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This includes all the ADL training you have experienced and will continue to take part in during the summer and following school year. All planning conversations with program staff are also part of the onboarding experience.

Strong AVID implementation is goal-based. Program staff continue to collaborate with the District Director to help ensure that goals are clear and then develop plans for meeting them.

The AVID Program Manager and District Director should be connecting throughout the school year to see how district efforts to meet the goal are progressing and confirming how the Program Manager is preparing to provide the targeted interaction.

The AVID Program Manager and District Director should be connecting throughout the school year to see how district efforts to meet the goal are progressing and confirming how the Program Manager is preparing to provide the targeted interaction.

Each year, the AVID Program Manager is available to provide some form of specialized support or assistance to the district in an effort to help meet the AVID goal.