Summer School - Alg 1
HS Math
Created on May 19, 2023
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Khan - extra practice
summer SchoolCalendar
Guided notes
Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know for Summer School. If you have questions, please reach out.
Contact Tech Support
test takingstrategies
Support in Other LAnguages
Summer SchoolAlgebra 1
Calendar& Contacts
Set Up for Success in SS
Algebra 1 is a graduation requirement. You must earn a 60% or higher in this class to earn credit. If you need help or are not sure what options are best for you, please ask!
HELP... I am struggling!
Mrs. Hecknauer's
Summer School expectations
Office Hours
Tech Support Tech Support
- (833) 204-2221
- (844) 590-2864
- You can request a monitor or printer to help your student be successful.
- As a high school math teacher, I strongly encourage students to print notes or take them on their computer. The only way to do this successfully is by having a monitor or printer available.
- Follow the steps here to request a monitor and/or printer.
Khan Academy Most days, I will have Khan Academy practice for you after the lesson. Think of this as extra practice. Khan allows you to practice the skills, check your answers, and even links hints or help videos along the way. This is a great resource if you need a concept explained in a different way than I have explained it in class. **Follow the link below to join our class!** Khan Academy Website; Class Code: JKTHYCBG
Tutoring I am available to help you! Please book tutoring as soon as you feel you need some additional help. I do ask that you have watched the lesson recording and come with specific questions. Book a tutoring time here.
Guided Notes in OneNote You will be given Guided Notes for EVERY lesson and a Review before every quiz/test. These are available to you in your OneNote Notebook. You can takes notes in OneNote directly or use it to access the notes to print and fill in. The steps to access your OneNote and a visual are below. I encourage you to explore our virtual notebook today so you are set and ready to roll before our next class. To access our Class Notebook in OneNote;
- Go to the Resources tab in our class under Progress on the sidebar.
- Click on "Launch in New Window where you see the OneNote icon shown below.
- You will be guided to our Algebra I with Hecknauer Summer School Class notebook.
- You can watch OneNote Tutorial made by me here.
Calculator The calculator above is the one you will likely use on your Keystone Exam this Spring. I will be using this instead of Desmos during class to help you familiarize yourself with the buttons and basics. You are still welcome to use the Desmos calculators, but know you will not have access to Desmos when you take the Keystone Exam.
- Scientific Desmos Calculator (does not graph)
- Graphing Desmos Calculator (graphs)
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11765 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Hecknauer's Booking Link
Feel free to join my zoom room by clicking HERE during my office hour (9AM - 10AM daily). You can ask questions about the curriculum or get clarification on topics before the test(s)!
Summer School
Important Dates/ DeadlinesFind more information to the right.
July 7, 14, 21, 28
- Test Day!
July 3, 4
June 30
- Test Day!
June 26 - July 28
Khan - extra practice
Unit 9Calendar
Guided notes
Contact Shissler
Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know for Unit 9. If you have questions, please reach out.
Contact Tech Support
not Satisfied with your grade?
test takingstrategies
Mrs. Shissler's and Mrs. Hecknauer's Algebra 1 ClassUnit 9 Announcements
Support in Other LAnguages
Unit Calendar& Contacts
Set Up for Success in Unit 9
Algebra 1 is a graduation requirement. You must earn a 60% or higher in this class to earn credit. I have messaged many of your with catch-up plans over the last couple months. If you need help or are not sure what options are best for you, please ask!
Algebra Help
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11434 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Shissler's Booking Link Shissler's Zoom Link
Tech Support Tech Support
- (833) 204-2221
- (844) 590-2864
- You can request a monitor or printer to help your student be successful.
- As a high school math teacher, I strongly encourage students to print notes or take them on their computer. The only way to do this successfully is by having a monitor or printer available.
- Follow the steps here to request a monitor and/or printer.
Khan Academy Most days, I will have Khan Academy practice for you after the lesson. Think of this as extra practice. Khan allows you to practice the skills, check your answers, and even links hints or help videos along the way. This is a great resource if you need a concept explained in a different way than I have explained it in class. Sometimes, I even award bonus points for completing the Khan. **Follow the link below to join our class!** Khan Academy Website; Class Code: 46D3Y8CA
Tutoring I am available to help you! Please book tutoring as soon as you feel you need some additional help. I do ask that you have watched the lesson recording and come with specific questions. Book a tutoring time here
Guided Notes in OneNote You will be given Guided Notes for EVERY lesson and a Review before every quiz/test. These are available to you in your OneNote Notebook. You can takes notes in OneNote directly or use it to access the notes to print and fill in. The steps to access your OneNote and a visual are below. I encourage you to explore our virtual notebook today so you are set and ready to roll before our next class. To access our Class Notebook in OneNote;
- Go to the Resources tab in our class under Progress on the sidebar.
- Click on "Launch in New Window where you see the OneNote icon shown below.
- You will be guided to our Algebra I with Shissler 2022-2023 Class notebook.
- You can watch OneNote Tutorial made by me here.
Calculator The calculator above is the one you will likely use on your Keystone Exam this Spring. I will be using this instead of Desmos during class to help you familiarize yourself with the buttons and basics. You are still welcome to use the Desmos calculators, but know you will not have access to Desmos when you take the Keystone Exam.
- Scientific Desmos Calculator (does not graph)
- Graphing Desmos Calculator (graphs)
Below is a clear outline of all the opportunities to receive help and support in our class. Please let me know if you have any questions or to set up a catch-up plan! You may also have messages from me if you are significantly behind or missing most of a unit about a SPECIAL TIME-SENSITIVE OPPORTUNITY! More info about that plan can be found here. Evening Support Room (ESR) Math Remediation Club Keystone Prep Club Schedule tutoring with Mrs. Shissler CLICK HERE All the information above can be found on our Announcements page and on our Infographic.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11765 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Hecknauer's Booking Link
Unit 9
Important Dates/ DeadlinesFind more information to the right.
May 29
No School - Memorial Day
May 2 & May 10
Testing Flex Day (no classes)
- Use today to catch up on work!
May 26
Testing Flex Day (no classes)
- Use today to catch up on work!
June 9
Last Day! Happy Summer!
May 12
- Unit 9 Topic 1 Quiz
- Graphing Quadratics
May 18
Testing Flex Day (no classes)
- Use today to catch up on work!
June 1
- Unit 9 Test
May 22
- Unit 9 Topic 2 Project
Khan - extra practice
Unit Calendar& Contacts
Unit 7 Calendar
Guided notes
Contact Shissler
Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know for Unit 7 If you have questions, please reach out.
Contact Tech Support
not Satisfied with your grade?
test takingstrategies
Mrs. Shissler's Algebra 1 ClassUnit 7 Infographic
Keystone Prep & Info
Support in Other LAnguages
Set Up for Success in Unit 7
The Keystone Exam for Algebra is in May 2023. Keystines are required for graduation in Pennsylvania. See below for more info on the exam and how to prepare.
Keystone Exam Registration Closes 3/22
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11434 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Shissler's Booking Link Shissler's Zoom Link
Tech Support Tech Support
- (833) 204-2221
- (844) 590-2864
- You can request a monitor or printer to help your student be successful.
- As a high school math teacher, I strongly encourage students to print notes or take them on their computer. The only way to do this successfully is by having a monitor or printer available.
- Follow the steps here to request a monitor and/or printer.
Khan Academy Most days, I will have Khan Academy practice for you after the lesson. Think of this as extra practice. Khan allows you to practice the skills, check your answers, and even links hints or help videos along the way. This is a great resource if you need a concept explained in a different way than I have explained it in class. Sometimes, I even award bonus points for completing the Khan. **Follow the link below to join our class!** Khan Academy Website; Class Code: 46D3Y8CA
Tutoring I am available to help you! Please book tutoring as soon as you feel you need some additional help. I do ask that you have watched the lesson recording and come with specific questions. Book a tutoring time here
Guided Notes in OneNote You will be given Guided Notes for EVERY lesson and a Review before every quiz/test. These are available to you in your OneNote Notebook. You can takes notes in OneNote directly or use it to access the notes to print and fill in. The steps to access your OneNote and a visual are below. I encourage you to explore our virtual notebook today so you are set and ready to roll before our next class. To access our Class Notebook in OneNote;
- Go to the Resources tab in our class under Progress on the sidebar.
- Click on "Launch in New Window where you see the OneNote icon shown below.
- You will be guided to our Algebra I with Shissler 2022-2023 Class notebook.
- You can watch OneNote Tutorial made by me here.
Calculator The calculator above is the one you will likely use on your Keystone Exam this Spring. I will be using this instead of Desmos during class to help you familiarize yourself with the buttons and basics. You are still welcome to use the Desmos calculators, but know you will not have access to Desmos when you take the Keystone Exam.
- Scientific Desmos Calculator (does not graph)
- Graphing Desmos Calculator (graphs)
Keystone Prep Clubs More Materials: This folder contains multiple practice activities you can use to prepare for Keystones. I encourage you to take your Algebra Keystone exam in Spring 2023. If you need help, please reach out with specific questions! Please know that earning a proficient Keystone score is required for graduation. More information about these requirements can be found below. CCA Highschool Graduation Pathways Genially (Press here for infographic) Important: If your child chooses a non-Keystone Exam pathway to satisfy Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements, he or she is still required to take the Keystone Exams for federal accountability purposes – your child’s performance on the Keystone Exams in no way affects his or her course grades or progress in satisfying Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements.
Unit 7
March 27
March 9
March 30
March 20
Unit 7 Topic 3 Quiz
Unit 7 Topic 2 Project
Unit 7 Test
Unit 7 Topic 1 Quiz
March 17
No School for StudentsENJOY!!
Important Dates- More Info on the Right
March 1 - March 30
Important Dates &Deadlines
The Keystone Exam for Algebra is in May 2023. Keystones are required for graduation in Pennsylvania. See below for more info on the exam and how to prepare.
Khan - extra practice
Keystone Exam in May
Guided notes
Set Up for Success in Unit 6
not Satisfied with your grade?
test takingstrategies
Contact Shissler
Keystone Prep & Info
Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know for our Unit 6 content. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Support in Other LAnguages
Mrs. Shissler's Algebra 1 ClassUnit 6 Infographic
Khan Academy Most days, I will have Khan Academy practice for you after the lesson. Think of this as extra practice. Khan allows you to practice the skills, check your answers, and even links hints or help videos along the way. This is a great resource if you need a concept explained in a different way than I have explained it in class. Sometimes, I even award bonus points for completing the Khan. **Follow the link below to join our class!** Khan Academy Website; Class Code: 46D3Y8CA
Tutoring I am available to help you! Please book tutoring as soon as you feel you need some additional help. I do ask that you have watched the lesson recording and come with specific questions. Book a tutoring time here
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11434 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Shissler's Booking Link Shissler's Zoom Link ** Keep in mind that we do need to be in contact outside of class. I keep a record of our contacts, so if I reach out to you, please respond ASAP to stay updated with important information and not fall behind. It's required to have a documented contact at least once every quarter.***
Calculator The calculator above is the one you will likely use on your Keystone Exam this Spring. I will be using this instead of Desmos during class to help you familiarize yourself with the buttons and basics. You are still welcome to use the Desmos calculators, but know you will not have access to Desmos when you take the Keystone Exam.
- Scientific Desmos Calculator (does not graph)
- Graphing Desmos Calculator (graphs)
Keystone Prep Clubs More Materials: This folder contains multiple practice activities you can use to prepare for Keystones. I encourage you to take your Algebra Keystone exam in Spring 2023. If you need help, please reach out with specific questions! Please know that earning a proficient Keystone score is required for graduation. More information about these requirements can be found below. CCA Highschool Graduation Pathways Genially (Press here for infographic) Important: If your child chooses a non-Keystone Exam pathway to satisfy Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements, he or she is still required to take the Keystone Exams for federal accountability purposes – your child’s performance on the Keystone Exams in no way affects his or her course grades or progress in satisfying Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements.
Guided Notes in OneNote You will be given Guided Notes for EVERY lesson and a Review before every quiz/test. These are available to you in your OneNote Notebook. You can takes notes in OneNote directly or use it to access the notes to print and fill in. The steps to access your OneNote and a visual are below. I encourage you to explore our virtual notebook today so you are set and ready to roll before our next class. To access our Class Notebook in OneNote;
- Go to the Resources tab in our class under Progress on the sidebar.
- Click on "Launch in New Window where you see the OneNote icon shown below.
- You will be guided to our Algebra I with Shissler 2022-2023 Class notebook.
- You can watch OneNote Tutorial made by me here.
Algebra Unit 1Infographic
Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know for our Unit 1 content. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Important Dates &Deadlines
I am so excited you are here! I look forward to meeing you in class. Please complete this brief survey so I can better understand your background in math.
Keystone exams
extra practice
Guided notes
Mrs. Shissler's Algebra Class
test takingstrategies
Unit 1bonus
Set Up for Success in Unit 1
not Satisfied with your grade?
Contact Shissler
Keystone Testing This folder contains multiple practice activities you can use to prepare for Keystones. I encourage you to take your Algebra Keystone exam in Spring 2023. If you need help, please reach out with specific questions! Please know that earning a proficient Keystone score is required for graduation. More information about these requirements can be found below. CCA Highschool Graduation Pathways Genially (Press here for infographic) Important: If your child chooses a non-Keystone Exam pathway to satisfy Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements, he or she is still required to take the Keystone Exams for federal accountability purposes – your child’s performance on the Keystone Exams in no way affects his or her course grades or progress in satisfying Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements.
Khan Academy Most days, I will have Khan Academy practice for you after the lesson. Think of this as extra practice. Khan allows you to practice the skills, check your answers, and even links hints or help videos along the way. This is a great resource if you need a concept explained in a different way than I have explained it in class. Sometimes, I even award bonus points for completing the Khan. **Follow the link below to join our class!** Khan Academy Website; Class Code: 46D3Y8CA
- Go to this link to open my example Virtual Locker and empty slides
- Click "Download" (wait for it to download) and click "enable editing" so you can edit.
- Personalize the second slide (Be sure to put your name on it/have fun/be creative).
- Save the PowerPoint to your computer. (You can save it to your Desktop or even create an Algebra 1 folder)
- Start an email to me using the email address; and attach your updated and saved PowerPoint in your email
- I will download your slide and add it to our Virtual Hallway
- Earn your bonus points on our Unit 1 Test!
Guided Notes in OneNote You will be given Guided Notes for EVERY lesson and a Review before every quiz/test. These are available to you in your OneNote Notebook. You can takes notes in OneNote directly or use it to access the notes to print and fill in. The steps to access your OneNote and a visual are below. I encourage you to explore our virtual notebook today so you are set and ready to roll before our next class. To access our Class Notebook in OneNote;
- Go to the Resources tab in our class under Progress on the sidebar.
- Click on "Launch in New Window where you see the OneNote icon shown below.
- You will be guided to our Algebra I with Shissler 2022-2023 Class notebook.
- You can watch OneNote Tutorial made by me here.
Tutoring I am available to help you! Please book tutoring as soon as you feel you need some additional help. I do ask that you have watched the lesson recording and come with specific questions. Book a tutoring time here
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11434 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Shissler's Booking Link Shissler's Zoom Link ** Keep in mind that we do need to be in contact outside of class. I keep a record of our contacts, so if I reach out to you, please respond ASAP to stay updated with important information and not fall behind. It's required to have a documented contact at least once every quarter.***
Algebra Unit 2Infographic
Important Dates &Deadlines
If you need extra help and your daily schedule is busy, you can receive help Monday-Thursday from 4pm-6pm. Click below for details.
extra practice
Guided notes
mu alpha theta
Mrs. Shissler's Algebra Class
Evening Support Room
Keystone Prep Clubs
ESR Info
test takingstrategies
Unit 2bonus
Set Up for Success in Unit 2
not Satisfied with your grade?
Contact Shissler
Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know for our Unit 2 content. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Khan Academy Most days, I will have Khan Academy practice for you after the lesson. Think of this as extra practice. Khan allows you to practice the skills, check your answers, and even links hints or help videos along the way. This is a great resource if you need a concept explained in a different way than I have explained it in class. Sometimes, I even award bonus points for completing the Khan. **Follow the link below to join our class!** Khan Academy Website; Class Code: 46D3Y8CA
Guided Notes in OneNote You will be given Guided Notes for EVERY lesson and a Review before every quiz/test. These are available to you in your OneNote Notebook. You can takes notes in OneNote directly or use it to access the notes to print and fill in. The steps to access your OneNote and a visual are below. I encourage you to explore our virtual notebook today so you are set and ready to roll before our next class. To access our Class Notebook in OneNote;
- Go to the Resources tab in our class under Progress on the sidebar.
- Click on "Launch in New Window where you see the OneNote icon shown below.
- You will be guided to our Algebra I with Shissler 2022-2023 Class notebook.
- You can watch OneNote Tutorial made by me here.
Tutoring I am available to help you! Please book tutoring as soon as you feel you need some additional help. I do ask that you have watched the lesson recording and come with specific questions. Book a tutoring time here
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11434 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Shissler's Booking Link Shissler's Zoom Link ** Keep in mind that we do need to be in contact outside of class. I keep a record of our contacts, so if I reach out to you, please respond ASAP to stay updated with important information and not fall behind. It's required to have a documented contact at least once every quarter.***
Unit 2 BONUS Completed Guided Notes for ALL of Unit 2! This Bonus is an easy one, as you should already be doing this! You can complete your note in OneNote OR you can print up the notes and your work can be handwritten (in this case you would show me your work at the end of the Unit). Remember, from OneNote in order to write on the notes; Step 1: Copy notes from the Content Library Step 2: Paste into your Individual Folder. Take notes!
Calculator The calculator above is the one you will likely use on your Keystone Exam this Spring. I will be using this instead of Desmos during class to help you familiarize yourself with the buttons and basics. You are still welcome to use the Desmos calculators, but know you will not have access to Desmos when you take the Keystone Exam.
- Scientific Desmos Calculator (does not graph)
- Graphing Desmos Calculator (graphs)
Keystone Prep Clubs More Materials: This folder contains multiple practice activities you can use to prepare for Keystones. I encourage you to take your Algebra Keystone exam in Spring 2023. If you need help, please reach out with specific questions! Please know that earning a proficient Keystone score is required for graduation. More information about these requirements can be found below. CCA Highschool Graduation Pathways Genially (Press here for infographic) Important: If your child chooses a non-Keystone Exam pathway to satisfy Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements, he or she is still required to take the Keystone Exams for federal accountability purposes – your child’s performance on the Keystone Exams in no way affects his or her course grades or progress in satisfying Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements.
Algebra Unit 3Infographic
Important Dates &Deadlines
Quarter 1 is almost over! It is so important you are up to date with your assignments. I have emailed or chatted many of you with ways to catch up.
Khan - extra practice
Mrs. Shissler's Algebra Class
End of Quarter 1NOVEMBER 9th
Guided notes
Set Up for Success in Unit 3
not Satisfied with your grade?
test takingstrategies
Contact Shissler
Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know for our Unit 3 content. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Keystone Prep Clubs
Unit 3bonus FLIPGRID
Support in Other LAnguages
Khan Academy Most days, I will have Khan Academy practice for you after the lesson. Think of this as extra practice. Khan allows you to practice the skills, check your answers, and even links hints or help videos along the way. This is a great resource if you need a concept explained in a different way than I have explained it in class. Sometimes, I even award bonus points for completing the Khan. **Follow the link below to join our class!** Khan Academy Website; Class Code: 46D3Y8CA
Tutoring I am available to help you! Please book tutoring as soon as you feel you need some additional help. I do ask that you have watched the lesson recording and come with specific questions. Book a tutoring time here
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11434 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Shissler's Booking Link Shissler's Zoom Link ** Keep in mind that we do need to be in contact outside of class. I keep a record of our contacts, so if I reach out to you, please respond ASAP to stay updated with important information and not fall behind. It's required to have a documented contact at least once every quarter.***
Calculator The calculator above is the one you will likely use on your Keystone Exam this Spring. I will be using this instead of Desmos during class to help you familiarize yourself with the buttons and basics. You are still welcome to use the Desmos calculators, but know you will not have access to Desmos when you take the Keystone Exam.
- Scientific Desmos Calculator (does not graph)
- Graphing Desmos Calculator (graphs)
Keystone Prep Clubs More Materials: This folder contains multiple practice activities you can use to prepare for Keystones. I encourage you to take your Algebra Keystone exam in Spring 2023. If you need help, please reach out with specific questions! Please know that earning a proficient Keystone score is required for graduation. More information about these requirements can be found below. CCA Highschool Graduation Pathways Genially (Press here for infographic) Important: If your child chooses a non-Keystone Exam pathway to satisfy Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements, he or she is still required to take the Keystone Exams for federal accountability purposes – your child’s performance on the Keystone Exams in no way affects his or her course grades or progress in satisfying Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements.
End of Quarter 1 I have tried to communicate and offer plans to catch up. Please look back through your email if you are behind for some suggestions.
- Unit 1 ended on 9/26 and I suggested being caught up by 10/7
- Unit 2 ended on 10/20 and I suggest being caught up by 10/31
Guided Notes in OneNote You will be given Guided Notes for EVERY lesson and a Review before every quiz/test. These are available to you in your OneNote Notebook. You can takes notes in OneNote directly or use it to access the notes to print and fill in. The steps to access your OneNote and a visual are below. I encourage you to explore our virtual notebook today so you are set and ready to roll before our next class. To access our Class Notebook in OneNote;
- Go to the Resources tab in our class under Progress on the sidebar.
- Click on "Launch in New Window where you see the OneNote icon shown below.
- You will be guided to our Algebra I with Shissler 2022-2023 Class notebook.
- You can watch OneNote Tutorial made by me here.
Unit 3 BONUS FLIPGRID ACTIVITY In order to earn BONUS points for Unit 3, you will need to record yourself giving an explanation or summary for one of the learned concepts from Topic 1, 2 or 3 of Unit 3. You will do this by inserting a video clip or mic-only recording that is at least 1-2 minutes long. Have fun with this new tool and enjoy learning from one another's explanations! You can click on the link below, or enter the QR code to access the Flipgrid. LINK
Important Dates &Deadlines
It is so important we take Winter Break to reset and return to school in January ready to rock! That means, I want you caught up in class so you can enjoy!
Khan - extra practice
Winter Break is Coming
Guided notes
Set Up for Success in Unit 4
not Satisfied with your grade?
test takingstrategies
Contact Shissler
How do I catch Up?
Keystone Prep Clubs
Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know for our Unit 4 content. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Support in Other LAnguages
Mrs. Shissler's Algebra 1 ClassUnit 4 Infographic
Khan Academy Most days, I will have Khan Academy practice for you after the lesson. Think of this as extra practice. Khan allows you to practice the skills, check your answers, and even links hints or help videos along the way. This is a great resource if you need a concept explained in a different way than I have explained it in class. Sometimes, I even award bonus points for completing the Khan. **Follow the link below to join our class!** Khan Academy Website; Class Code: 46D3Y8CA
Tutoring I am available to help you! Please book tutoring as soon as you feel you need some additional help. I do ask that you have watched the lesson recording and come with specific questions. Book a tutoring time here
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11434 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Shissler's Booking Link Shissler's Zoom Link ** Keep in mind that we do need to be in contact outside of class. I keep a record of our contacts, so if I reach out to you, please respond ASAP to stay updated with important information and not fall behind. It's required to have a documented contact at least once every quarter.***
Calculator The calculator above is the one you will likely use on your Keystone Exam this Spring. I will be using this instead of Desmos during class to help you familiarize yourself with the buttons and basics. You are still welcome to use the Desmos calculators, but know you will not have access to Desmos when you take the Keystone Exam.
- Scientific Desmos Calculator (does not graph)
- Graphing Desmos Calculator (graphs)
Keystone Prep Clubs More Materials: This folder contains multiple practice activities you can use to prepare for Keystones. I encourage you to take your Algebra Keystone exam in Spring 2023. If you need help, please reach out with specific questions! Please know that earning a proficient Keystone score is required for graduation. More information about these requirements can be found below. CCA Highschool Graduation Pathways Genially (Press here for infographic) Important: If your child chooses a non-Keystone Exam pathway to satisfy Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements, he or she is still required to take the Keystone Exams for federal accountability purposes – your child’s performance on the Keystone Exams in no way affects his or her course grades or progress in satisfying Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements.
Guided Notes in OneNote You will be given Guided Notes for EVERY lesson and a Review before every quiz/test. These are available to you in your OneNote Notebook. You can takes notes in OneNote directly or use it to access the notes to print and fill in. The steps to access your OneNote and a visual are below. I encourage you to explore our virtual notebook today so you are set and ready to roll before our next class. To access our Class Notebook in OneNote;
- Go to the Resources tab in our class under Progress on the sidebar.
- Click on "Launch in New Window where you see the OneNote icon shown below.
- You will be guided to our Algebra I with Shissler 2022-2023 Class notebook.
- You can watch OneNote Tutorial made by me here.
WINTER BREAK IS COMING... I WANT YOU TO ENJOY IT! I truly believe that we all need a break! I want you to get to unplug from school for the break. That means you need to be caught up BEFORE the break! Here are a few suggestions to get caught up:
- If you have over 10 overdue lessons, ATTEND current classes LIVE! Then do 1 or 2 overdue lessons after class to help you get back on track.
- If you have overdue projects, quizzes, or tests, do them ASAP! Use the reviews, your OneNote notes, and the recording of the reviews to help you as you take it!
- If you are failing, but have 0 overdue lessons, look over your assessment grades. Send me an edio chat asking to reset or correct the assessment with the lowest score.
- Book tutoring with me! If you need a link, send me a message.
Important Dates &Deadlines
The second half of the year continues to build on the material we've already covered, so it's improtant you are caught up, passing, and understand what has been taught.
Khan - extra practice
Quarter 2 Ends Soon!
Guided notes
Set Up for Success in Unit 5
not Satisfied with your grade?
test takingstrategies
Contact Shissler
How do I catch Up?
Keystone Prep Clubs
Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know for our Unit 5 content. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Support in Other LAnguages
Mrs. Shissler's Algebra 1 ClassUnit 5 Infographic
Khan Academy Most days, I will have Khan Academy practice for you after the lesson. Think of this as extra practice. Khan allows you to practice the skills, check your answers, and even links hints or help videos along the way. This is a great resource if you need a concept explained in a different way than I have explained it in class. Sometimes, I even award bonus points for completing the Khan. **Follow the link below to join our class!** Khan Academy Website; Class Code: 46D3Y8CA
Tutoring I am available to help you! Please book tutoring as soon as you feel you need some additional help. I do ask that you have watched the lesson recording and come with specific questions. Book a tutoring time here
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! Email: Phone: 717.710.3300 ext. 11434 Family Learning Center: Capital Campus Chat: Anytime in Edio. Remember, you can link your phone to this chat and receive messages as SMS text messages. (Tutorial video on how to set that up HERE) Shissler's Booking Link Shissler's Zoom Link ** Keep in mind that we do need to be in contact outside of class. I keep a record of our contacts, so if I reach out to you, please respond ASAP to stay updated with important information and not fall behind. It's required to have a documented contact at least once every quarter.***
Calculator The calculator above is the one you will likely use on your Keystone Exam this Spring. I will be using this instead of Desmos during class to help you familiarize yourself with the buttons and basics. You are still welcome to use the Desmos calculators, but know you will not have access to Desmos when you take the Keystone Exam.
- Scientific Desmos Calculator (does not graph)
- Graphing Desmos Calculator (graphs)
Keystone Prep Clubs More Materials: This folder contains multiple practice activities you can use to prepare for Keystones. I encourage you to take your Algebra Keystone exam in Spring 2023. If you need help, please reach out with specific questions! Please know that earning a proficient Keystone score is required for graduation. More information about these requirements can be found below. CCA Highschool Graduation Pathways Genially (Press here for infographic) Important: If your child chooses a non-Keystone Exam pathway to satisfy Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements, he or she is still required to take the Keystone Exams for federal accountability purposes – your child’s performance on the Keystone Exams in no way affects his or her course grades or progress in satisfying Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements.
Guided Notes in OneNote You will be given Guided Notes for EVERY lesson and a Review before every quiz/test. These are available to you in your OneNote Notebook. You can takes notes in OneNote directly or use it to access the notes to print and fill in. The steps to access your OneNote and a visual are below. I encourage you to explore our virtual notebook today so you are set and ready to roll before our next class. To access our Class Notebook in OneNote;
- Go to the Resources tab in our class under Progress on the sidebar.
- Click on "Launch in New Window where you see the OneNote icon shown below.
- You will be guided to our Algebra I with Shissler 2022-2023 Class notebook.
- You can watch OneNote Tutorial made by me here.
End of Quarter 2 IS 1/27/2023 The quarter ends soon and I want you to be caught up and ready for success as we move forward! Here are a few suggestions to get caught up:
- If you have over 10 overdue lessons, ATTEND current classes LIVE! Then do 1 or 2 overdue lessons after class to help you get back on track.
- If you have overdue projects, quizzes, or tests, do them ASAP! Use the reviews, your OneNote notes, and the recording of the reviews to help you as you take it!
- If you are failing, but have 0 overdue lessons, look over your assessment grades. Send me an edio chat asking to reset or correct the assessment with the lowest score.
- Book tutoring with me! If you need a link, send me a message.