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'Glasgows Infamous Vampire'

Narrative and Genre in Comics and Animation

Producing a narrative sequence for a comic strip, comic book or animation.

Settings/Locations- Glasgow- The Necropolis - Inside of a house

genre conventions

defining features of the genre AND NARRATIVE SEQUENCE of the comic strip/BOOK.





defining features of the genre AND NARRATIVE SEQUENCE of the comic strip/BOOK.

Linear structureS*

Narrative sequence impliments


A group of drunk young adults walking from a night out and end up in the Necropolis. Once they arrive there, they are startled by a sudden noise in the shadows and discover a dark shadow figure coming towards them.

ACT 1 - exposition

A Ned is seen walking into a house party with a bottle of Buckfast and is laughing. he then explains to his peers the reason as to why

act 3 - resolution

The frightened group do a runner as they think that the 'Gorbal Vampire' is going to kill them.

act 2 - conflict


Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in

step 1

nARRATIVE SEQUENCe: Three ACT structure

defining features of the genre AND NARRATIVE SEQUENCE of the comic strip/BOOK.

Protagonist- Leo Larson- Lola Lewis - Mollie Moon - Craig Carlisle - Max Matheson - Cleo Collins

Antagonist- Gorbals Vampire/ Glasgow Ned

Stereotypes include:- 'Swagger' style walking- Dressed in a tracksuit- Iconic ned laugh Holding a bottle of Buckfast

main characters

defining features of the genre AND NARRATIVE SEQUENCE of the comic strip/BOOK.

2 or 3 pages

layout - panels/ PAGES


- Traditional pen and ink on paper will be used when creating my comic strip/book. - Use of a monochromatic colour scheme with single colour tint. - No computer programs or apps will be needed as itll be done by hand.

Thank you for listening

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