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Inquiry #2

Inquiry #2 Independent Laboratory

Assignment Outline

DescriptionThis assignment takes place in a formal laboratory setting. Your instructors will tell you what scientific equipment you have available to select from. The questions you can ask will be constrained by the equipment. You may not be as inventive as you can be when pursuing questions that make you curious at home, but you should be able to perform more precise work. You should investigate an hypothesis or measure a function.

Format Requirements

  • 3-5 typed pages.
  • Put the title page. All other pages must have a page number on the footer.
  • 12 point font - Times New Roman.
  • Double spaced.
  • Table of contents is optional.
  • You must use a tool to gather data such as a thermometer, measuring tool, scale.
  • Submit only a WORD or PDF document for this assignment. No other formats are accepted.

Selecting a Topic

Create a quantitative data set in a controlled laboratory setting and subject it to statistical analysis. You should consider the science or math TEKS. What can you find in your subjects TEKS which can be tested. Think about your lessons in CI and PBI. Do you have something you can test from those classes?Plan to use statistics in evaluating your results, and take your data with the idea in mind that you will subject them to statistics later on.


You will need to submit a proposal for Inquiry #2. You can complete your proposal here. Your proposal must be approved by me.

A Note about Inquiry #2

Report: The report must contain all the required sections outlined in the “How to Write a Lab Report” document.Title Abstract Introduction Hypothesis (not common on professional papers)TEKSMaterials and Methods Results (include statistical analysis) Discussion Literature Cited

Inquiry 2 Rubric

What do you need for a good Inquiry #2?

A basic science experiment typically requires several key parameters to be defined in order to ensure the experiment is well-designed and its results are valid. Here are some important parameters to consider:Research question or hypothesis: Clearly define the question or hypothesis that you want to investigate through the experiment. This will guide the entire experimental process.Independent variable: Identify the variable that you will manipulate or change in the experiment. It is the factor that you believe will have an effect on the dependent variable.Dependent variable: Determine the variable that you will measure or observe as the outcome of the experiment. It is the factor that you believe will be influenced by the independent variable.Control variables: Identify and control any other variables that could potentially affect the dependent variable. These variables should be kept constant throughout the experiment to ensure that any observed changes can be attributed to the independent variable.

What do you need for a good Inquiry #2?

Sample size: Determine the number of subjects or samples you will include in your experiment. Sufficient sample size is important to ensure that your results are statistically meaningful and representative of the population you are studying.Experimental groups: Decide on the number and composition of groups in your experiment. This may include a control group (not exposed to the independent variable) and one or more experimental groups (exposed to different levels or variations of the independent variable).Experimental design: Choose an appropriate experimental design that suits your research question. Some common designs include randomized controlled trials, comparative studies, and before-and-after experiments.Measurement techniques: Select the methods and instruments you will use to measure and collect data for the dependent variable. Ensure that your measurement techniques are reliable, accurate, and appropriate for your research question.Data analysis: Plan how you will analyze the data collected during the experiment. Determine the statistical tests or qualitative methods that will be used to analyze and interpret the results.Ethical considerations: Consider any ethical issues related to your experiment, especially if it involves human subjects or animals. Ensure that you adhere to relevant ethical guidelines and obtain any necessary approvals or consent before conducting the experiment. (Remember, you cannot test organism, yourself without proper permission.)

More Ideas for Inquiry 2

Science and real world application

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Examples of Previous Inquiry 2 Papers

click to read the example papers

Resources for Inquiry #2



You are done!Good luck on your Inquiry #2!

Your report is due by 11:59 PM by the due date.