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Intercultral communication 101:

CRC to Kyoto Univerity

Kyoto is a very popular city in Japan, it was once its capital for over 100 years, and there is a deep traditional appeases culture within the city. There are many historical cities that attract many people from Japan to travel there for a year as they represent the history of Japan (Britannica.com) https://www.britannica.com/place/Kyoto-Japan


We are traveling. We are also on an academic trip, and that comes with specific standards of behavior. Remember that in cross-cultural interaction; there may be new and shocking situations; The following infographics will be tips on proper behavior while living in the host culture of Japan. This includes academic and home life.


Traveling from CRC to Kyoto University will be a sizeable cultural shock; the universe of Kytot is one of the most popular international universities that Japan offers. Kyoto is one of the top 10 universities for abord students, it offers many courses, but it often specializes in multiple english courses along with a strong emphasis on STEM courses. (SchooLynk.com)https://schoolynk.com/media/articles/dfb4f1bb-9cdc-4470-8655-734a7b3c759d

Kyoto Univeristy





1)Intercultural Communication CompetenceIt is a person's ability to successfully and appropriately communicate with others of various diverse cultural backgrounds. To thrive in Kyoto, Japan's new cultural environment, One must immerse oneself in knowledge, cultural sensitivity, adaptability, thinking, and active listening of Japanese Culture.

2) cultural identity

5) cultural taxonomy

6) High and Low Context Cultres

3) NonVerbal Communciation

What is intercultrual Communication ?



Cultural identity is the social construct that our cultural identity identifies what is considered social behavior. This is important as social and behavioral norms can be very different when crossing to new cultures, such as Japan. Concepts that should be focused on are appropriate behavior, such as proper communication, dress codes, eating style, and proper nonverbal communication. Examples are not speaking loudly in confined spaces, not sitting on the floor, and using proper footwear attire in a host home.

. Nonverbal communication is particularly important, as it can be a direct representation of information perceived by others, Ie, Facial expression, posture, hand gestures, and all only messages. These are extremely important to be knowable about as, again, in different cultures, nonverbal communication of body gestures can signify different meanings than what we are accustomed to. Slugging is considered rudePointing is rude Sitting with legs crossed is considered rudeNodding to sign design, paying attention Passive facial expression Bowing for respect to those of higher authority. these are just a few of many

dCultural shock is how sounds a shock responds to the differences in unfamiliar cultures. These schools affect our attitude, perception, and interaction with other cultures, often preserved in a disorientation of oneself in reaction to new vial norms of behavior. This may be experienced as that is why it is important to families with cultural norms of the new host culture and community. It is okay to feel homesickness, confusion, and a sense of being overhead. And that is where developing competence helps to overcome the shock, Being flexible and adaptable about new experiences such as customs and foods, Haign support networks with classmates form CRC. Communicating with people at home, parents, siblings, and friends.

CRC student, Taxonomy is the classification of behavioral norms based on similarities. Think of it as a spectrum in which culture can lean to one side or another of certain behaviors. A perfect example of this could be the Harris Bond taxonomy of Long-Term Orientation. With one side of the spectrum focusing on short-term orientation vs long-term. An easier way to do is that we are used to a culture that have in empress living in the present, enjoying each day one by one, but in japan culture, that often has a long-term definition thought, in which much of their days are focusing and working towards future long terms goals such as retirement and careers. Another example is Hofstede masculinity vs femininity taxonomy. The U.S. concept of masculinity and felicity have made large progress in defining certain roles for each, while Japan is still heavily focused on the cerian roles that only males and females can have. Decentralized vs centralized (Hofstede) is also a good example. Japan is a country that is healthy and decentralized, meaning that respect for those of higher ranking is a large part of the culture; if a higher-ranking person or elder tells you what to do, there is mr emphasis on getting the job done. While the US, we are a centralized society that now has less regard for what those above us tell us.

cHigh and low context cultures are, in a sense, how upset on release is a culture of nonverbal communication. For example, a High context culture focuses a lot on nonverbal communication, such as gestures and facial expressions, and they are a high degree of significance; you may see forms of indirect communication. While Low, on the other hand, is a context culture that focuses heavily on direct communication. This is speaking exactly what is meant and leaving very little room for depression with the body or interpretation of the message. The main way of communication is verbal with direct, clear messages.For instance, we might have much nonverbal communication at CRC that we use, such as facial expressions, hand gestures, and body lounges, to convey our opinions or mood to others. In Japan, they tend to be a fairly low-context culture relying heavily on verbal communication as a straightforward point. So remember to teach yourself proper nonverbal expression and correct language communciatioin.

What is intercultural communication: it is the communication between two culturally different groups of people. Intercultural communication encompasses more than just communication. It is an interaction of cultures in a term of understanding.

4) Culture Shock