settled on the island of Ortigia. The place is of great strategic importance: it is located in the center of the Mediterranean and has fantastic natural features.Probably its name is from ancient Sicilian language, its meaning was swamp. During the Greek period Syracuse reached its maximum splendor.Davide, Guglielmo e Rachele

Alya, Ana, Mily

Menu Syracuse

Piatti tipici di Siracusa

La pasta con la salsa moresca è il piatto di Siracusa con le origini più romantiche e ricorda l’epoca degli ArabiMori: alcuni marinai inventarono questo condimento in fretta per preparasi alla battaglia con i MoriLa Giuggiulena : e realizzata con sesamo e caramello a base diMiele di Agrumi Siracusani,è bellissimo !Gli arancini sono una specialità di Siracusa. Gli arancini sono palline di riso ripiene e fritte.Gli arancini sono un piatto tipico della Sicilia,è buono !La cassata è un dolce pasquale a base di pasta di mandorle, ricotta e canditi.

Menu Syracuse


-Scusi mi può fare un caffè, grazie. -Excuse me, can you make me a coffee, thanks.-Scusi dov’è la stazione?-Excuse me where is the station? -Scusi mi può dire che ora è ? -Excuse me, can you tell me what time it is?-Scusi dov’è l’ ospedale ? -Excuse me where is the hospital ?-Mi può consigliare dei ristoranti dove andare a mangiare. -Can you recommend restaurants for me to eat at.

Mathis Amin Tanguy

IL SIMBOLO DI GENOVA : LA LANTERNA La Lanterna è il nome dato al faro del porto della città di Genova, capoluogo della regione Liguria. Si trova sul promontorio detto di San Benigno, poco distante da Sampierdarena, ed ha la forma di una torre quadrata alta 76 metri. È coronato da una lanterna cilindrica dotata di ottica rotante che emette due lampi di 872.000 candele ogni 20 secondi.La sua altezza focale è di 117 metri. È il faro più alto d'Italia oltre che del Mediterraneo e il quinto più alto del mondo.







Genova è una città che si trova al nord dell’Italia. A genova ci sono 583601mila abitanti.


Mathis Amin Tanguy

Menu Genova


Chi è Cristoforo Colombo ? Navigatore genovese, scopritore dell'America (Genova 1450 o 1451-Valladolid 1506). Colombo è giustamente considerato l'iniziatore dei tempi moderni, e il suo viaggio del 1492 lo rende senza dubbio il più grande navigatore ditutti i tempi. Suo padre era un tessitore poi un commerciante di vino.

Grazie al nuovo Padiglione Cetacei, i delfini possono essere visti dall'alto, grazie a una grande parete vetrata con una finestra apribile. Due volte al giorno, il pubblico può assistere al momento del pasto dei delfini con un addestratore a disposizione per raccontare curiosità e informazioni sulla biologia degli animali e sul lavoro quotidiano necessario al mantenimento di questi animali.i prezzi dell’acquario: Adulto a partire da € 22,00 / Ridotto**a partire da € 18,00 /Ragazzi 4-12 anni a partire da € 14,00

Mathis Amin Tanguy

Menu Genova


L’acquario di Genova si trova in Liguria, un a regione dell’Italia. IL PERCORSO Il percorso dura 2 ore e 30 minuti. Dentro ci sono 39 vasche alle quali si aggiungono le 4 a cielo aperto del Padiglione Cetacei inaugurato nell'estate del 2013. La superficie totale della struttura è di 27 000 metri quadrati. Le vasche ospitano circa 15 000 animali di 400 specie diverse tra pesci, mammiferi marini, uccelli, rettili, anfibi, invertebrati in ambienti che riproducono quelli originari delle singole specie con evidenti finalità didattiche.Quattro grandi vasche consentono di osservare gli animali da due diversi livelli; ospitano normalmente i lamantini, squali di diverse specie, foche, pinguini.

Menu Genova


Founded by the Ligurians, under the Romans Genua became a large maritime emporium and an important traffic hub thanks to the construction of two roads, the Postumia (148 BC) and the aemilia Scauri (109 BC). Then it Genoa is a port city and is the capital of the Liguria region. It is known for its important role in maritime trade over many centuries. In the historic center is the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, in Romanesque style with a black and white striped facade and frescoed interiors.

Mathis Amin Tanguy

Menu Genova

LA FOCACCIA GENOVESE La focaccia genovese è tra le specialità più conosciute e a Genova viene usata in molti modi, ad esempio come parte della colazione insieme al caffellatte, nel quale viene inzuppata. Quella tipica ha uno spessore di circa un centimetro e si presenta con una superfice dorata.

I CALAMARI E ACCIUGHE FRITTE Questo piatto si può gustare principalmente nel centro storico, dove si trovano alcune delle migliori friggitorie genovesi. Una delle caratteristiche del cartoccio di calamari e acciughe fritte, così come viene servito, è senza dubbio il fatto di essere leggero ed asciutto come tradizione vuole.

LA TORTA DI VERDURA Come in quasi tutti i paesi del mondo, anche a Genova si preparano le torte di verdura, che nascono come risultato di una cucina "povera", che si trova anche oggi, principalmente nelle antiche "Sciamadde" situate nel centro storico della città

I PANSOTI CON SALSA DI NOCI Tra i piatti genovesi assolutamente da non perdere, ci sono i pansoti con salsa di noci.

IL PESTO Il Pesto. Conosciutissima e famosa in tutto il mondo, questa salsa rappresenta un po' il simbolo di Genova, insieme alla Lanterna. ...

I 5 piatti tipici Genovesi

Alessio, Zeno, Maria Chiara

Menu Genova




Genoa has a very important music field, born around 1862 and its most important musicians are :-FABRIZIO DE ANDRE-LUIGI TENCO -IVANO FOSSATI -MAX MANFREDI The instruments the most used are the guitar, piano, drums and violins.

Alessio Belletti, Zeno Luini, Maria Chiara Albertelli

Menu Genova


Chi l'é stæto bruxòu da l'ægoa câda, à poîa da freida ascì = Who washes the head of the donkey loses time and soap Se n'accorziemo a-o frizze, se saiàn pèsci o anghille= in due time, we will notice what it really is.






Carta d’identità Questa città è in Italia. La regione è la Calabria. Reggio Calabria si trova nel sud dell'Italia. Nel cuore della città si trova « Corso Garibaldi ». Nella regione di reggio calabria ci sono centottantaduemilatrecentotrentadue (182132) abitanti. Il codice postale di Reggio CALABRIA è 89 100 Il sindaco è Giuseppe FALCOMATÀ (2014-2025) L’area della zona di Reggio CALABRIA è 23 602 ha = 236,02 km2


Bertille, Lena, Nathanaël

Menu Reggio Calabria

Le spiagge per eccellenza di Reggio Calabria sono il Lido cittadino e Baia Marina Grande. La città è tipicamente Mediterranea.

Le spiagge vicino a Reggio Calabria

Scilla è una piccola città non lontana da Reggio, una vera perla. A partire dal tramonto è possibile osservare un magnifico panorama sulla città dal quartiere di san Giorgio che domina Marina Grande.

Villaggi vicini da visitare

Menu Reggio Calabria

The National Museum of Magna Grecia Located not far from the Falcomatà seafront, the "National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria" is certainly the most well-known place in Reggio Calabria in Italy and abroad, known for keeping inside the two sculptural statues of the "Riace's bronzes".

National Museum

Menu Reggio Calabria

I bronzi di Riace sono due statue greche, due grandi capolavori conservati a Reggio Calabria.

I bronzi di Riace

La statua Rabarama è una statua di Reggio Calabria che, dal 2007, è in Mostra sul lungomare Falcomatà. .

La statua Rabarama

Menu Reggio Calabria


Reggio Calabria is a coastal city separated from Sicily from the Strict of Messina. Reggio Calabria was founded in 730 b.c by the Greeks during their colonization of southern Italy .The Greeks were so interested in Reggio Calabria due to the mild climate, the abundance of water and the peninsular conformation of the territory which allowed easily travel by sea.Pietro, Chiara, Alberto

Menu Reggio Calabria


The music of Calabria is related to other southern Italian tradition even if it has its own identity, both in the melodies and instruments used. This music is performed with the accordion and tambourine, while the "organetto" has come to replace the ancient "ciarameddha" (bagpipes). Some typical songs are:A ficareddha mulingiana scritta da Mimmo Crea A zitta brutta ,da Saveria,Diego Pizzementi e Mondulinate calebrisi di Don Lorenzo

Bertille, Lena, Nathanaël

Menu Reggio Calabria


La Calabria è terra di gastronomia millenaria.Gli zippuli sono un piatto tradizionale del periodo natalizio. Sono palline di pasta fritte in olio bollente. Nonostante siano preparati anche in altre regioni del sud Italia, in Calabria, vengono serviti vuoti o ripieni di 'nduja, acciughe e baccalà.

half an onion, garlic, oregano, pecorino cheese, olive oil, black pepper and salt.Peel, wash and slice the onion, brown it in the olive oil with the addition of the garlic. Clean, wash and dice the courgettes, pour the washed, seeded and chopped tomatoes into the pan with the pepper fillets. Season with salt and pepper and finish cooking. Heat the pasta; drain and dress with the ready-made sauce and a generous sprinkling of pecorino and oregano.

Queen noodles Ingredients: homemade tagliatelle, roasted peppers, peeled and filleted, courgettes, tomatoes,

Menu Reggio Calabria


Riggitana style anchovies Ingredients: anchovies, breadcrumbs, green olives, capers, garlic, parsley, black pepper, olive oil. Mix the breadcrumbs with the chopped parsley, the pitted olives, the capers, a pinch of black pepper, the minced garlic. Clean the anchovies; bone them and place them in layers in an earthenware pan, alternating each layer with the mixture. Wet the surface with a drizzle of olive oil and bake in the oven for 45 minutes, until a nice golden crust has formed.

Ambre, Anaé

Mantova è un città che si trova in Lombardia. Mantova si trova nella Lombardia sud-orientale, non lontano dal confine con le regioni Veneto ed Emilia-Romagna . Le città di riferimento più vicine sono Verona, 40 km a nord-est, Brescia, 70 km a nord-ovest, e Modena, 65 km a sud. Mantova è una città patrimonio dell’ umanità dell’ Unesco dal 2008. La città dista solo una trentina di chilometri dal Lago di Garda.








Il Lago di garda

La città è definita come ”secondaVenezia” perché Mantova è costruita intorno a tre laghi alimentati dal fiume Mincio. Mantova è una citta d'acqua.

Menu Mantova

il Palazzo Ducale

la Rotonda di San Lorenzo

Teatro Scientifico del Bibiena

I monumenti di Mantova

la Basilica di Sant'Andrea

Ambre, Anaé

Menu Mantova

Un piatto tipico con pesce : il luccio in salsa. Il luccio è un pesce che si trova in genere nei corsi d'acqua dolce ed ha un sapore molto deciso.

A Mantova si mangia molto pesce perché la città non è lontana dal lago di garda.

Cosa mangiare a Mantova

Altro ingrediente tipico: il salame di Mantova,

Menu Mantova

The history of Mantua does not have a certain starting date and even the first founders are uncertain, but, on the contrary, the myth of the foundation of the city is doubly linked to the story of the prophetess Manto, who according to Greek tradition is the daughter of Theban soothsayer Tiresias. The Ducal Palace of Mantua, the Gonzaga palace, is a historic buildings in the city. Since 1308 it has been the official residence of the lords of Mantua, the Bonacolsi, then the residence of the Gonzagas, lords, and finally dukes of the Virgilian city .Alba, Gabriele, Alberto,Elisa

Foundation of MANTOVA

Menu Mantova

However, it would be better to say that there are several songs, as there are many variations, but all based on the same melody. From 31 May to 4 June 2023 in Mantua there is the Festival of Music Trame Sonore It is an international event where there are concerts and meetings with artists, art, architecture to discover the Beautiful in all its expressions.

One of the most famous musica from Mantova Is Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643),Who Is considered One of the most importante composers of the Baroque era. His music was performed throughout Europe and influenced many later composers.

The dance of Mantova, or Mantovana, more commonly known as Fuggi, Fuggi, Fuggi da questo cielo, is a popular 16th-century song.

MUSIC from MANtova

Menu Mantova

Where is the currency exchange?=Dov’è il negozio di cambio valuta? Do you know where this hotel is?=Sa dove si trova questo hotel? Where can I find a grocery store/restaurant?=Dove posso trovare un negozio di alimentari/ristorante? Where is the bus stop?=Dove si trova la fermata dell’autobus? Where can I find a taxi?=Dove posso trovare un taxi? Could you write that down, please?=Potrebbe scriverlo? I don’t understand!=non capisco


Where is the nearest restaurant?=Dov’ è il ristorante più vicino? Where is the nearest hotel?=Dov’è l’ hotel più vicino? I would like to order food=vorrei ordinare da mangiare Where are we? =Dove siamo? What time is it?=Che ora è? Do you have a map?=Ha per caso una mappa?How do you get to…?=Come posso arrivare a…?How far is it to…?=Quanto lontano è…?

Teresa, Corrado, Gabriele

Marseille is the most big city of meridional France, and also the most ancient, by the point of visual historic e cultural. Her culture today is based on football and instruction.There are different schools of third rank, with the University of Aix-Marseille, fundated on 2012. As for football, there’s the football team Olympique Marseille, the national football team of Marseille, that play her match at the stadium Vélodrome, that counts the victories of nine champions and sixteen cups.








Menu Marseille

Bertille et Mélissa

Les Grecs apportent leur culture, leur alphabet, des vignobles et des oliviers. Marseille sera la première ville sur le territoire qui deviendra la France. Elle était importante dans l’Antiquité car elle est à côté de la mer ce qui facilite le commerce et donne accès aux territoires celtes.

The foundation

Les Grecs de Phocée (ville en Turquie actuelle) ont fondé Marseille. Ce sont les premiers qui ont effectué de longs voyages. Le peuple qui était déjà installé dans la région était gaulois. Un jour, un étranger grec, Protis arrive chez Nanos, le roi. Il est invité à la cérémonie de la noce de Gyptis (la fille du souverain). Elle donne une coupe d’eau à Protis car elle veut le choisir comme époux. Le roi Nanos offre à son gendre un lieu pour fonder une ville, qui sera appelé Massalia. Son nom deviendra ensuite Massilia sous la domination romaine. De nos jours, cette ville s’appelle Marseille ou encore la cité phocéenne.

Menu Marseille

One traditonal recipe of Marseille is the ratatouille, a mix of vegetables cooked in a frying pan with oregano, courgettes, peppers, aubergines and tomatoes.

The cooking

Menu Reggio Calabria


Charles Aznavour est né le 22 mai 1924 à Saint-Germain-des-Prés à Paris. Il est décédé le 1er octobre 2018 à Mouriès. Il est d'origine arménienne. Sa chanson La Bohème est sortie en 1966. C'est une musique française incontournable. Sa chanson traite du style de vie "bohème" , c'est à dire, d'une vie d'artiste insouciante dans la pauvreté.

Menu Marseille


There are many ways to say to Marseille, and there’s the insult “etre con comme un balai”, that is “to be dumb like a broom,”“ça me gonfle”, that is “I’m floating” (You’re giving me trouble), “Aller se faire cuire un oeuf”, that mean “go to cook a egg” (leave me stay) and “occupe toi de tes oignons”, that is “take care of your onions” (mind your own businesses).

Byblos si trova in Libano, in Asia. Si trova oggi sul sito della moderna città diJbeil, a circa 40 chilometri da Beyrut. Biblos è anche un porto attivo che esporta vino e legnodal Libano all'Egitto e importa papiro egiziano.Quanti abitanti ci sono? Ci sono 40.000 abitanti. Byblos é in riva al mare Mediterraneo, c'é un carino piccolo poticciolo dove ci sono barche per andare a pescare.







Rosie, Mandy, Camille, Anonn

C'è un hotel a cinque stelle : Byblos sur mer.C'è anche un hotel a tre stelle: Monoberge Byblos Hotel

Proponiamo un ristorante a quattro stelle : La Cigale.

Dove dormire à Byblos

Dove mangiare a Byblos

Menu Byblos

Cosa visitare

Il Museo delle cere di Byblos si trova all'interno di un bell'edificio del centro storico, in una posizione facilmente raggiungibile.C'é anche il Sito archeologico romano. C’è anche un´antica cattedrale medievale.Per raggiungere la chiesa battista di Saint John, bisogna percorrere una stretta stradina pedonale.

Menu Byblos

Benedetta, Pietro, Annachiara

The foundation

Byblos is a charming and magical lebanese Village located on the coast near Beirut. The phoenician historian Sanchunathon tells that the city was built by the titan Cronus. It is the first Phoenician city. Byblos was born in the neolithic and around 4500 a.C.,became a fishing city. Today Byblos is considered the oldest inhabited city in the world. It is know as Sbeil and it was declared a "UNESCO world Hermitage site" in 1984 lebanese conteporary music Is very famous. Byblos was related to egitp since the Sixty century. In 529 it was detroyed by an earthquake, but was rebuilt.

Menu Byblos
Menu Byblos


It is interpreted by artists such as Faruz who is known for her vocale range, and the very famous Mika who sang Grace Kelly and Relax.

Rosie, Mandy, Camille, Anonn

Menu Byblos

La moussaka Libanese : Gli ingredienti sono melanzana, cipolla, pomodori, spicchio d’aglio, polpa di pomodoro, concatrato di pomodoro, ceci, coriandoro fresco, olio di semi di girasole, olio d’oliva, paprica, sale e pepe.

la zuppa di keshek : gli ingredienti sono kishk, olio d’oliva, spicchio d’aglio e aqua tiepida. Il Keshek è una preparazione tradizionale libanese a base de yogurt et bulgur. lo sheik el mehchi : Sono delle melanzane ripiene. Buonissime!!!

I piatti più tipic

Heraklion o Iraklio, è la capitale di Creta.Heraklion è moderna e vivace, un centro culturale ed economico. Ottima come base per esplorare l'isola. Heraklion é il cuore di Creta. La città si sviluppa in modo circolare a partire dal porto antico, e con il cuore costituito dalla piazza principale. come tutte le città greche, Heraklion é un’ammassarsi di un vecchio e nuovo, armonico e disordinato.







Menu Heraklion

Heraklion is one of those places kissed by history, here you can really say that we arrived in a candle of civilization. Heraklion is an always active port, where it docks almost everything you need to keep going in everyday life in Creta.You soon visit in the center and the main attractions of Heraklion, even and even better on foot.The ancient port, with the inner circle still protected by Venetian walls, and with the heart formed by the main square, Plateia Venezelou.Matteo, Arianna, Sara, Tommaso


Heraklion or Iraklio, is the capital of Creta ; Heraklion is modern and lively, a cultural and economic center excellent as a base for explore the island. The city develops in a circular way starting from the old port,and with the heart consists of the main square. Like all Greek cities, Heraklion is a mass of old and new, harmonious and disordered. In Heraklion the Greek language is spoken. We Italians also call her Candia.

Menu Heraklion

Il existe un autre mythe en lien avec Cnossos avec le héros Thésée. L’histoire raconte qu’un jour Poséidon offre un taureau blanc à Minos pour qu’il le sacrifie sur son autel mais Minos le trouve beau et ne le sacrifie pas. Pour se venger Poséidon fit en sorte que la femme de Minos, Pasiphaé tombe amoureuse du taureau. Elle se déguisa en vache avec l’aide de Dédale. Le taureau la prit pour une vraie vache et neuf mois plus tard elle accoucha d’un enfant mi-homme mi- taureau, le Minotaure, ce monstre que Thésée affronterait plus tard.

Louane et Léo

The foundation

La ville d’Héraklion se trouve sur l’ile de Crète. Les fondateurs appartenaient à la civilisation Minoenne du nom de Minos, roi légendaire de l‘île. Beaucoup de mythes irriguent cette île comme par exemple la légende d’Héraclès. C’est d’ailleurs ce héros qui a donné son nom à la ville d’Héraklion : la légende raconte qu’Héraclès est venu pour terrasser le taureau blanc qui terrorisait la Crète. C’était l’un de ses douze travaux pour avoir tué sa femme est ses enfants. Dans la mythologie aussi, le roi le plus puissant de l’île s’appelait Minos. Il habitait dans le palais de Cnossos. Les ruines de cette somptueuse demeure ont été découvertes en 1878 par un antiquaire crétois près d’Héraklion.

Menu Heraklion

The typical dishes of Heraklion are : The gyros e Souvlaki, Dakos, Mezedes,Greek salad with a Cretas touch, Raki.

The Cretan cuisine is extremely varied and Rich.Two dishes that you can not miss are the tzatziki sauce and the Greek salad.

I piatti più tipici

Louane et Léo

Menu Heraklion

Traduction de Théodore Reinach, retouchée

« Ὅσον ζῇς φαίνου/ Hóson zễis, phaínouμηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ / mêdèn hólôs sù lupoû· πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν / pròs olígon estì tò zễn. τὸ τέλος ὁ χρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ. / tò télos ho khrónos apaiteî. » « Tant que tu vis, brille ! Ne t'afflige absolument de rien ! La vie ne dure guère. Le temps exige la fin (ou : son tribut). »

Cette musique est de l’ancien grec. L’auteur est Seikilos : ce sont les mots qu’il a fait graver sur la tombe de son épouse au Ier ou 2e siècle. La tombe se trouvait près de Tralles, en Asie Mineure maintenant elle se trouve au Musée National du Danemark à Copenhague.


Paroles/ lyrics