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Team Meetingweek #20

By licwat


1. PP actions

2. PMTC autorep

3. Manual uploads

4. Deadline tasks

5. Q & A

Payment Portal Actions


  • Write-Off
  • Represent



  • Write-Off
  • Represent
  • Write-Off
  • Represent when SLA is less than 5 days.



BAMS EU:- Write-Off- RepresentBAMS NA: - Write-Off- Represent when SLA is less than 5 days.


The Payment processor has enough information to procceed with a pre arbitration created by the PP for Amazon.

When we found these notes in PMTC, there will be no actions available in the menu to upload documents or accept the dispute.

¿How does it look?

Steps to follow:

  • Once you have determined that an autorep is present, we'll need to change the dispute status to RESOLUTION WAIT at dispute level.
  • Open the dispute at dispute level, click on "Take and action" and select "Update dispute status"
  • Click on "Rollup dispute status"
  • Select "Resolution wait"
  • Leave clear annotations

Deadline tasks

This is a system notification that is sent when a dispute is close to its expiration date but the rep doc hasn't been uploaded to the payment processor.

Thank you!

Q & A