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At the top of Screens View you'll see a list of all of your Active Sessions with a timer to remind you of when they end. If you have multiple Sessions that are open, you can switch between them here.

The toggle to enable or disable your Off-Tasks Alerts feature. Off-Task Alerts can help you identify if students are using seemingly productive websites (like Google Docs) for items that do not correspond with your Classroom subject.

Each tile represents a student's Screen. Click on this box to see a larger view of your student's activity and to issue Teacher Commands such as Open Tab, Lock Screen, Exclude Student, and more.

Get support from GoGuardian built directly into your Teacher Dashboard by selecting the Help Tab.

You can switch between Scenes by clicking here. When you are creating Scenes, you can set them as a Default Scene for specific Classrooms. Default Scenes will automatically start anytime you begin a Session with that specific Classroom.

This slider enables you to change the view of how many student tiles you seen on your Screens View.

Turn Chat or Announcements on or off using this button. When enabled, a chat widget will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Favicons are the small icons that represent common websites (such as Google Docs or YouTube). You'll be able to quickly view what tabs your students have open by glancing at the favicons displayed.

Switch to Timeline View by clicking this tab.

Screenshots taken during your Session can be found in this tab.