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Abraham SKOROCHOD- a European history -

Geneva, Suisse Abram meets Emma BENKISER, born in Neckarweihingen, Germany, in a family of 12 children and working in Switzerland in the administrative department of a German company. On October the 16th, 1909 was born their first son called Albert. Then, on August the 7th, 1911 was born their second son Emile. The family is based in Geneva (Plainpalais). The following year, on the 20th August 1910 Abraham would have graduated as an English tailor from the Minister’s Cutting Academy in London.

Nowogródek (or Navahroudak), Poland/Russia (present-day Belarus) Abram Icko Skorochod was born in Navahroudak on December 2 or 24, 1883. He is the son of Lejzez Skorochod and Rosa Skorochod. The city had about 20,000 inhabitants, at least half of whom were Jews, including Abraham. Abraham, however, was not a practising Jew. He left mainly for political reasons. According to family testimonials, he fled with Lenin in 1900. Nevertheless, a person by the name of Abraham Skorochod is on the Kholmech voters list for the 1906 Duma voters (Parliament) and a person by the name of Abraham Itskov Skorochod is also on the 1912 list for the city of Vitebsk. Although we cannot be sure, it is unlikely that it is our Abraham given the dates and cities, each located 350km from Nowogrodek/Navahroudak. (To see more click here)


Illustration of the life of Abraham by Aleksandra (Polish student)

Vichy, France The Skorochod family moved to Vichy in 1939 at 6 Rue de Flandre. He runs a shop as a tailor at 8 Rue de Sornin called "English Tailor" (see below). On May the 2nd, 1944, Emma was arrested at their home. The same day Abraham and Albert were arrested in their shop by the Gestapo because of racial grounds. Their store will be destroyed and looted (see below). Nevertheless, two women witnessed this event: Marie DEMISSIER (born in Clermont-Ferrand, saleswoman at the pastillerie of Vichy and living at the same address as Abraham) and Olga ABBO (born on February the 9th of 1921 in Monaco). Finally, Emma, Albert and Abraham were taken to Moulins prison on the 4th of May. Emma is released and her son Albert escapes thanks to the help of his best friend and the sister of witness Olga. Olga’s sister Germaine later married Albert, the son of Abraham. After the war, Emma continued to live in Vichy while Albert (and Emile?) returned to 6 avenue de la paix in Strasbourg. Albert continued to work as a tailor.

Strasbourg, France Abraham and Emma arrived in Strasbourg in 1922. They married two years later on September the 2nd, 1924 and lived at 11 rue du Général Gouraud. Their wedding witnesses were Joseph Burval (tailor, 47, Strasbourg) and Guillaume Lipski (photographer, 40, Strasbourg). On July the 16th 1927 Abraham Skorochod was naturalized and obtained French nationality. On July the 28th of that same year Abraham’s eldest son, Albert, graduated as an English tailor. They moved to Strasbourg between 1931 and 1932. The picture above, dating from the 1970s, shows 6 avenue de la Paix (renamed Avenue Neville-Chamberlain in 1939), the building where he ran his shop as a tailor. The 6 avenue de la Paix is a building bought by Abraham thanks to the success gained in his tailor activities. He did some expansion work in his building (4th + 5th floor attic) in 1931. The store was located on the 1st floor and the family lived on the 4th floor. The family had to leave Strasbourg following the evacuation order of the 1st of September 1939. According to family testimonials Abraham went to auctions regularly to buy lots of diamonds. He was a connoisseur and keptthe ones of the best quality before reselling the others.

Drancy, France Arriving at Drancy on May the 12th, 1944, Abram was deported on Convoy 77 to Auschwitz II Birkenau.


Illustration of the life of Abraham by Aleksandra (Polish student)

Vichy, France The Skorochod family moved to Vichy in 1939 at 6 Rue de Flandre. He runs a shop as a tailor at 8 Rue de Sornin called "English Tailor" (see below). On May the 2nd, 1944, Emma was arrested at their home. The same day Abraham and Albert were arrested in their shop by the Gestapo because of racial grounds. Their store will be destroyed and looted (see below). Nevertheless, two women witnessed this event: Marie DEMISSIER (born in Clermont-Ferrand, saleswoman at the pastillerie of Vichy and living at the same address as Abraham) and Olga ABBO (born on February the 9th of 1921 in Monaco). Finally, Emma, Albert and Abraham were taken to Moulins prison on the 4th of May. Emma is released and her son Albert escapes thanks to the help of his best friend and the sister of witness Olga. Olga’s sister Germaine later married Albert, the son of Abraham. After the war, Emma continued to live in Vichy while Albert (and Emile?) returned to 6 avenue de la paix in Strasbourg. Albert continued to work as a tailor.

Strasbourg, France Abraham and Emma arrived in Strasbourg in 1922. They married two years later on September the 2nd, 1924 and lived at 11 rue du Général Gouraud. Their wedding witnesses were Joseph Burval (tailor, 47, Strasbourg) and Guillaume Lipski (photographer, 40, Strasbourg). On July the 16th 1927 Abraham Skorochod was naturalized and obtained French nationality. On July the 28th of that same year Abraham’s eldest son, Albert, graduated as an English tailor. They moved to Strasbourg between 1931 and 1932. The picture above, dating from the 1970s, shows 6 avenue de la Paix (renamed Avenue Neville-Chamberlain in 1939), the building where he ran his shop as a tailor. The 6 avenue de la Paix is a building bought by Abraham thanks to the success gained in his tailor activities. He did some expansion work in his building (4th + 5th floor attic) in 1931. The store was located on the 1st floor and the family lived on the 4th floor. The family had to leave Strasbourg following the evacuation order of the 1st of September 1939. According to family testimonials Abraham went to auctions regularly to buy lots of diamonds. He was a connoisseur and keptthe ones of the best quality before reselling the others.

Drancy, France Arriving at Drancy on May the 12th, 1944, Abram was deported on Convoy 77 to Auschwitz II Birkenau.

Legend of the map:


Geneva, Suisse Abram meets Emma BENKISER, born in Neckarweihingen, Germany, in a family of 12 children and working in Switzerland in the administrative department of a German company. On October the 16th, 1909 was born their first son called Albert. Then, on August the 7th, 1911 was born their second son Emile. The family is based in Geneva (Plainpalais). The following year, on the 20th August 1910 Abraham would have graduated as an English tailor from the Minister’s Cutting Academy in London.

Nowogródek (or Navahroudak), Poland/Russia (present-day Belarus) Abram Icko Skorochod was born in Navahroudak on December 2 or 24, 1883. He is the son of Lejzez Skorochod and Rosa Skorochod. The city had about 20,000 inhabitants, at least half of whom were Jews, including Abraham. Abraham, however, was not a practising Jew. He left mainly for political reasons. According to family testimonials, he fled with Lenin in 1900. Nevertheless, a person by the name of Abraham Skorochod is on the Kholmech voters list for the 1906 Duma voters (Parliament) and a person by the name of Abraham Itskov Skorochod is also on the 1912 list for the city of Vitebsk. Although we cannot be sure, it is unlikely that it is our Abraham given the dates and cities, each located 350km from Nowogrodek/Navahroudak. (To see more click here)

Auschwitz II Birkenau Abram died on his arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, officially on August 5, 1944, a few weeks after the Allied landing in Normandy.

Emma, his wife, began administrative procedures to have her husband recognized as a "political deportee" on the 22nd of January 1962. Abraham obtained that title on the 12th of July 1962.

Après la mort d'Abram

Avant la mort d'Abram


Legend of the map:

Geneva, Suisse Abram meets Emma BENKISER, born in Neckarweihingen, Germany, in a family of 12 children and working in Switzerland in the administrative department of a German company. On October the 16th, 1909 was born their first son called Albert. Then, on August the 7th, 1911 was born their second son Emile. The family is based in Geneva (Plainpalais). The following year, on the 20th August 1910 Abraham would have graduated as an English tailor from the Minister’s Cutting Academy in London.

Nowogródek (or Navahroudak), Poland/Russia (present-day Belarus) Abram Icko Skorochod was born in Navahroudak on December 2 or 24, 1883. He is the son of Lejzez Skorochod and Rosa Skorochod. The city had about 20,000 inhabitants, at least half of whom were Jews, including Abraham. Abraham, however, was not a practising Jew. He left mainly for political reasons. According to family testimonials, he fled with Lenin in 1900. Nevertheless, a person by the name of Abraham Skorochod is on the Kholmech voters list for the 1906 Duma voters (Parliament) and a person by the name of Abraham Itskov Skorochod is also on the 1912 list for the city of Vitebsk. Although we cannot be sure, it is unlikely that it is our Abraham given the dates and cities, each located 350km from Nowogrodek/Navahroudak. (To see more click here)

Auschwitz II Birkenau Abram died on his arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, officially on August 5, 1944, a few weeks after the Allied landing in Normandy.

Emma, his wife, began administrative procedures to have her husband recognized as a "political deportee" on the 22nd of January 1962. Abraham obtained that title on the 12th of July 1962.

Après la mort d'Abram

Avant la mort d'Abram

Picture of Abraham at a tailoring convention, in Paris, in 1914.

Picture of the family in which we can see Albert (left), Emma (centre) et Emile (right).

Picture of Abraham (unknown date).

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Probablement l'homme mis en évidence ci-dessous :