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Development & QA






Continuous Improvement

Curriculum Design And Development Lifecycle

Training We provide training across the curriculum/product lifecycle, including instructional design training for teams, media conceptualization for learning, online course facilitation, workshop facilitation, QA training, and faculty training for online instruction.

Innovation We are always investigating and evaluating new tools and technologies for use in the design, development, and delivery of content. We can help you innovate within your space by holding design thinking workshops, ideation sessions, new product planning workshops, creating minimum viable products, and even conducting research on your behalf for your consideration.

Planning Planning for new programs, courses, training, or products requires careful analysis of your current portfolio, market research, the regulatory environment, delivery capacity, and a readiness assessment (faculty, student, audience, regulatory, etc.). We work with you to identify your current standing and help you plan for growth and success.

Design The design process begins with a design summit or workshop to create a blueprint on which we identify the key features of whatever it is we are designing. This could include modality, outcomes, topics, content, assessments, resources, connections to other courses, certificates, or products, and identify common threads and themes that must be present to complete the design.

Development and QA The development process includes a close collaboration with subject matter experts to identify the appropriate content to include in the course or product. This includes written content, media design and development, assessments, identification of resources, and alignment with Arcadia Quality Assurance standards and any QA standards provided by the partner.

Delivery We consult with you on the right modality for delivery, best practices for training online facilitators/instructors, technology for delivery, platforms, and scaling your reach. This also may include template creation, process and resource creation, and training.

Evaluation Once a product launches, its life is just beginning. We consult with you on the evaluation of your programs, courses, content, and products. Evaluation criteria vary depending on the type of product, audience, metrics for success, and factors identified for effectiveness. We work with you to identify the criteria, conduct the evaluation, and provide feedback on areas for improvement.

Continuous Improvement We can help you implement improvements for existing products to extend their lifecycle and improve student outcomes and satisfaction. This may include consulting on a product lifecycle for your offerings, creating a process, budgeting for ongoing maintenance/improvements, and training on best practices.